[ Informação VAN METER Karl, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique ]

Call – Full Professorship in Sociology (Sciences Po, Paris)

Deadline: 15 November 2018

Sciences Po available position: full professorship in sociology: http://www.cso.edu/fiche_actu.asp?langue=en&actu_id=2179

We are pleased to announce that a full professorship position (professeur(e) des universités) is available at Sciences Po-Paris. This position aims to strengthen research at the Center for the Sociology of Organizations in one or several of its research domains, and to teach in the department of sociology at college and masters levels.

More information: http://www.cso.edu/upload/pdf_actualites/Sciences-Po-job_profile_Full_professorship_sociology.pdf

Recruitment committee: http://www.cso.edu/upload/pdf_actualites/COMMITTEE-full-professor-sociology.pdf


Candidates interested in this position are invited to contact Olivier Borraz (olivier.borraz@sciencespo.fr), director of CSO, with a cover letter, CV, and a list of publications (all in electronic form).

This position will be opened for applications October 15 2018 on the Galaxie database. The application process will be the same as for professors in French public institutions. Non-French professors or candidates with positions outside of France and who have not been accredited by the French National University Council (Conseil national des Universités) must have their dossier reviewed and approved by the Scientific Council of Sciences Po so as to determine if they are eligible for this position.

Candidates in this situation are asked to contact the CSO before November 15 2018 in order to prepare for this review process. Once the position is open for applications, candidates will have to complete and upload their application materials on the Galaxie database of the Ministry for Higher Education and Research by January 15 2019.

The application should comprise:

– a cover letter, which includes future research projects;

– a CV and a complete list of publications;

– 3 major publications;

– a syllabus of a course offer for college or masters’ level and, if possible, evaluations of past courses given.