[ Informação APS ] Call for Papers Revista SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE

A SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE é a revista da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia (APS), apresenta uma política de acesso livre e publica artigos originais incluindo trabalhos de investigação no âmbito das Ciências Sociais, assim como textos de reflexão sobre a formação em Sociologia e sobre experiências profissionais relacionadas com esta área. Investigação, formação e profissionalização serão, assim, três dimensões que se cruzam e que conferem especificidade à SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE. Os artigos poderão ser escritos em Português, Espanhol, Francês e Inglês e todos serão sujeitos a avaliação independente de pelo menos dois especialistas, sob condições de duplo anonimato. A SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE publica três números por ano, está documentada na Latindex e aguarda indexação na SHERPA/RoMEO.

As normas para os autores podem ser encontradas em http://revista.aps.pt/pt/normas-autores/

Esta chamada está aberta em permanência.

Todas as propostas de artigos e outros textos deverão ser remetidas para sociologiaonline@aps.pt

Os números da revista assim como outras informações relevantes estão disponíveis em http://revista.aps.pt



[ Informação SOCIUS ] The Migration Conference 2018

Hosted by ISEG and IGOT at the University of Lisbon, Portugal, from 26 to 28 June 2018.

Submission Deadline: 31 January 2018

On behalf of the The Migration Conference Organizing Committee we cordially invite you to the 6th conference in the series which will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 26 to 28 June 2018.

The Conference will be a forum for discussion where experts, young researchers and students, practitioners and policy makers working in the field of migration are encouraged to exchange their knowledge and experiences in a friendly and frank environment.

The conference is organised in thematic streams of parallel sessions focusing migration, migrant populations, diasporas, migration policies, as well as non-migrants and wider impact of human mobility. The scientific programme will comprise invited talks, oral presentations, poster presentations as well as workshops.

The conference will host about 100 parallel sessions and several keynote speakers. The speakers for plenaries will be announced in due course, but surely distinguished scholars of the field will appear as was the case in previous conferences, where Douglas Massey, Saskia Sassen, Oded Stark, Giuseppe Sciortino, Caroline Brettell, Barry Chiswick, and Karen Phalet appeared.

Conference venue is ISEG (School of Economics and Management) at University of Lisbon in Portugal’s capital. The central location is just paces away from beautiful Tagus river and many museums and attractions within short distance. Directions to the campus can be found here.

We are expecting an interesting and highly motivating meeting and would be happy if you participated in this conference.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Lisbon in June 2018 !

Prof Ibrahim Sirkeci (Regent’s University), Prof João Peixoto (ISEG, University of Lisbon), Prof Maria Lucinda Fonseca (IGOT, University of Lisbon), Prof Jeffrey Cohen (Ohio State University), Prof Philip Martin (University of California, Davis), Prof Gudrun Biffl (Danube University, Krems).
The Migration Conference Chairs

More info on the call for papers: http://www.migrationcenter.org/cfp



[ Informação Fundación iS+D ] Convocatoria de artículos: Revista Prisma Social – Nº Especial 3 “La Competencia Mediática de la Ciudadanía en Medios Digitales Emergentes”

Desde la Fundación iS+D para la Investigación Social Avanzada les informamos de que tienen la oportunidad de presentar artículos para el Número Especial 3 de la Revista Prisma Social, revista de Ciencias Sociales e investigación social (ISSN 1989-3469), coordinado por Rosa García-Ruiz (Universidad de Cantabria, España) y Amor Pérez-Rodríguez (Universidad de Huelva, España).

Fecha de publicación:
– Mayo de 2018.
Fecha límite de recepción de propuestas:
– Resúmenes: 1 de febrero de 2018.
– Trabajos completos (tras la aceptación del resumen previo): 1 de marzo de 2018.

Más información en http://isdfundacion.org/2017/10/20/convocatoria-de-articulos-revista-prisma-social-no-especial-3-la-competencia-mediatica-de-la-ciudadania-en-medios-digitales-emergentes/



[ Informação KISMIF Conference ] KISMIF Conference 2018: “Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! Gender, differences, identities and DIY cultures”
De 3 a 7 de julho de 2018 – Porto

A iniciativa segue o enorme sucesso das três edições anteriores e reunirá a comunidade internacional de investigadores das cenas musicais underground e culturas do-it-yourself.

Oradores convidados confirmados:

Adriana Amaral, Ana da Silva, Anthony Fung, Gina Birch, Helen Reddington, Jodie Taylor, John Robb, Jordan Mooney, Lucy O’Brien, Michael MacDonald, Motti Regev, Rosa Reitsamer, Sara Cohen, The Raincoats.

A 4.ª edição da KISMIF Conference focar-se-á na temática ‘Gender, differences, identities and DIY cultures’, direcionando a sua atenção para as questões relacionadas com o género, as cenas underground e as culturas DIY e suas manifestações a nível local, translocal e virtual.
Em 2018, o estimulante programa científico da KISMIF Conference será uma vez mais acompanhado por um programa social e cultural diverso, consubstanciado por um conjunto de eventos artísticos, com um foco particular na música underground e suas expressões artísticas. Pretende-se, assim, propiciar a todos os participantes uma experiência sensorial e científica única ao nível das culturas DIY translocais.

