[ Ana Delicado, ICS-ULisboa ]

Evento final do Projeto “CUIDAR – Culturas de Resiliência de Desastres entre Crianças e Jovens”
22 e 23 de maio – Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa

Neste evento irão ser apresentadas as principais conclusões do projeto a uma audiência internacional de decisores, profissionais e investigadores. Os participantes vão também poder discutir o principal resultado do projeto – um referencial para a gestão de catástrofes centrado nas crianças em contexto europeu, que irá ajudar todos aqueles que trabalham no campo das emergências a promover o envolvimento de crianças e jovens na redução do risco.

Crianças e jovens que integraram as atividades da CUIDAR em países parceiros irão participar ativamente durante o evento. Também teremos uma importante comunicação da Professora Lori Peek, Diretora do Centro de Catástrofes Naturais, da Universidade de Colorado-Boulder, EUA, e coautora, com Alice Fothergill, da obra “Children of Katrina”, um estudo longitudinal sobre a recuperação de crianças na sequência dessa catástrofe.

A participação na conferência é gratuita, mas os participantes devem inscrever-se no website do evento: http://cuidarfinale.ics.ulisboa.pt/registration/.

Paralelamente ao evento, estamos também a receber propostas de posters sobre projetos relacionados com a redução de risco de catástrofes, entendimentos sobre situações de catástrofe/emergência e/ou as perspectivas de crianças e jovens (prazo de 20 de março). Se quiser dar a conhecer um projeto sobre estes temas, apresente a sua proposta em: http://cuidarfinale.ics.ulisboa.pt/call-for-posters/



[ Informação Maria Mendes ]

EASA 2018 CFP Panel 127: “Vulnerability and housing policies: anthropological insights across Europe”

CFP for the panel I co-organize along with Ana Luísa Micaelo (CRIA-IUL) and Giacomo Pozzi (Milan-Bicocca) for the EASA 2018, Stockholm Univeristy , August 14-18.

P127 Vulnerability and housing policies: anthropological insights across Europe: https://nomadit.co.uk/easa/easa2018/conferencesuite.php/panels/6669/List

Short abstract
We are looking for anthropological insights concerning housing vulnerability – centred on histories of eviction, displacement and resistance – in different European countries, with focus on the analytical debate about the capacity of housing policies to promote stability, mobility or settlement.

Long abstract
On one hand, as a symbolic, social and spatial phenomenon, housing vulnerability and eviction are particular forms of forced mobility loaded with great anthropological significance. On the other hand, different housing policies, implemented in tension between rights and contention, markets and families (houses as assets/homes), hold a privileged task in governing the population, by determining both mobility and settling processes.
In this sense, housing represents a material, political and symbolic crux in social and economic mobility, establishing the political boundaries of those who are seen as eligible buyers, (il)legitimate dwellers, natives or newcomers. Therefore, defining those who should “stay” and those who should “move”.
In this panel we are looking for anthropological insights concerning housing vulnerability – centred on histories of eviction, displacement and resistance – in different European countries, with focus on the analytical debate about the capacity of housing policies to promote stability, mobility or settlement. We are interested in addressing the different temporalities of such policies, whether in the short time of personal and family experiences or at the long-term of generations, neighbourhoods and cities, and other ties of social and local belonging. The focus is on the variety of European practices, yet other empirical and comparative data addressing these topics will be welcome.



[ Informação Maria Manuel Serrano, UÉvora ]

CfP: 2nd Meeting of the UMPP Master and Doctoral Consortium on Research on Public Policy

The Master and Doctoral Consortium for Research on Public Policy is promoted by UMPP – Public Policy Monitoring Unit of the University of Évora (http://www.umpp.uevora.pt/), its aim being to promote opportunities for reflection and collaboration between master and Ph.D. students at the University of Évora, and other Portuguese and foreign universities, in the field of scientific research on public policies, from a multi-disciplinary perspective.

The 1st Meeting of Master and Ph.D. Students in the scope of the UMPP Master and Doctoral Consortium on Research on Public Policy (http://www.umpp.uevora.pt/Atividades/Master-e-Doctoral-Consortium-sobre-Investigacao-em-Politicas-Publicas/1st-Meeting) was held in collaboration with IIFA – Institute of Research and Advanced Training of the University of Évora, and took place at the University of Évora, on 23 and 24 June 2016.

The 1st Meeting was attended by students and lecturers from ten universities, namely four Portuguese, two Canadian, one Belgian, one Italian, one Spanish and one Turkish.

The 2nd Meeting of the UMPP Master and Doctoral Consortium on Research on Public Policy (http://www.umpp.uevora.pt/Atividades/Master-e-Doctoral-Consortium-sobre-Investigacao-em-Politicas-Publicas/2nd-Meeting) will be held at the University of Évora on 14 and 15 June 2018 and the Meeting will be organized in collaboration with CICS.NOVA.UÉvora – Inter-disciplinary Centre for Social Sciences, in partnership with other entities such as the Portuguese Agency for Development and Cohesion (AD&C) I.P. .

Similarly to the previous Meeting, we invite Master, Ph.D. and Post-Ph.D. students from all scientific areas who are developing research projects or currently carrying out research on public policy or on topics where public policies are relevant, to participate in the 2nd Meeting.

The 2018 event of the UMPP Master and Doctoral Consortium for Research on Public Policy will also include the first UMPP Biennial of Public Policies (http://www.umpp.uevora.pt/Atividades/Bienal-das-Politicas-Publicas) and the first meeting of UMPP Forum of Public Policy Professionals (http://www.umpp.uevora.pt/Atividades/Forum-de-Profissionais-das-Politicas-Publicas) , two new initiatives created and promoted by UMPP.

We are very pleased to invite you to participate and to submit a paper.

The deadline to submit a paper is 29 april 2018.

For abstract submission and registration please go to: http://www.umpp.uevora.pt/Atividades/Master-e-Doctoral-Consortium-sobre-Investigacao-em-Politicas-Publicas/2nd-Meeting/Registration

You will be also very welcome if you just want to attend.
All information about the meeting available at http://www.umpp.uevora.pt



[ Informação Eras Editor ]

Call for Papers: European Review of Applied Sociology

The Editors of European Review of Applied Sociology invite authors to contribute with articles to issue no. 16/2018. Manuscripts are expected to be submitted at editor.eras@gmail.com. For guidelines on manuscript preparation, please visit the Author Guidlines.

European Review of Applied Sociology is a double-blind peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes scientific articles, research reports, teaching notes, essays and book reviews. The Journal consistently covers an array of subject areas including social change and social structures, globalization, social networks, communication, law and politics, labor market, migration, ageing, social work, community research, family, social statistics and other topics from applied sociology.

Website: http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/eras
e-mail: editor.eras@gmail.com
ISSN: 2286–2102 / ISSN-L: 2286–2102



[ Informação Amado Alarcón, Universitat Rovira i Virgili ]

Language at Work Conference (Tarragona, Spain)

You are kindly invited to submit your research abstract about the topic of “Language at Work” to my address at amado.alarcon@urv.cat. Hope to see you in Tarragona next June.

Deadline for abstracts submission: March 15th

Info & News: https://www.dge.urv.cat/web/noticies/language-at-work-conference-research-advances-in-social-sciences-tarragona-catalonia-spain-june-7-8-2018-conferencia-del-llengua