[ Informação VAN METER Karl, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique ]

Call – Senior Lecturer/Lecturer in Sociology with Quantitative Methods (Univ of Edinburgh)

Vacancy Details

Senior Lecturer / Lecturer in Sociology and Quantitative Methods Vacancy Ref: : 049244 Closing Date : 04-Oct-2019 Contact Person : Jonathan Hearn Contact Number : 0131-650-4242 Contact Email : J.Hearn@ed.ac.uk

Applications are invited for a Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Quantitative Methods, contributing to Sociology, Edinburgh’s Q-Step Centre, and the development of a new Research Training Centre within the School of Social and Political Science. We seek a candidate with demonstrable expertise in, and capacity to teach, advanced quantitative research methods and to apply these methods to diverse social research questions and data. The post will be based in the Sociology subject area, and, while substantive specialisation is open, we welcome applications from candidates who complement existing strengths of the Sociology group.

Successful candidates will have a research record with publications of international significance appropriate to the stage of their careers and all candidates must have a demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching at a range of levels. With a profile at the cutting edge of sociological analysis, you will further the School’s international reputation for research and its commitment to excellence in teaching.

This full time (35 hours per week) open-ended position is available from
6 January 2020. Consideration may be given to this post being part-time, however the part-time nature of this post must not be less than 0.8fte (28 hours per week).
Salary: UE08 (£41,526 – £49,553) or UE09 (£52,559 – £59,135) per annum, dependent on experience.
Closing date: Friday 4th October 2019, 5pm (GMT).

1. Job Details
Job title: Senior Lecturer / Lecturer in Sociology and Quantitative Methods School/Support Department: School of Social and Political Science Unit (if applicable): Sociology Line manager: Head of Subject

2. Job Purpose
We are seeking outstanding candidates who will further the School’s reputation in Sociology and quantitative social science research methods. The successful candidate will join the Q-Step Centre and will contribute to its strategic aims to deliver Schoolwide research methods training (undergraduate and postgraduate) and also to industry through a short course programme.
Thus, we wish to appoint a candidate with demonstrable excellence in teaching quantitative social science research methods to diverse audiences.
The successful candidate will bring a research profile, in both experience to date and in future potential, which is at the forefront of the area of activity. They will also demonstrate experience, achievement and outstanding potential reflected in a growing personal teaching and supervisory portfolio. While substantive specialisation is open, we welcome applications from candidates who complement existing strengths in the Sociology.

3. Main Responsibilities
1. Teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including the supervision of dissertations, practical work and projects, and doctoral research supervision; assessment at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels, including the provision of detailed feedback to students; contributing to curriculum development and the design and revision of courses and programmes for Postgraduate and Undergraduate students across the School, including online provision as required; working to provide structures and activities to support research methods around the dissertation process.
In particular: convening and teaching on Sociology and School-wide quantitative methods courses at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level. Contributing to relevant core methodological courses including on the Q-Step programme and on the Social Research MSc.
2. The post holder will have responsibility for the new ‘quantitative methods’ pathway that is attached to the Social Research MSc and will lead on plans to develop online methods training resources linked to the MSc.
3. Contributing to the strategic development of the new School Research Training Centre that is currently under development, with particular focus on the quantitative methods training provision offered across the School at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
4. Working with AQMEN to develop a short course training programme including courses with Continuing Professional Development accreditation.
5. Producing excellent research and scholarship, including the publication of peer-reviewed articles in the highest quality journals and securing and managing external research funding and knowledge exchange activities.
6. Sharing in the administrative responsibilities of the Subject and School, including the Personal Tutoring of students on its programmes.