Mais informações em https://www.kismifconference.com/?na=v&id=8&nk=198-f8aed66162

[ Informação Manuel Garcia Ruiz, TICYUrb ]

Terceira Conferencia Internacional de Jovens Investigadores Urbanos (TICYUrb)
18 – 22 de Junho de 2018 nas instalações do ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa

A conferência está organizada em dez secções temáticas:
1. Collectivecity (o direito à cidade: 50 anos depois),
2. Productcity (a cidade como mercadoria),
3. Divercity (diversidade na cidade),
4. Fractalcity (a cidade entre políticas),
5. Ucity (utopias e distopias),
6. Fearcity (in-segurança),
7. Metacity (modos de fazer e pensar cidade),
8. Transitcity (migrações e racismo),
9. Riskcity (a cidade e o risco)
10.City O’clock (24 horas na cidade).

A TICYURB é um esforço colaborativo do Centro de Investigações e Estudos em Sociologia (CIES-IUL), Centro de Estudos Socioeconômicos e Territoriais (DINAMIA’CET-IUL), Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais (CICS.NOVA), o Instituto de Sociologia – Universidade do Porto (IS-UP) e a Escola de Arquitectura da Universidade de Sheffield (SSoA)
Atualmente contamos com a confirmação da Professora Raquel Rolnik (USP, Brasil) como Keynote speaker, mas gostariamos poder contar com o vosso apoio para poder trazer algum speaker nacional de grande valor para este evento. Por isto, gostaríamos de contar com o vosso apoio institucional assim como dentro das possibilidades financeiro.

A Data final para submissão de resumos é 1 Novembro 2017, mediante o formulário presente na nossa web.



[ Informação Glenn W. Muschert, Miami University ] Call for Chapter Proposals for Justice 21 Global Project 2018

Justice 21 Committee of the Society for the Study of Social Problems
Call for Chapter Proposals for Justice 21 Global Project 2018
Proposals Due October 27, 2017
Chapters Due January 2, 2018

In 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) and the Justice 21 Committee published volumes of the Agenda for Social Justice. We are now beginning our work on the fifth such publication–Agenda for Social Justice: Global Solutions, which is designed to inform the public-at-large about the world’s most pressing social problems and to propose public policy responses to those problems. This project affirms the commitment of the SSSP to social justice scholarship, and enables members of the SSSP to communicate publicly on global/international issues. This report will be a “global agenda for social justice,” in that it will contain recommendations for action worldwide by elected officials, policy makers, and the public.

The volume is to be published in paperback and electronic formats by Policy Press, an academic publisher affiliated with the University of Bristol, UK (http://www.policypress.co.uk/). The volume is a project in public sociology, and will cover important global and international social problems currently on the public agenda.

This volume will convey the most valid and reliable knowledge available about global/international social problems, and the Justice 21 Committee enthusiastically welcomes contributions from social scientists worldwide. Please consider preparing a chapter for the 2018 publication. We ask you, individually or with colleagues, to consider submitting a brief proposal (1-2 pages) identifying a global social problem of concern to social scientists, and respond to the following items:

Identify and define a concrete social problem of global or international scope.
Clarify answers to these three questions:
– What do we know about the problem (i.e., what is the definition and scope of the problem)?
– How do we know this information (i.e., what are the sources of data about this problem)?
– What should be done, in terms of policy and social action to alleviate the problem (i.e., what are viable solutions for reducing, mitigating, solving, or abolishing the problem)?

As the Justice 21 Committee of the SSSP, we invite members to prepare draft statements for proposed contributions to the 2018 publication. Please submit a copy of your 1 to 2 page proposal via email to each of the members of the committee by October 27, 2017, and contact us if you have questions or would like additional information. Final contributions are limited to 3000 words (or roughly ten double-spaced manuscript pages). Chapter drafts will be due January 2, 2018, and final manuscripts will be due March 15, 2018. The volume will appear in print for the 2018 SSSP annual meetings in Philadelphia.

Glenn Muschert (chair), Miami University, muschegw@miamioh.edu
Kristen Budd, Miami University, buddkm@miamioh.edu
Michelle Christian, University of Tennessee, mchris20@utk.edu
Brian Klocke, Washington College, bklocke@gmail.com
Robert Perrucci, Purdue University, perruccir@purdue.edu
Jon Shefner, University of Tennessee, jshefner@utk.edu

For an expanded discussion of Justice 21, see Robert Perrucci’s presidential address in the May 2001 issue of Social Problems (“Inventing Social Justice”). To see electronic copies of the 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 publications, see http://www.sssp1.org/index.cfm/m/323/locationSectionId/0/Agenda_For_Social_Justice

Topics of Interest Include (but are not limited to):

Agricultural and Food Policy
Children’s Rights/Issues
Climate Change
Commodity Chains
Corporate Regulation
Crime and Justice
Drug Policy
Economic Inequality
Economic Policy
Energy Policy
Environmental Policy
Family Policy
Financial Systems
Gender Equity
Global/Regional Governance
Health Care Policy
Human Rights
Human Trafficking/Slavery
Income Security/Social Security
Indigenous Rights
International Orgs (gov’t and NGO)
Internet/Digital Policy
Labor Issues and Rights
LGBTQ Rights
Mass Media
Minority Rights
Nuclear Policy
Political Processes
Protest Movements
Religion in Global Society
Reproductive Rights
Resource Extraction
Rule of Law
Sex Work & Sex Workers
Sexual Assault and Harassment
Social Welfare Systems
Trade Agreements
Violence against Women