The Call Boosting Fact-checking Activities in Europe aims at supporting projects from independent fact-checking organisations, which play a key role in limiting the negative effects of disinformation on the public discourse and democratic processes. Only individual entities or organisations in a consortium located in the EU, EFTA and UK are eligible.
This call is permanently open until June 2025 and its total indicative allocation is €4 350 000. Applications may be submitted at any time and three funding rounds occur every year, in February, June and October.
In the context of the ongoing Russia – Ukraine war, and in light of its repercussions across Europe, this Call for Proposals is currently accepting applications that contemplate collaborations with Ukrainian fact-checking and media organisation and/or journalists. Though Ukrainian organisations are not eligible as funded partners, costs pertaining to such collaborations, namely subcontracting costs, will be considered as eligible.
The eighth funding round is open until 28 June 2024.
Opening date: 02-11-2021 |Deadline date: 28-06-2024 | Submission language: english | Maximum value: 80.000,00 €
Percentage of financing: 100%