4. Knowledge, Skills and Experience Needed for the Job Essential • A PhD or equivalent, either submitted or awarded by the time of appointment, except where exceptional experience can suffice as an equivalent.
• Evidence of recent, sustained and developing attainments in teaching, appropriate to career stage, also indicative of commitment to, and potential for, excellence in teaching, including online provision and the ability to develop courses/programmes at postgraduate and undergraduate levels.
• Experience in teaching a broad range of quantitative methods, at postgraduate and undergraduate level.
• Evidence of recent, sustained and developing research and publication activities appropriate to career stage, meeting standards of international excellence, and ability to attract external research funding as an independent researcher and to lead research programmes.
• Evidence of attainments in, or skills sufficient to the development of, a full range of supervisory activities from Honours dissertations to PhD theses inclusive.
• Evidence of a commitment to collegiality and team working.
• A combination of teaching and research which places the post holder at the forefront of the field of applicants for the position.
Additionally for appointment at UE09 Senior Lecturer:
• A proven track record in research leadership, and in attracting external research funding as an independent researcher, and/or • A proven track record in teaching leadership, in curriculum development, and in enhancement of the student experience.
• A record of obtaining external research income.
• Expertise in Longitudinal Data Analysis, digital data sources and in performing statistical analysis using Python.
• Experience of directing an MSc programme or similar.
• Experience of dissertation supervision.
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• Experience of the supervision of postgraduate research students.
• Experience or interest in innovative teaching methods, with a particular focus on the pedagogic aspects of teaching quantitative social research methods.
• Experience of knowledge exchange and/or engagement with public bodies and stakeholders and wider publics.

5. Job Context and any other relevant information Quantitative Methods in SPS at Edinburgh represent not only a key point of connection across many of the School’s Subjects, but also between SPS and College/University developments such as the Edinburgh Futures Institute (EFI) and City Deal (with contexts including Data-Driven Innovation). Along with other Methods and Research Methods areas, it also represents a key point of connection with the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science.
Application Procedure
All applicants should apply online by clicking the apply link at the bottom of this page. The application process is quick and easy to follow, and you will receive email confirmation of safe receipt of your application. The online system allows you to submit a CV and other attachments.
Candidates are requested to submit a covering letter, a CV, and two writing samples of no more than 8000 words in length each with their application. The selection procedure will involve an interview and a presentation attended by members of the School.
Details of the requirements for the presentation will be included in invitations to interview.
Unless applicants signal that they wish to withhold their permission, members of the School will be given the opportunity to inspect, in confidence, the letters of application and CVs of those who apply for this post; and the letters of application and CVs of shortlisted applicants will be made available for inspection by all those attending any presentations prior to interview.
References will be confidential to the selection panel.
You will be notified by email whether you have been shortlisted for interview or not.
The closing date is 5pm (GMT) on Friday 4th October 2019.

Right to Work
In accordance with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 and Immigration Act 2016 the University of Edinburgh, as an employer, has a legal responsibility to prevent illegal working and therefore must check that all employees are entitled to work in the United Kingdom (UK).
To do so, the University requires to see original documents evidencing right to work in the UK before commencement of employment and this is normally carried out at interview. Details will be provided in any letter of invitation to interview.
For further information on right to work please visit our right to work webpage If you are from outside the EEA and not currently eligible to work in the UK, there are visa routes that may be available to you, for example:
1. Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent): If you are an academic in the field of sciences; humanities; engineering; medicine; digital technology; or the arts, it may be possible for you to apply for a Tier
1 (Exceptional Talent) visa. This route requires you to apply to be endorsed as an internationally recognised leader or emerging leader in your particular field by a designated competent body (Arts Council England, British Academy, Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Society, Tech City UK).
However, if you are applying for a senior academic role, e.g.
Professor/Reader there is an accelerated route to endorsement. Further information can be found on the UKVI website 2. Tier 2: The University is a UKVI licensed sponsor and is able to issue a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) to successful candidates who are offered highly skilled roles and meet the eligibility criteria. The CoS enables candidates to apply for a Tier 2 (general visa).

Please note if you were last granted leave to stay in the UK in any Tier
2 category in the 12 months immediately preceding an application and the leave has • ended or expired.
• the CoS which led to that grant of leave was issued for more than 3 months, and • you are either:
o applying for entry clearance from outside the UK, or o you are in the UK and had a previous period of Tier 2 leave, but then changed (‘switched’) into a different immigration category and now wishes to apply again under Tier 2.
You must wait 12 months before applying again.
Further information about whether you require a visa and other visa routes can be found at: www.gov.uk/check-uk-visa Conditions of Employment

Pension Scheme
This role is grade UE08 or UE09 and therefore the post holder is automatically included in membership of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS), subject to the USS membership criteria, unless they indicate that they choose not to join the Scheme.
For further information please visit our Pensions website.

