[ Informação GCP CIES-IUL ]
Bolsas de Investigação para Mestre | CIES-IUL
Encontram-se abertos dois concursos para atribuição de Bolsas de Investigação para Mestre, a decorrer no Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia (CIES-IUL) do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (IUL), no âmbito dos seguintes projetos de investigação:
Candidaturas até 8 fevereiro 2019
+ info: http://www.cies.iscte-iul.pt/np4/2053.html
Trovoada de Ideias
Candidaturas até 15 fevereiro 2019
+ info: http://www.cies.iscte-iul.pt/np4/2055.html
Todas as candidaturas deverão ser enviadas para concursos.cies@iscte-iul.pt, no prazo e com a documentação solicitada no respetivo edital.
[ Informação Joana Azevedo, ISCTE-IUL ]
Prémio Paquete de Oliveira
Informamos que foi instituído o Prémio Paquete de Oliveira, destinado a galardoar alunos das Instituições de Ensino Superior Nacionais que se tenham destacado através da elaboração de trabalhos com relevância na área científica das Ciências da Comunicação.
Mais informações em https://www.iscte-iul.pt/noticias/1467/premio-paquete-de-oliveira
Os trabalhos/dissertações podem ser submetidos até 31 de Janeiro de 2019.
[ Informação Maria Manuel Vieira, ICS-ULisboa ]
Llamado para beca de investigación de la Universidad de Melbourne
Más información aquí: http://jobs.unimelb.edu.au/caw/en/listing/
Job no: 898513
Work type: Continuing
Location: Parkville
Expressions of Interest are now open for the Melbourne Graduate Program 2020.
Employment type: Full-time, ongoing contract
Salary: $68,892 plus 17% super
Have you recently completed or will complete your degree in 2019 and are ready to launch a professional career that makes a difference?
The University of Melbourne is looking for graduates to join the Melbourne Graduate Program, a two-year program for the best and brightest graduates. Over the two years, you will have three tailored rotations across a range of professional services areas to give you exposure to different functions of the University and assist you in finding out what work makes you thrive.
Roles exist in a variety of areas such as Human Resources, Finance, Marketing, Procurement, Research Services and Student Services, with the opportunity to undertake placements in other business areas as part of the program.
You will be a results driven team player with excellent communication and relationship building skills. Flexibility, learning agility and strong problem solving skills are also important qualities for success. You will have achieved a minimum grade point average of 65 in your degree, completed in 2017, 2018 or 2019.
We encourage applicants from all disciplines to apply, as the work is diverse across many professional services areas.
The 2020 cohort of the Melbourne Graduates Program will commence full-time in February 2020. To find out more about the program, please visit our website: http://about.unimelb.edu.au/careers/graduateprogram