[ Informação VAN METER Karl, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique ]

Call – Postdocs & PhDs in Sociology of Education, Computer Sciences & Arabic Linguistics (Univ Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Benguerir MA)

Deadline: 15 September 2019

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS : Postdoc and PhD positions in:

– Sociology of education
– Computer science and education
– Cognitive science
– Economics of education
– Arabic linguistics

PROGRAM : _School and preschool children learning to read, write and count in Morocco: an experimental approach_, African Center for Behavioral Sciences, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (Benguerir, Morocco) For more details and applying :
Program Learning to read ACBS – Call for Applications | FGSES [1]


Composante de l’Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique, La Faculté de Gouvernance, Sciences Economiques et Sociale…

Links: [1] https://www.fgses-um6p.ma/program-learning-to-read-ACBS-call-for-applications


Program Learning to read ACBS – Call for Applications Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique Faculté de Gouvernance Sciences Economiques & Sociales Approche Pédagogique

The project starts from an observation: the results of the Moroccan education system regarding writing, reading and counting remain unsatisfactory, even compared to countries with a similar level of economic development. The objective of the program is, firstly, to draw a diagnosis of the difficulties encountered by public policies concerning education, and more specifically, young children’s learning of writing, reading and counting. The diagnostic phase will focus in particular on the teaching itself, in all its dimensions, as it is practiced in the classroom, and on the proximate and distant variables (social, economic, cognitive, interactional) that influence it. The program aims, after this first phase, to use results from both cognitive sciences and sociological observations of teaching practices to draw new guidelines for teaching young Moroccan children to read and write Arabic and to count. These guidelines will then be tested in experimental schools located in socially disadvantaged areas. The experiment itself will allow to refine and codify the guidelines for use by other teachers.

Call for Applications
Postdoc and Ph D. Positions in Sociology of Education September 15, 2019 Download https://www.fgses-um6p.ma/sites/default/files/2019-07/Recruitment%20Post%20doc%20and%20Ph%20D%20ACBS%20Program%20Reading%20and%20writing%20-%20sociology.pdf

Call for Applications
Postdoc position in Computer science and Education Postdoc position in Computer science and Education September 15, 2019 Download https://www.fgses-um6p.ma/sites/default/files/2019-07/Recruitment%20Post%20doc%20ACBS%20Program%20Reading%20and%20writing%20-%20Computer%20science%20%282%29.pdf

Call for Applications
Postdoc and Ph D. Positions in Cognitive Science Postdoc and Ph D. Positions in Cognitive Science September 15, 2019 Download https://www.fgses-um6p.ma/sites/default/files/2019-07/Recruitment%20Post%20doc%20and%20Ph%20D%20ACBS%20Program%20Reading%20and%20writing%20-%20cognitive%20science.pdf

Call for Applications
Postdoc position in Economics of Education Postdoc position in Economics of Education September 15, 2019 Download https://www.fgses-um6p.ma/sites/default/files/2019-07/Recruitment%20Post%20doc%20ACBS%20Program%20Reading%20and%20writing%20-%20Economics.pdf

Call for Applications
Postdoc Position in Arabic Linguistics
Postdoc Position in Arabic Linguistics
September 15, 2019
Download https://www.fgses-um6p.ma/sites/default/files/2019-07/Recruitment%20Post%20doc%20ACBS%20Program%20Reading%20and%20writing%20-%20linguistics.pdf

Université Mohamed VI polytechnique
Faculté de gouvernance sciences économiques & sociales Lot 660, Hay Moulay Rachid Ben Guerir, 43150 Morocco Tél : 0525-073146 Fax : 0525-073146


Call – University Professor of Political Sociology (University of Vienna AT)

Deadline: 18 September 2019

University Professor of Political Sociology University of Vienna, Austria

Detailed information can be found here: https://personalwesen.univie.ac.at/en/jobs-recruiting/professorships/detail-page/news/political-sociology/?no_cache=1&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1_action=

The application deadline is 18 September 2019.

