> Call for Papers: European Sociological Association
Link: https://www.europeansociology.org/opportunities/call-for-papers
> Call for Papers: International Sociological Association
Link: https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/conferences/calls-for-papers/
[ Informação Andreia Santos, CES-UC ]
Jornadas de Estudo “Democracia e Estado Democrático em erosão: quando a exceção se torna regra”
28 e 29 de setembro – França, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme em Toulouse
Estas jornadas visam promover uma discussão sobre a erosão da democracia e do Estado de Direito, refletindo sobre a tensão existente entre os princípios da legitimidade democrática, a supremacia dos direitos fundamentais, a legitimidade do mercado global e formas de exercer o poder decorrentes das lógicas de exceção.
As Jornadas estão organizadas em torno de três Conferências Plenárias e 11 Workshops temáticos que funcionarão em regime multilingue Francês/Inglês/Espanhol. O prazo de submissão de resumos é 15 de maio.
Mais informações em http://ces.uc.pt/en/agenda-noticias/agenda-de-eventos/2018/democratie-et-etat-de-droit-en-erosion
[ Informação GCP CIES-IUL ]
Ciências Sociais em Saúde – Sessão Temática | 3º Congresso Internacional do CiiEM
Está aberta a submissão de resumos para comunicações orais ou em poster, na Sessão Temática de Ciências Socias em Saúde, integrada no 3º Congresso Internacional do CiiEM – Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar Egas Moniz, no Monte de Caparica (Almada), Portugal, 20-22 de Junho, 2018.
Num contexto de partilha multidisciplinar da investigação em saúde, a sessão de Ciências Sociais acolhe apresentações com base em resultados de investigação em saúde desenvolvida no âmbito da sociologia, da antropologia ou de outras ciências sociais.
Inscrição com custo especial para estudantes (incluindo de mestrado e doutoramento).
Os resumos aceites podem ser publicados (após peer review) em Open Access na revista Annals of Medicine
Coordenação da Sessão: Noémia Lopes, Elsa Pegado e Joana Zózimo
Para informação adicional, sobre esta Sessão Temática, contatar: Noémia Lopes, gesa@egasmoniz.edu.pt
Para mais informação sobre o Congresso e submissão de resumo, consultar: http://congress2018.healthsci.net/
[ Informação GCP CIES-IUL ]
Call for Sessions | 4th International ESS Conference – Turbulent times in Europe: Instability, insecurity and inequality
24-26 April 2019 – Germany, University of Mannheim, Mannheim
Call for session proposals now open
Deadline: 31 May 2018
Europe is going through turbulent times. There is increasing diversity within and between European societies in ethno-cultural, linguistic, and religious terms, or, more simply, in ways of life and prevailing values. Such diversity is arguably fostering cultural insecurity among large segments of the population, with backlashes manifesting themselves in different modes of political mobilization.
For many Europeans, stagnating incomes, the perception of increasing social inequalities, transformed labor relations, and the uncertainty about life prospects have created profound economic insecurities. The Great Recession and the financial crisis have affected all European societies to different extents. Resulting concerns about the ability of existing political institutions to manage risk and provide good governance, or about the ability to hold existing loci of power accountable, have shaken previous allegiances to the political status quo, whether to mainstream parties, the European Union, or even liberal democracy itself. Previously trusted sources of information – science, expertise, the mainstream media, and all sorts of secondary organisations – are now constantly questioned on the basis of their aloofness, irrelevance, or bias.
The 4th International ESS Conference will showcase research that uses data from the European Social Survey (exclusively or in conjuncture with other data) to address the issues mentioned above. The conference aims to show the depth and breadth of scientifically rigorous research made possible as a result of the high quality comparative data provided by the ESS.
The conference committee invites leading researchers in their field who are using ESS data to submit proposals to organise a conference session. The sessions will shape the call for papers. We seek high-quality comparative research on substantive topics related to general theme of the conference or on methodological topics emerging from the use of ESS data to address these topics.
We welcome proposals including, but not limited to, the following topics:
• Immigration, integration and diversity;
• Social inequality and stratification;
• Health;
• Political engagement.
We also welcome sessions on Social attitudes, norms and values, and in particular:
• Family, work, and well-being;
• Personal and social well-being;
• Welfare attitudes;
• Public attitudes towards climate change.
For your session to be considered, please submit an abstract of no more than 400 words (plus 3-5 keywords) outlining the focus of your session.
Abstracts should be sent to the conference organising committee via email by 31 May 2018. Upon acceptance, your session will be advertised in an open call for papers that will be issued in July 2018 (closing in September 2018).
As Session organisers, you will be expected to encourage paper submissions to your session, review paper proposals, liaise with presenters and the conference organisers, and chair your session during the conference. The conference committee recommends that the sessions will include no more than 4 presentations.
For more Information about the conference please visit the ESS website at http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/about/conference/
[ Informação Sebastian Koos, Univ.Konstanz ]
ESA Economic Sociology Midterm conference
Call for Papers of the ESA Economic Sociology Midterm conference “Crossing Boundaries: Economic Sociology and its Intersections”, September 13-15 in Konstanz, Germany.
The deadline for abstract submission is May 15th, 2018 at esa_econsoc@uni-konstanz.de
For more information on the conference please see: https://www.polver.uni-konstanz.de/koos/call-for-papers/