[ Informação Ana Ferreira, FCSH-UNL ]




Southern European countries and regions are a subject of social research on their own. In addition to sharing a historic past and a number of cultural and identifying features, throughout the 20th and 21st centuries Southern European Societies have undertaken parallel processes of political, economic and social change. These include the transition from dictatorship to democracy, integration in the European Union, far-reaching economic and labour market reforms, changes in gender and intergenerational relations as well as population and family trends.

A number of variations in European capitalism can be identified in southern Europe: the late or non-existent industrialisation, the importance of agriculture and tourism, high levels of land speculation linked to urban development and the important presence of small family businesses. This region is also characterised by its dual market nature, in the sense that we find both robust and technologically advanced business sectors as well as SMEs and companies that have “fallen behind”. The 2008 economic crisis has had a similar effect on countries within the region, where the impact of the recession was particularly severe (resulting in loss of activity, rising unemployment and inequality, welfare cuts and social movements).

Southern European Societies share a welfare state model with specific features, namely a weak system of social protection and a strong influence of the role of the family as a welfare provider. The southern European welfare state is shaped not only by governmental social policies, but also by a gender-imbalanced labour market, the importance of home ownership and family values. Therefore, specific factors in Southern European Societies have acted as mechanisms of cohesion and modernization, including the networks of solidarity, the informal economy, and the functioning of some basic social services, mainly health and education.

In addition to the above mentioned, Southern European Societies also share similarities regarding the rapid processes of social change and the convergence with other European societies. The shift towards new gendered orders reveals a rapid transformation of women’s role in society, resulting in a gap between older and younger female generations. Women’s access to higher education is one of the most relevant features of the gender shift.There has also been a progressive increase in the number of women who remain permanently in the labour force and a rescheduling of women’s family life, although important inequalities remain, especially when compared to other European regions.

More information at https://www.europeansociology.org/research-networks/rn27-regional-network-southern-european-societies



[ Informação ESEIS. Estudios Sociales E Intervención Social ]

IX Congreso Andaluz de Sociología

Os recordamos que el próximo 15 de julio termina el plazo para remitir propuestas de comunicaciones a los grupos de trabajo de IX Congreso Andaluz de Sociología que se celebrará en Huelva entre el 23 y 24 de noviembre de 2018.

Todas las propuestas se remitirán a través de la página web del Congreso en el espacio habilitado a tal fin.

Instrucciones para realizar propuestas de comunicaciones: https://eventos.uhu.es/15234/section/11005/ix-congreso-andaluz-de-sociologia.html

Queríamos informaros igualmente de que se han concertado algunas tarifas especiales con algunos hoteles para el IX Congreso, que habría que reservar directamente con los hoteles. La información la tenéis igualmente en nuestra web, en la sección “Huelva”, donde se irá volcando y actualizando toda la información relativa a la ciudad de Huelva, turismo, alojamientos, y similares: https://eventos.uhu.es/15234/section/13664/ix-congreso-andaluz-de-sociologia.html

El IX Congreso Andaluz de Sociología coincide algunos días con la celebración en la ciudad de Huelva del importante Festival de Cine Iberoamericano en Huelva, que celebra su 44 edición. Conviene que tengáis esta información con tiempo a los efectos de la reserva de hoteles. Diversos actos del Festival de Cine se celebran en la Casa Colón, muy cerca de algunos de los hoteles con los que se han concertado tarifas especiales para los congresistas: https://festicinehuelva.com

¡Esperamos vuestras aportaciones al IX Congreso Andaluz!



[ Informação ESA ]

ESA 2019: Call for Research Streams (until 6 August)

You have 5 more weeks for submitting Research Stream proposals for the 14th ESA Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”, 20-23 August 2019 in Manchester, UK. More information about the conference can be found on the ESA website under ESA 2019 Conference.

Everything you need to know (eligibility, criteria…) is in the call which you can access here: https://www.europeansociology.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=563&qid=38515

Generally speaking, this call is open to all ESA members in good standing; Research Streams are networks of ESA members constituted to give attention to specific research fields or thematic issues not sufficiently addressed by existing Research Networks.
Please send your proposal until 6 August to the email address indicated in the call – the ESA Coordinator will collect all proposals on behalf of the ESA Conference Committee.

