[ Informação Madalena Vaz Freire, UÉvora ]

CIDEHUS – Call for e-book publication

CIDEHUS – Interdisciplinary Center for History, Culture and Societies (www.cidehus.uevora.pt) has a collection of books with peer review: Biblioteca: Estudos & Colóquios – intended to the publication of monographic works.
This collection has an international scientific committee and an editorial committee, in addition to an adviser.
Every year, this collection makes an open call to the academic community in general and not only to the members of CIDEHUS for publication purposes.
This is the 2018 call. The works, however, will almost assuredly only be published in 2019.
Until April 15, pre-proposals for an e-book publication to be available on the OpenEdition (http://books.openedition.org/cidehus/) platform are accepted.
The acceptance of the pre-proposal by the Editorial Committee will be announced until May 15, 2018 and the final texts should be delivered until July 15, 2018.

Conditions to be eligible for appliance and selection:
– The text must be the result of the original research, with high scientific rigour, and must not be already published in a different publisher or different language. The nuclear thematic should directly relate to CIDEHUS strategic project;
– Each work to be published has to correspond to a unitary publication, of one or more authors, and not to conference minutes or other type of collective book;
– The selection, to be made by the editorial and scientific committee, doesn’t grant the approval of the international refereeing in the double blind peer review system. Only after this second approval will CIDEHUS commit to publish the text in e-book format.
– The admissible languages for the full texts are the following: Portuguese; English; Spanish; French.
– The members of CIDEHUS, regardless of their statute, can’t submit texts for publication in the scope of this notice. For the members of CIDEHUS the application is permanently open.
– Procedures to be followed: send an extensive summary of the work (until 8.000 characters) to cidehus_edicoes@uevora.pt, accompanied by 5 key-words, an index or an analytical plan (even if provisional), email and phone contacts and the Author or editor’s CV.
– The texts shouldn’t exceed 350 printed pages.
– Those who don’t send the text for the April’s pre-selection, cannot submit the full text afterwards.

For more information, check the collection’s regulation on http://www.cidehus.uevora.pt/Pub


Call for Papers – International Conference: “Encounters, Rights, and Sovereignty in the Iberian empires (15th-19th centuries)”

University of Évora, Portugal, 24-25 May 2018

The Call For Papers is now open for the International Conference “Encounters, Rights, and Sovereignty in the Iberian empires, 15th-19th centuries”. Focused on the colonial encounters fostered by the Iberian empire-building processes and on the strategies developed to regulate the rights and lives of native and colonial populations, this conference welcomes proposals that privilege the comparisons and interactions between the Portuguese and Spanish colonizing dynamics, in a timeframe spanning from the early stages of the Iberian colonization to the first outbreaks of independence.
Topics may include, but are not limited to: Colonization models and empire-building strategies; Representations of native populations; Race relations and debates on race; Juridical regulations of colonial interactions; Colonial origins of human rights; Integration/ exclusion of native populations within colonial societies; Missionaries as political and cultural brokers; Active and passive dynamics of resistance; Political communication and circulation of information; Trade and commercial interactions; Portuguese and Spanish written cultures regarding colonial endeavours; Scales of power: centres versus peripheries; Violence and justice; Borders and frontiers (more information on the attached PDF).

Keynote Speaker: Professor António Manuel Hespanha (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Deadline for the submission of panel and paper proposals: 10 February 2018
Communication of accepted panels and papers: 20 February 2018
Registration deadline: 31 March 2018
Deadline for pre-circulation of papers (2,000-10,000 words): 10 May 2018

A selection of papers will be published in an edited volume.
Deadline for revised manuscript submission: 15 September 2018.

Proposals submission – instructions:
1. Register on https://sge.uevora.pt – after registering you will receive a confirmation email to activate your registration.
2. Login on https://sge.uevora.pt and access the link https://sge.uevora.pt/eventos/ver/428.
3. Select the option “Register” on the right (this is a pre-registration only to allow you to submit your proposal; you can confirm your registration on a later stage, after the acceptance of your proposal).
4. Select “Submit abstract” on the right.

Panel and paper proposals are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
Paper proposals should include contact details, title, and abstract (c. 300 words).
Panel proposals should include 3 or 4 papers, titles and abstracts (c. 600 words).

For enquiries, please contact us at: iberianempires@uevora.pt



[ Informação Fundación iS+D ]

Call for papers: III Congreso Internacional de Comunicación y Pensamiento. «Generación Smartphone: Comunicación móvil»

Abierta la convocatoria para el envío de resúmenes para el III Congreso Internacional de Comunicación y Pensamiento. «Generación Smartphone: Comunicación móvil» organizado por el Laboratorio de Estudios en Comunicación (LADECOM), el Grupo Comunicar y el Proyecto I+D EDU2015-64015-C3-1-R – Red de Excelencia I+D de Educación Mediática EDU2016-81772-REDT del Ministerio de Economía y Competitivdad de España.


Call for papers: hasta el 15 de febrero de 2018
La Fundación iS+D participa en este encuentro como entidad colaboradora en la difusión y comunicación del simposio, fruto del Convenio de Colaboración firmado entre la Fundación iS+D y el Laboratorio de Estudios en Comunicación (LADECOM).

Más información en http://comunicacionypensamiento.org/