The role is grade UE08 or UE09 and attracts an annual salary of £41,526
– £49,553 (UE08) or £52,559 – £59,135 (UE09) for 35 hours each week. Salary is paid monthly by direct transfer to your Bank or Building Society account, normally on the 28th of the month. Salaries for part-time staff are calculated on the full-time scales, pro-rata to the Standard Working Week.
The University reserves the right to vary the candidate information or make no appointment at all. Neither in part, nor in whole does this information form part of any contract between the University and any individual.

Edinburgh is one of the UK’s leading Sociology departments, with an outstanding research and teaching environment. It was ranked first in the UK for its quality and breadth of research in the Research Excellence Framework 2014. In addition to its 1st place ranking using the Research Fortnight “Power Index”, the alternate Times Higher Education “research power” index also ranked Edinburgh sociology as top in the UK. The subject area attracts a high volume of external research income from ESRC, ERC and other funders, and a suite of undergraduate and postgraduate courses that are evaluated very positively by students.
Established by Tom Burns over 50 years ago, Sociology at Edinburgh continues to place an emphasis on rigorous empirical work set within a strong theoretical context. It carries out research on social studies of finance, gender, families and relationships, digital culture and popular culture, demographic change, sustainability, migration, nationalism and national identity, imperialism and globalisation, South Asian societies, the environment, social protest and policing, religion, narrative and auto/biography, It contributes to a variety of research centres in the University including the Centre for Narrative and Auto/Biographical Studies, Centre for South Asian Studies, and Centre for Population Change, as well as the consortium Centre for Research on Families and Relationships. Much of its research is global in reach and benefits from international research networks. Many of its graduates hold faculty positions in universities across the world.

Most of Sociology’s teaching is research led. We teach classes in a wide range of formats, on several degree programmes at undergraduate and masters level, including the MA (Hons) in Sociology, MA (Hons) in Sustainable Development, and MScs in Sociology and Global Social Change and in Nationalism Studies, as well as in two Research Masters degrees. The population of PhD students numbers c. 80. Both undergraduate and masters programmes emphasise the importance of empirical research skills, including quantitative methods: Edinburgh Sociology aims to be a centre of excellence in QM teaching at undergraduate and masters levels.

Sociology at Edinburgh is highly collegial, with all staff sharing teaching and administration duties, with a culture that stimulates innovative but rigorous research. The subject area, and the School it forms part of, have grown steadily over recent years, developing new areas of research, launching new degree programmes, and recruiting new staff.
The School Of Social and Political Science The School of Social and Political Science (SPS) is one of the largest and most successful schools of social science in the UK, with global reach and local and global impact. Our goals are to promote excellence in education, research and innovation. The
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School comprises six Subject Areas plus a number of research and teaching centres and institutes, and a number of crossSubject consortia and other units. The academic staff complement currently numbers c.200fte. Our staff profile is multidisciplinary across the key social sciences with a strong and growing international orientation. The School has c. 1,100 undergraduate students on its programmes of study, over 500 taught postgraduates, and over 300 doctoral researchers. The Dean and Head of School is Professor Linda McKie.

SPS comprises the Subject Areas of Politics and International Relations; Social Anthropology; Social Policy (including Global Public Health); Social Work; Science, Technology and Innovation Studies [STIS]; and Sociology. The School also includes the Academy of Government, and the Centres of African Studies, of Canadian Studies, and for South Asian Studies. It hosts a Nuffield Q-Step Centre, enhancing quantitative skills training for social science undergraduates, the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (SGSSS) and the ESRC Doctoral Training Centre for Scotland.

The School’s primary aim is the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and understanding of social science. We provide an outstanding educational environment and support the highest quality research. We deliver excellence in discipline-based and interdisciplinary programmes. In addition, as a School, we play a leading role in delivering learning opportunities for students across the University to engage with current global challenges and uncertainties and in equipping students with the social science tools and lenses they need to become active, responsible and critical global citizens and leaders. Building upon established strengths in the cross-subject areas of sustainable development, international development, quantitative methods, and global health the School is centrally involved in the University’s Global Development Academy and Global Justice Academy, and contributes to the Global Academies of Health and of Environment and Society.