Political Sociology

Open to new ideas. Since 1365. As a research university with high international visibility and a wide range of degree programmes, the University of Vienna is committed to basic research open to application and research-led teaching, as well as to career development of young researchers and to the dialogue with economy and society. That way, the University of Vienna contributes to the education of future generations and to the society’s ability to innovate.

The appointment of particularly qualified researchers to university professors is an important strategy of the University of Vienna. Become part of this vibrant and future-oriented organisation.

At the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Vienna the position of a University Professor of Political Sociology (full time, permanent position) is to be filled.

The professorship shall represent research and teaching in the field of ‚Political Sociology‘. The theoretical and empirical research should focus on sociological analyses, which take into account social conditions and societal impacts of policies and politics in general.
Potential priorities include socio-political dynamics, development of political orientations as well as solidarity in contemporary societies.
Particular attention will be given to the integrability to the existing research areas of the Department, so that the professorship contributes to the development of the Department’s profile. It is expected that the future chair of ‚Political Sociology‘ makes an outstanding internationally oriented contribution to the field, shows engagement in teaching activities in all stages of study (BA, MA and PhD level) and contributes to the development of the Department.

Successful candidates should have the following qualifications:

· Doctoral degree/PhD and post-doctoral experience at a university or other research institution

· Habilitation (venia docendi) in a subject field relevant to this position or an internationally accepted equivalent qualification is desirable

· Outstanding achievements in research, excellent publication record, international reputation

· Experience in designing, procuring and managing large research projects, as well as the willingness and ability to lead research groups

· Enthusiasm for excellent teaching, teaching experience at universities as well as the ability and willingness to teach students in all phases of their studies (bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral level), to supervise academic theses and to promoting young academic colleagues

The University of Vienna expects the successful candidate to acquire, within three years, proficiency in German sufficient for teaching in bachelor’s programmes and for participation in university committees. In addition, the University of Vienna expects the successful candidate to be prepared to take over responsibility on the organisational level of the Faculty and the University, if necessary.

We offer:

· a negotiable and attractive salary (classification according to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff, allocation to job group A1; section 98 of the Universities Act 2002); the salary will be individually negotiated under consideration of the previous career development and the current income situation

· in addition to the statutory social insurance, the University of Vienna offers a pension fund to its employees

· a “start-up package”, in particular for the initiation of research projects

· a dynamic research location with well-established research funding provisions

· attractive working conditions in a city with a high quality of life

· comprehensive advice and support in relation to finding an accommodation, change of schools and dual career

· a wide range of support services offered by central service institutions

The University of Vienna pursues a non-discriminatory employment policy and values equal opportunities, as well as diversity (http://diversity.univie.ac.at). The University puts special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions.
Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female applicants.

Application documents:

· Application letter, including a brief description of:
· current research interests and research plans for the immediate future
· current and planned foci in academic teaching and the supervision of young researchers
· Academic curriculum vitae,
including information about “esteem factors” (e.g. experience as a publisher, functions in research societies or programme committees)
· List of publications, including:
· specification of five key publications which the applicant considers particularly relevant to the advertised professorship
· provision of an Internet link for download or electronic submission of PDF versions of these five publications
· information about citations and impact factors, depending on the common practice in the relevant research area
· List of talks given,
including information about invited keynote lectures at international conferences
· Third-party funds
list of acquired third-party funds (subject, duration, origin, volume) as well as, if applicable, of inventions/patents
· Overview of previous academic teaching and supervised theses, especially doctoral theses
· Teaching evaluations (if available)
· Copies of documents and certificates

Applications in English should be submitted by e-mail to the the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Vienna, Univ.-Prof.
Hajo Boomgaarden, PhD, Rooseveltplatz 2, A-1090 Vienna (dekanat.sowi@univie.ac.at).

Reference no.: 490-44

The application deadline is 18 September 2019.