Porto,  22-24 of July of 2021

School education is nowadays crossed by several tensions and challenges, such as compulsivity and abandonment, the acceptance of all and the learning of each one, the societal project and the communitarian integration, the school experience and the training for adult life, the prescribed curriculum and the hidden curriculum, the school form and the modalities of the non-formal education.

The area of education is still interwoven with different areas and domains of knowledge and action and articulates with geographic, social and cultural territories.
Anchored in a humanistic perspective that emphasizes the integral education of the human being, the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the Catholic University of Portugal promotes the 4th International Seminar “Education, Territories and Human Development”, that will be held in Porto, on the 22-24 of July of 2021.

The International Seminar aims to reunite researchers, academics, students and professionals of the area of education and provide a privileged opportunity for the dissemination of research and studies, for the exchange of experiences, the debate of ideas and the reflection in the field of formal and non-formal education.
The fourth edition of the International Seminar will be organized in a hybrid format (in-person and online).

Call for abstracts: until March 22

I. Educational projects and local development
II. Management, evaluation and improvement in Education
III. School, Democracy and Inclusion
IV. Training and Professional Development

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