[ Informação Alda Azevedo, ICS-ULisboa ]

Contratação de um/a doutorado/a em Ciências Sociais

Mais informações em http://www.eracareers.pt/opportunities/index.aspx?task=global&jobId=115775



[ Informação Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies ]

3 Doctoral Research Positions in VSS4F/Wood Research Project on Voluntary Sustainability Standards

The Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies and the KU Leuven Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences are looking for a 3 highly motivated individuals for the VSS4F/Wood Research Project entitled ‘Voluntary Sustainability Standards as a Governance Mechanism for Sustainable Global Food and Wood Systems’. The selected candidates will combine excellent academic research skills with a strong interest in policy-oriented research.

VSS4F/Wood is a collaborative research project involving the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (Prof. dr. Ir. M. Maertens & Prof. dr. Ir. B. Muys) and the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies (Dr. A. Marx) at KU Leuven. This project aims at evaluating the contribution of voluntary sustainability standards (VSS) to sustainability in global food and wood systems, and at providing conclusive evidence and concrete insights on the effectiveness of VSS in creating positive sustainability effects. The project entails a comparative approach with a focus on various types of VSS – e.g. Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, Forest Stewardship Council to name a few – in selected food and wood sectors – including coffee, cocoa, tea, palm oil and wood. The project will rely on innovative databases and interdisciplinary methods to investigate the socio-economic and environmental sustainability effects of VSS at macro- and micro-level; and how these effects are shaped by the institutional design and governance of VSS. Ultimately the project aims at informing standard-setting, -certification and -auditing organisations; food and wood companies; civil society organizations; and consumers about the sustainability implications of VSS and at improving the design and governance of VSS for more effective sustainability contributions.

More information at https://mailchi.mp/reconnect-europe/vacancy-vss4fwood-415385?e=9b0653999e