[ Informação Ana Ferreira, FCSH-UNL ]
Series Editors: Dr Manuel Fernández-Esquinas, Institute for Advanced
Social Studies, CSIC and Dr Laura Oso, Faculty of Sociology, University of
La Coruña, Spain
Series Aim
The aim of the book series on Southern European Societies is to conduct research in social dynamics, social problems, institutions and governance in the South of Europe. The books are intended to be authoritative projects addressing major social issues, not only in academic terms, but also to inform public policies at both a European level and national level. Each book in the series will appeal to a broad international audience, and the series editors particularly welcome projects with a comparative element.
Each book will include a collection of state-of-the-art analyses and applied research into the social problems and dynamics of southern European countries and the neighbouring areas. Comparative research between regions and countries of the South of Europe and other areas of Europe, the north of Africa and the Middle East is also welcome depending on the relevance for the topics under study.
Topics Covered
The main topics will be related to social problems of common interest for several countries of southern Europe and other areas. The Series Editors welcome submissions on topics such as: social welfare, work and employment, migrations, education, science and innovation, political participation, gender and youth, inequalities and social exclusion, EU integration and convergence, European identities, social relationships, institutions and policies, among other key topics.
The topics will be grounded mainly in sociological perspectives defined from a broad point of view, including any kind of theoretical or methodological approach that is relevant for addressing a specific issue. The book series will be open to interdisciplinary approaches and collaboration with related social sciences such as education, anthropology, social policy and others.
The books are expected to be of between 80,000 and 100,000 words, including figures and references.
The series editors welcome proposals for both authored and edited works.
Network support
The book series is supported by the active collaboration of RESU (The Network of Sociology Associations of Countries of the South of Europe) and the ESA Research Network on “Southern European Societies”.
Further information
Please contact the series editors or Commissioning Editor Emily Mew emily@e-elgar.co.uk
[ Informação Patrícia Pereira, FCSH-UNL ]
RN37 Midterm Conference (Madrid 2018): “Inequality and uncertainty: current challenges for cities” – Call for Papers
For the third mid-term conference of the Research Network 37 – Urban Sociology, we propose inequality and uncertainty as terms to guide our reflections about urban realities. Both inequalities and uncertainties impact everyday practices, individual and communal identities, fears and (im)possibilities, as well as visions of the future. Both are clearly evident in today’s urban contexts.
It is not possible to ignore the fact that cities are not only moving, vibrant and flourishing spaces, promising hope for better quality of life, but also accumulate and reflect significant problems. We need to recognise the complexity of economic, political, social, cultural and environmental mechanisms, which strengthen existing inequalities and add a great deal of uncertainty to life in cities and urban spaces of the globalised world. We want to gain a better understanding of the impact and consequences of inequality and uncertainty on the urban arena as much as the responses to current challenges in terms of both informal and institutional practices.
Inequalities and uncertainty as the key-questions of the conference can be discussed in the relation to the following topics:
1. Visibility and invisibility of urban inequalities and uncertainty
2. Individual and collective strategies of coping with contemporary urban challenges at the neighbourhood level
3. Class, gender, age and ethnicity as factors of inequalities and uncertainty
4. Urban policies and institutional effectiveness in times of crisis
5. Social responses to crisis – from everyday life practices to contemporary urban social movements
6. Spatiality and the new geographies of inequalities and uncertainty
7. (Im)mobility of urban inequalities – urban inequalities of (im)mobility
8. Urban sustainability and global environmental crisis
9. Innovative methodological contributions of urban sociology for studies on social inequalities and uncertainty
In this conference we also wish to celebrate and bring into the discussion the works of two social scientists who greatly contributed to Urban Sociology and Urban Studies in general: Lefebvre and Simmel. In that sense, we propose two additional topics:
10. Reading Henri Lefebvre’s “The Right to the City”, 50 years later.
11. Georg Simmel (1858-1918): reflecting on his multiple contributions for Urban Sociology
We kindly invite you to contribute to our third mid-term conference that will take place in Madrid in June 2018. We welcome proposals exploring theoretical, methodological, and empirical issues. An abstract in English of maximum 300 words should be submitted by esarn37.hypotheses.org (see also direct abstract submission system link on the next page) from December, 4th to January, 28th. Papers will be grouped thematically by the programme committee.
