[ Informação CES Informa ]

Bolsa de Investigação

O Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES) da Universidade de Coimbra, tem aberto um concurso para contratação de um/a Bolseiro/a de Investigação no âmbito do projeto COMBAT – «O combate ao racismo em Portugal: uma análise de políticas públicas e legislação antidiscriminação», apoiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT/MEC) através de fundos nacionais e cofinanciado pelo FEDER.

24 de novembro de 2017
Edital: http://www.ces.uc.pt/oportunidades/editais/265_Edital_COMBAT_PT_2017.pdf



[ Informação VAN METER Karl, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique ]

Call – PhD & Post Doc at Sciences Po Paris with European LIFETRACK Protect
Deadline: 30 November 2017

The LIFETRACK project is a comparative project on the lifelong effects of tracking in education. It is funded under the Norface collaborative partnership of some European national research agencies and involves scholars from Germany, France, Great Britain, Finland and Denmark.

The French team based at the Observatoire Sociologique du Changement
(OSC) of Sciences Po intends
to appoint a postdoctoral research fellow to contribute to the analyses and publications concerning the lifelong effects of educational tracking in France and in Italy.

The post-doctoral fellowship will be in charge of analysing the data concerning tracking, educational and occupational careers in France and Italy, with a particular focus on the Italian case. The main activities involve literature reviews, data cleaning and harmonisation, statistical modelling, presenting the results at project meetings and international conferences, contributing to the project publications.

Eligibility: candidates should have completed or be close to completing, a doctorate in Sociology, Statistics or Economics. A background in quantitative methods and in social stratification research is demanded. Publications in peer-reviewed journals commensurate with the candidate’s career level, as well as experience with projects concerning educational inequalities, count as additional selection criteria.

The position is a full-time post available for two years, starting with January 1st, 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter. The fellow will be affiliated to the OSC.

The application package should consist of :

i) a covering letter, explaining how you meet the selection criteria and presenting your ideas concerning the topic of the project
ii) a curriculum vitae
iii) the names and e-mail addresses of at least two academic referees to whom we may write to request references in support of your application
iv) two samples of your written work (for example, research papers/articles or thesis chapters)
v) a copy of your ID
Recruitment procedure: the application packages s should be sent via e-mail as .pdf attachments to carlo.barone@sciencespo.fr and to marie.ferrazzini@sciencespo.fr.
The deadline for receipt of application packages is 30 November 2017. A short-list of candidates will be invited for a Skype interview. Any requests for further information about these posts or any queries should be addressed to carlo.barone@sciencespo.fr.
Observatoire Sociologique du Changement – UMR 7049 27, rue Saint-Guillaume -75337 Paris cedex 07 T. (33)1 45 49 54 50 – sciencespo.fr/osc


The LIFETRACK project is a comparative project on the lifelong effects of tracking in education. It is funded under the Norface collaborative partnership of some European national research agencies and involves scholars from Germany, France, Great Britain, Finland and Denmark.

The French team based at the Observatoire Sociologique du Changement (OSC) of Sciences Po intends to appoint a doctoral student to contribute to the analyses and publications concerning the lifelong effects of educational tracking in France and in Italy.

The doctoral grant involves a dissertation on the lifelong effects of educational tracking in France and in Italy.

Eligibility : candidates should have completed or be close to completing, a master degree in Sociology, Statistics or Economics. A background in quantitative methods and in social stratification research is highly appreciated.

The position involves a three-years grant, starting with January 1st, 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter. The doctoral student will be affiliated to the OSC.

The application must follow the standard admission procedure for doctoral students at Sciences Po.

Therefore, you must include the following documents in your application:

1) a motivation letter, explaining how you meet the selection criteria and describing your research interests (1-2 pages)
2) a curriculum vitae
3) the name and e-mail address of one academic referee to whom we may write to request references in support of your application
4) a sample of your written work (for example, a research paper or thesis chapter)
5) a copy of your diploma and transcript of records
6) a copy of your ID
7) a thesis project (2-10 pages) describing your research strategy to analyze the lifelong effects of educational tracking in France and/or Italy, and an abstract of the thesis project
8) a signed letter from professor Barone (coordinator of the French unit of the project) indicating that he is willing to supervise your thesis
9) a signed letter from professor Oberti, director of the Observatoire Sociologique du Changement, indicating that he accepts to host you in the laboratory

Recruitment procedure: candidates must first contact professor Barone (carlo.barone@sciencespo.fr) to obtain the two above-mentioned signed letters (points 8 and 9) and to validate their application.
Then, candidates must apply at the following website where they will upload the documents:

The deadline for submitting the applications is November 30, 2017. A short list of candidates will be invited for a Skype interview in early December. Any request for additional information must be adressed to: carlo.barone@sciencespo.fr Observatoire Sociologique du Changement – UMR 7049 27, rue Saint-Guillaume -75337 Paris cedex 07 T. (33)1 45 49 54 50 – sciencespo.fr/osc