We are looking forward to many interesting proposals!



[ Informação GCP CIES-IUL ]

Call for Panels | 7th Biennial Afroeuropeans Network Conference “Black In/Visibilities Contested” | Deadline: 15 August 2018

The 7th Biennial Network Conference: “Afroeuropeans: Black In/Visibilities Contested” will be held in Lisbon (ISCTE – IUL), and is an important platform for the production of knowledge in the pertinent field of transdisciplinary research on racism, black cultures and identities in Europe. It also offers the opportunity to strengthen and widen networks between scholars, activists and artists that question structural racism and are critically engaged with the production of postcolonial knowledge on european blackness and the african diaspora. This dialogue and networking is promoted through keynotes and panels, round-tables, individual speakers and artistic and cultural activities.

The organizing committee of the 7th Biennial Network Conference seeks panel contributions that speak to one or more of the following agendas:

> Black Europe at its Intersections
> Afroeuropeans in the Arts and the Mediasphere
> Activisms, Resistances and Public Policy in late Capitalist Europe
> Black Cities: Public Space, Racism, Urban Cultures and Segregation
> Decolonising Knowledge on Black Europe, African Diaspora and Africa
> Theorizing Blackness and Racial Europe

Find out more about the Conference on the official website at https://afroeuropeans2019.wixsite.com/afroeuropeans2019



[ Informação Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais – UMinho ]

Chamada de trabalhos – Colóquio Internacional sobre Karl Marx: “Legado, Críticas e Atualidade”
6 e 7 dezembro – Universidade do Minho


Odiado, idolatrado, injuriado, aplaudido, mas sobretudo inspirador de teorias críticas nos mais diversos campos do conhecimento. Filósofo, economista, sociólogo, politólogo, historiador, ativista político, Marx foi um intelectual que, operando um corte epistemológico pelo materialismo histórico e dialético e procurando compreender e explicar o capitalismo através de uma profunda investigação teórica e histórica, lutou incansavelmente, com a cumplicidade solidária de Engels, por uma agenda política emancipatória capaz de ir ao encontro dos interesses e aspirações das classes exploradas e oprimidas.(…)

Duzentos anos depois do seu nascimento, Marx permanece nos debates sociais e políticos contemporâneos, sendo os seus textos indispensáveis não só para compreender o capitalismo, suas lógicas, dinâmicas e crises, como também para escrutinar os caminhos futuros para a sociedade humana. Num momento histórico marcado por mais uma crise geral do capitalismo global, parte inseparável da crise social e ambiental que atinge a humanidade e o planeta, e confrontados com o crescimento das desigualdades sociais e económicas entre países e no interior de cada país, o pensamento de Marx conhece um interesse revigorado, incluindo por aqueles que, não se identificando como marxistas, encontram no teórico alemão contributos decisivos para fazer o debate sobre o nosso presente e futuro comuns. (…)

Rejeitando leituras lineares e esquemáticas, o colóquio pretende debater o legado e a atualidade de Marx, sendo bem acolhidas propostas de comunicação que, ancoradas em diferentes enfoques disciplinares, metodológicos e geográficos, se inscrevam num dos seguintes tópicos:

(i) O materialismo histórico e dialético em Marx: totalidade, contradição, mudança e progresso;
(ii) Trabalho e tecnologia: revolução industrial, revolução digital e as mudanças impulsionadas pela “indústria 4.0”;
(iii) Capital e lutas sociais: economia e política, sociedade e Estado;(iv) Capitalismo, globalização e imperialismo: desenvolvimento desigual, desigualdades e exclusões sociais;
(v) Natureza e sociedade: capitalismo e crise socioambiental;
(vi) Socialismo, modelos e experiências reais: sucessos, fracassos, críticas e lições para o futuro;
(vii) Alienação, ideologia e utopia: caminhos para pensar a saída do capitalismo;
(viii) Filosofia, ciências sociais e políticas na tradição marxista: produção de conhecimento, autores (neo)marxistas, praxis e ativismo;
(ix) Cidadania, educação e cultura(s): perspetivas marxista e neomarxista;
(x) Novos objetos de investigação a partir do legado marxista

Para mais informações, consulte o site: http://www.lasics.uminho.pt/marx2018
ou contacte-nos através do e-mail: marx2018@ics.uminho.pt