In REF 2014, the School returned 96% of its eligible staff from Professors to early career researchers; a strategy that combined excellence with inclusion. All four Units of Assessment to which SPS contributed were rated amongst the top eight in the UK, and number one in Scotland, for their breadth and quality of research.
Overall 36% of our research activity was classified as world leading with a further 41% assessed as internationally excellent.
For two of those four Units of Assessment – Politics and International Relations, and Social Policy and Social Work – the whole of the research environment achieved the highest possible rating and was judged to be world leading

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
The College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences is a large and diverse part of the University. Led by Vice-Principal Professor Dorothy Miell, it has 13,800 undergraduates, 5,500 taught postgraduates,
1,300 research students and more than 3,800 academic and professional services staff. The College incorporates 11 Schools (Business; Divinity; Economics; Edinburgh College of Art; Education; Health in Social Sciences; History, Classics and Archaeology; Law; Literatures, Languages and Cultures; Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences; and Social and Political Science), the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and the Centre for Open Learning. The College is located on multiple sites across Edinburgh, with the majority of Schools and College Offices based close to the central George Square area. The College, which is recognised as one of the world’s leading centres for the arts, humanities and social sciences in research and teaching, has been growing and investing strongly in recent years.

Research Excellence Framework 2014 (REF2014) The College operates at the highest levels of international quality across a very wide range of disciplines in the arts, humanities and social sciences and submitted the work of more than 750 staff to 23 Units of Assessment in the Research Excellence Framework 2014. The College achieved a superb result, combining a large-scale, broad and diverse submission with very high quality outcomes: 86% of its research impact and 76% of the overall quality profile were assessed as world-leading (4*) and internationally excellent (3*). Using the widely used Research Power index (which combines the submission’s overall score for
3* and 4* work with the volume of staff submitted), 12 of the College’s Units were ranked within the top five in the UK, and 18 were ranked first in Scotland. With an assessment of more than 95% at 3* and 4*, we’re particularly proud of the outstanding research environment we create for staff and research students.
The University of Edinburgh

For more than four centuries, our people and their achievements have rewritten history time and again. They’ve explored space, revolutionised surgery, published era-defining books, paved the way for life-saving medical breakthroughs and introduced to the world many inventions, discoveries and ideas from penicillin to Dolly the sheep. We have believed that anything is possible, we still do.

The latest Research Excellence Framework highlighted our place at the forefront of international research. This adds to our international reputation for the quality of our teaching and our student experience excellence. The University is proud of its success with online teaching initiatives, with 2550 students currently studying its online distance learning postgraduate programmes, and a total to date of more than 2 million enrolments for Edinburgh MOOCs.

As a member of staff, you will be part of one of the world’s leading universities, with 20 Schools spread over 3 Colleges that offer more than 1600 undergraduate and 600 postgraduate programmes to over 41,000 students each year. Professional services are critical to this success as well as our world-class teaching, research and student facilities. In fact, we are one of the top employers in Edinburgh, with over 14,500 people spread across a wide range of academic and supporting roles.
As a world-changing, world-leading university, we offer an exciting, positive, creative, challenging and rewarding place to work.
We give you support, nurture your talent, develop and reward success and integrate academic, professional and personal career goals, as well as give your career the benefit of a great and distinguished reputation. In addition, our employees benefit from a competitive reward package and a wide range of staff benefits, which include generous holiday entitlement, a defined benefits pension scheme, staff discounts and much more. Access our staff benefits page for further information and use our reward calculator to find out the total value of pay and benefits provided.

The University of Edinburgh holds a Silver Athena SWAN award in recognition of our commitment to advance gender equality in higher education. We are members of the Race Equality Charter and we are also Stonewall Scotland Diversity Champions, actively promoting LGBT equality. The University has a range of initiatives to support a family friendly working environment, including flexible working and childcare vouchers. See our University Initiatives website for further information.
University Family Friendly Initiatives
Equality Networks:
Staff Pride Network for LGBT+ colleagues and allies Disabled Staff Network The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.