We look forward to welcoming you at the RN 37 mid-term conference. Check our blog: https://esarn37.hypotheses.org and facebook: @esarn37 for updates.
[ Informação Peter Holley ]
ESA RN15 Midterm Conference Call for Papers
Research Network 15 (Global, Transnational and Cosmopolitan Sociology) is currently organising its midterm conference which will take place in April 2018 at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Some of the workshops will be of interest to the members of your sociological association.
Please could you circulate the following call amongst your members: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/global-sociological-imagination/
[ Informação Tiago correia, ISCTE-IUL ]
Old Tensions, Emerging Paradoxes in Health: Rights, knowledge and trust (site)
17th European Society for Health and Medical Sociology Biennial Conference, 7 – 8 Junho 2018
Call for abstracts [extended deadline December 31, 2017]
[ Informação FPCEUP – Serviço de Comunicação e Imagem ]
Call for papers: “VI Colóquio Internacional: Outros Sentidos para Novas Cidadanias”
Call for papers até 12 de janeiro
O VI Colóquio Internacional Outros Sentidos para Novas Cidadanias está aberto à apresentação de comunicações. Os resumos deverão debruçar-se sobre o fenómeno do abandono escolar precoce e poderão ser submetidos por e-mail para resl_eu@fpce.up.pt, até 12 de janeiro de 2018, tendo um máximo de 500 palavras e sendo acompanhados por cinco palavras-chave. A submissão poderá ser feita em português ou inglês.
Todas as apresentações resultantes da submissão de resumos decorrerão no dia 30 de janeiro, ao final da tarde, em sessões paralelas.
Sobre o colóquio:
O VI Colóquio Internacional Outros Sentidos para Novas Cidadanias vem celebrar, na sua sexta edição, o encerramento de mais um projeto de sucesso desenvolvido no âmbito do CIIE – Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas. O projeto Europeu RESL.eu – Reducing Early School Leaving in Europe – financiado pelo 7º Programa-Quadro da União Europeia, recolheu dados em sete países (Bélgica, Holanda, Portugal, Reino Unido, Espanha, Polónia e Suécia) e, envolvendo também peritos da Áustria e Hungria, analisou a questão do abandono escolar precoce nos sistemas educativos europeus.
Neste colóquio procuraremos refletir e debater criticamente os resultados e desafios colocados por esta pesquisa dentro do contexto português e também na esfera europeia.
Investigadores/as, estudantes e decisores políticos interessados/as na educação e particularmente no fenómeno do abandono escolar precoce são desafiados a participar nesta conferência e torná-la num momento de debate e reflexão. A conferência principal será realizada por Madeleine Arnot da Universidade de Cambridge. Ao longo dos dois dias do colóquio estarão também envolvidos no debate David Justino, Luis Capucha, Joaquim Azevedo, Fátima Antunes, Julia Szalai, Silvia Carrasco, entre outros, enquanto peritos nacionais em abandono escolar precoce, peritos internacionais membros do projeto RESL.eu, e stakeholders com trabalho relevante nesta área.
O colóquio contará com serviço de tradução simultânea (português – inglês e vice-versa).
Inscrições: a participação neste colóquio é gratuita mas sujeita à inscrição prévia em: http://goo.gl/QNdHYV
Mais informações: resl_eu@fpce.up.pt
[ Informação CIES-IUL ]
Call for applications, papers and presentations
Call for Abstracts – X Congresso Português de Sociologia | 10 – 12 de julho, 2018, Covilhã, Universidade da Beira Interior
X Congresso Português de Sociologia – “Na era da pós-verdade”? Esfera pública, cidadania e qualidade da democracia no Portugal contemporâneo.
