[ Informação SHO2018 ]
International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene – SHO 2018 – deadline extended
26-27 March – Guimarães
Please be aware that papers’ submission should be exclusively done through the online platform: https://easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?key=61155763.7rFzNZGIst9NPvVv
If you require any further information or if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us: sho2018@sposho.pt
We hope to see you soon in Guimarães.
[ Informação Manuel Garcia Ruiz, TICYUrb ]
Terceira Conferencia Internacional de Jovens Investigadores Urbanos (TICYUrb)
De 18 a 22 de junho de 2018 – Lisboa, ISCTE-IUL
A conferência está organizada em dez secções temáticas:
1. Collectivecity (o direito à cidade: 50 anos depois),
2. Productcity (a cidade como mercadoria),
3. Divercity (diversidade na cidade),
4. Fractalcity (a cidade entre políticas),
5. Ucity (utopias e distopias),
6. Fearcity (in-segurança),
7. Metacity (modos de fazer e pensar cidade),
8. Transitcity (migrações e racismo),
9. Riskcity (a cidade e o risco)
10. City O’clock (24 horas na cidade).
A TICYURB é um esforço colaborativo do Centro de Investigações e Estudos em Sociologia (CIES-IUL), Centro de Estudos Socioeconômicos e Territoriais (DINAMIA’CET-IUL), Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais (CICS.NOVA), o Instituto de Sociologia – Universidade do Porto (IS-UP) e a Escola de Arquitectura da Universidade de Sheffield (SSoA)
A Data final para submissão de resumos é 1 de novembro de 2017, mediante o formulário presente na nossa web: https://ticyurbpt.wordpress.com
[ Informação K.M.Wyrzykowska ]
Conference “Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Alternative Economic Models and Responses to Decline in Contemporary Society”
21-22 May 2018 – Poland, Warsaw
Please allow us to inform you about the CfP for the conference Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Alternative Economic Models and Responses to Decline in Contemporary Society, to be held 21-22 May 2018 in Warsaw (Poland).
We will be grateful for distribution of the information about the conference among the members of Associacao Portuguesa de Sociologia.
The event is the 2nd of the series of meetings on new economic sociology, which are organized within the framework of Polish Sociological Association, Polish Academy of Sciences and University of Warsaw.
Barbara Czarniawska (University of Gothenburg) and José Ossandón (Copenhagen Business School) accepted invitations to give keynote speech during the conference.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 10 December 2017. More information is available here http://economy-and-society.uw.edu.pl/nes2018_cfp/
We also invite you to follow our Facebook profile, where you can find news and updates about conference https://www.facebook.com/PTS.SSE/