[ Informação Tiago Carvalho ]

Call for Papers: “Spain: Social Movements Between Past and Present”

University of Cambridge
8th June 2018

Social movements in Spain have increasingly attracted academic and popular attention over the last years. Political mobilisations are frequently treated as spontaneous phenomena, divorced from their wider social and historical contexts, as testified by much of the recent commentary on the 15M/Indignados movement and recent Catalan separatism. There is little interaction between those studying activism in the transformative decades of la transición española and those researching contemporary social movements. This can mean that their lessons and wider significance are lost. Historians of popular politics are also often reluctant to relate their research to contemporary events or to acknowledge the influence of present movements on the collective and academic memory. Our workshop is partly a response to social movement theorists’ suggestion that we attend to a particular mobilisation´s temporal, spatial and transnational dynamics to gain a deeper understanding of the movement itself and the societal changes it sheds light on.
This workshop will allow participants to reflect on social movements in Spain from the mid-twentieth century to the present, linking between past and present in important themes of mobilisation in contemporary Spain. It will help lay the ground for dialogue between scholars of Spanish history and politics from a diverse array of disciplines and intellectual contexts. Speakers will have twenty minutes to present their paper followed by comments and questions lead by an established academic. We will proceed with a roundtable discussion.

We aim to facilitate discussion on a variety of topics related to Spanish social movements, including but not limited to:

– Gender and sexuality
– Relations between social movements and institutions
– Nationalisms
– Urban Infrastructure
– Youth Activism
– Student movement
– Memory
– Labour and trade unions
– Relations between actors
– Movements and political parties
How to apply: Please send abstracts of up to 250 words and a short biography (max.200 words) to Roseanna Webster (rw561@cam.ac.uk) and/or Tiago Carvalho (tmlc3@cam.ac.uk) by March 23rd, 2018.

Limited funding to cover travel and accommodation is available.



[ Informação Observatório da Emigração, ISCTE-IUL ]

[OEm] Call for Working Papers

Encontra-se em aberto uma call for OEm Working Papers até ao dia 30 de abril. +
Os OEm Working Papers disponibilizam resultados preliminares sobre a emigração portuguesa decorrentes de projetos de investigação, dissertações de mestrado, teses de doutoramento ou outras atividades científicas. A sua publicação visa estimular debates, suportados pela investigação, sobre as questões migratórias.
Área temática: emigração portuguesa e migrações internacionais
Os OEm Working Papers são sujeitos a avaliação independente por especialistas (peer review) e têm um âmbito internacional, estando definidas, como línguas de publicação, o português, inglês, espanhol, francês e italiano.
As propostas devem ser enviadas para observatorioemigracao@iscte.pt até dia 30 de abril.

As instruções para os autores encontram-se disponíveis para download em pdf em http://observatorioemigracao.pt/np4/1287/
Ler o artigo na integra : http://observatorioemigracao.pt/np4/5973.html
Visitar o site do Observatório : http://www.observatorioemigracao.pt



[ Informação Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies ]

Call for Papers: Brussels Conference on The Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governance (31 August 2018)

Deadline: 1 April 2018

Conference Theme
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) may well have significant geopolitical and geo-economic consequences. Spanning 65 different countries, including a series of EU Member States and potentially Latin America, covering 60% of the world’s population and a large portion of the world economy, it holds the potential to redefine the global economy and global governance. In what ways is the BRI impacting or likely to impact the current international financial institutions, trade rules, human rights, sustainable development, climate change and environmental protection, security, and developmental policies? Despite the fact that China is a relatively new player in global governance, and the BRI is still in the making, the latter has become Xi Jinping’s signature foreign policy, in line with China’s commitment to be a frontrunner in developing a new kind of multilateralism and in reforming the global governance system. Given its current relevance and its possible political, economic and cultural impacts, the aim of the conference is to draw on legal, economic and political science approaches in order to inspire a conversation across academic disciplines to better come to grips with the contributions and challenges posed by the BRI to global governance in general. Moreover, the conference will have specific regard for the challenges and opportunities the BRI poses for EU-Asia cooperation, with a focus on EU-China, EU-Japan and EU-South-Korea cooperation.

Read the full call: https://ghum.kuleuven.be/ggs/events/2018/CallB-RConference.pdf



[ Informação SPCE ]

XIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação
11, 12 e 13 de outubro – Coimbra, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra

O prazo para submissão de propostas de comunicação é 15 de ABRIL de 2018 e a submissão deverá ser feita exclusivamente através da plataforma Easychair https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=xiv-spce-2018
Mais informações em https://congressospce2018.wixsite.com/spce2018-fpceuc