International Multi- and Inter-disciplinary Conference
When: 9-11 May 2018
Where: Lisbon, Portugal, ICS-ULisboa and CEI-IUL
Keynote speakers: Michel Agier (EHESS, Paris); Ilan Pappé (University of Exeter); Loretta Lees (University of Leicester)
Organisation: Giulia Daniele (CEI-IUL); Pedro Figueredo Neto (ICS-ULisboa); Simone Tulumello (ICS-ULisboa)
Deadline for abstract submission: 1 December, 2017
Contact and submissions:
The contemporary physical, socio-cultural and political worlds are being increasingly compartimentalised. In this conference, we want to discuss whether, and to what extent, are the global society and space moving toward a state of generalised and planetary, if creeping, apartheid. Our intent is to take some steps beyond the analysis and exposure of the various forms of segregation, fragmentation, polarisation, gentrification, ghettoisation, militarisation, and ultimately apartheidisation, observed around the globe; and question what are the (bio-)political, ideological discourses and practices, be they hegemonic or banal, that shape those very phenomena.
By calling geographers, architects, urban planners, anthropologists, historians, political scientists, sociologists, philosophers, and activists with a word on the matter, in this multidisciplinary conference we aim to present a crosscut perspective of the phenomenon of planetary apartheid, discussing such spaces and going beyond the mainstream critiques, avoiding any manichaeist visions between settlers/colonisers and natives/colonised, discussing dystopian presents and futures.