Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia|



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So far FACTIS has created 7 blog entries.

XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology


Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities Toronto, Canada, July 15-21, 2018   Since the inception of the discipline, sociologists have been concerned with power, violence and justice. Current social, economic and political challenges enhance their relevance. As capitalist globalization expands and deepens, corporate power increases along with global, national and local inequalities. [...]

XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology2017-09-14T16:00:27+00:00

17th European Society for Health and Medical Sociology Biennial Conference, Old tensions, emerging paradoxes in health: rights, knowledge, and trust


June 7-8, 2018, Lisbon, ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal Health policies have become more aligned with the needs of different social groups (e.g. migrants, ethnic minorities, women, LGBT) and of specific medical conditions (e.g. HIV, mental and age-related diseases). Regulators interfere more and more in professional work models and decisions to better control health [...]

17th European Society for Health and Medical Sociology Biennial Conference, Old tensions, emerging paradoxes in health: rights, knowledge, and trust2017-06-16T14:16:47+00:00

II Encontro de Investigadores da ST Sexualidade e Género


5 de Junho de 2017, Braga, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Minho Irá realizar-se no próximo dia 5 de junho, na Sala de Atos do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Minho (Campus de Gualtar, Braga), o II Encontro Nacional de Investigadores/as da Secção Temática Sexualidade e Género da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia. [...]

II Encontro de Investigadores da ST Sexualidade e Género2017-06-27T15:03:29+00:00

Sociologia e Intervenção Local


19 de abril de 2017 – Lisboa, Biblioteca de Marvila Num equipamento acabado de estrear (a Biblioteca Municipal de Marvila), autêntico centro cultural multiusos numa zona deprimida, bem apetrechado e aberto a iniciativas exteriores, o encontro “Sociologia e Intervenção Local” contou com 103 participantes, 18 dos quais apresentaram comunicações e três posters, Os convidados, oriundos de [...]

Sociologia e Intervenção Local2017-05-02T16:09:41+00:00
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