Corfu, Greece from 7 to 9 October 2024

The conference theme is Novel Perspectives in Time Use Inequalities.

The early deadline for submitting abstracts is Friday May 10, 2024. Submitters who meet this deadline will receive a notification of acceptance/rejection by Monday, May 20, 2024.

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Time-use research has played a pivotal role in increasing the visibility of inequalities in various life domains, including paid and unpaid work, leisure, and health. Recent years have witnessed substantial changes in time allocation, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated changes in working patterns and daily habits. The 46th IATUR conference thus seeks to gather collective insights surrounding the state of time-use inequalities across the world today. Through a series of keynotes and parallel sessions, we hope to gain a better understanding of trends in gender, ethnic, and socioeconomic inequalities in time allocation in various life domains. At the same time, the conference seeks to reflect on advances in methodological and data collection tools and their contribution to the study of time-use allocation.

The conference will host time-use researchers, professionals, and students from around the world on themes related to methodological and substantive issues. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Cross-national perspectives in time allocation
  • Environmental effects of time-use
  • Evaluation of time-use policies
  • Flexible work, telework, and work-life balance
  • Gender inequalities in time-use
  • Leisure, time poverty, and time pressure
  • Non-standard work, family, and child wellbeing
  • Novel perspectives in time-use inequalities
  • Socio-demographics of time allocation
  • Time-use across the life-course
  • Time-use and health
  • Time-use inequalities in later life
  • Time-use survey design and implementation
  • Use of new technologies for time-use data collection
  • Youth, social media, and welbeing
  • Other