Área Temática: Migrações, Etnicidade e Racismo
Pedro Góis [FE-CES/UC ]
José Carlos Laranjo Marques [IPL – CICS.NOVA]
João Peixoto [ISEG-UL]
Apela-se ao envio de comunicações que analisem, a partir de uma perspetiva sociológica, os seguintes eixos temáticos:
• Migrações internacionais contemporâneas
• Migrações de (e para) a União Europeia
• Emigração e imigração em Portugal
• Refugiados
• Migrações, media e opinião pública
• Migrações ambientalmente induzidas
• Integração e cidadania
• Etnicidade(s) e identidade(s)
• Transnacionalismo
• Xenofobia e racismo(s)
Submissão de resumos/abstracts: até 28 de janeiro de 2018
Comunicação dos resultados da avaliação: 2 de março de 2018
Encontre mais informações em http://cies.iscte-iul.pt/np4Admin/%7B$clientServletPath%7D/?newsId=474&fileName=X_Congresso_APS_2018_Call_Migra__es.pdf
As regras e prazos a considerar para a submissão dos resumos, assim como mais informações sobre o X Congresso Português de Sociologia podem ser consultados no site da APS.
Call for Papers – 7th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference | 6 – 9 June, 2018, Bergamo, Italy
The 2018 Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, organized by the University of Bergamo, aims to build on the rich intellectual discussion developed during the previous editions.
Researchers from across a variety of disciplines including sociology, anthropology, political sciences, arts & humanities, education, social work, geography, cultural studies, science and technology studies, and gender studies are able to present their research, discuss findings, theory and methodology in a lively and friendly environment.
Abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2018 .
More information at http://www.etnografiaricercaqualitativa.it/
Call for Papers – Revista SÉMATA
Monográfico Transdisciplinariedade para un Futuro Responsable. Bioeconomía e Memoria dos Territorios
Sémata é unha revista interdisciplinar, editada pola Facultade de Xerografia e Historia da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela,
de periodicidade anual, que publica traballos orixinais de investigación nos campos das Ciencias Sociais e Humanas.
Os números teñen carácter monográfico e rotatorio entre as áreas de Xeografía, Historia e Historia da Arte.
O portal de Sémata publícase en galego, español e inglés; as linguas de publicación son galego, portugués, catalán, español, francés, inglés, alemán e italiano.
Artigos solicitados
Conxunto de artigos que incidan de maneira plural en cinco grandes áreas de investigación:
• Economía, territorio e emprendemento.
• Poboación e proceso demográfico.
• Bioeconomía, recursos naturais e agroecoloxía.
• Xestión innovadora dos recursos patrimoniais e culturais.
• Comunidades, políticas públicas e gobernanza do território
Data de entrega de propostas: 31 de xaneiro de 2018
Dirección de entrega de propostas: eduardo.corbelle@usc.es
Mais informações em http://cies.iscte-iul.pt/np4Admin/%7B$clientServletPath%7D/?newsId=474&fileName=Call_for_Papers_Semata_BETA__.pdf
Call for Papers – EASST 2018: Meetings- Making Science, Technology and Society Together | 25-28th July 2018, Lancaster University, UK
The Call for Papers is now open for “Meetings – Making Science, Technology and Society together”, the 2018 EASST conference that will take place in Lancaster UK, at Lancaster University from 25-28 July.
Read the instructions and browse the accepted panels (the link for proposing a paper is at the bottom of each panel page) here.
Thematic streams:
• Encounters between people, things and environments
• Art and craft of joining and keeping things together
• Confluence, collaboration and intersection
• Conflict, dissolution, contest
• Assembly, silence, dissent
• Discovery, discussion and decision
• Measurement, commensuration, markets and values
The Call for Papers will close on February 14th, 2018.
Official website: https://easst2018.easst.net/home