[ Informação GCP CIES-IUL ]
[New Deadline] Call for Panels | 7th Biennial Afroeuropeans Network Conference “Black In/Visibilities Contested”
The 7th Biennial Network Conference: “Afroeuropeans: Black In/Visibilities Contested” will be held in Lisbon (ISCTE – IUL), and is an important platform for the production of knowledge in the pertinent field of transdisciplinary research on racism, black cultures and identities in Europe. It also offers the opportunity to strengthen and widen networks between scholars, activists and artists that question structural racism and are critically engaged with the production of postcolonial knowledge on european blackness and the african diaspora. This dialogue and networking is promoted through keynotes and panels, round-tables, individual speakers and artistic and cultural activities.
Find out more about the Conference on the official website at https://afroeuropeans2019.wixsite.com/afroeuropeans2019
Call for Panels (New Deadline: 30 September 2018)
The organizing committee of the 7th Biennial Network Conference seeks panel contributions that speak to one or more of the following agendas:
> Black Europe at its Intersections
> Afroeuropeans in the Arts and the Mediasphere
> Activisms, Resistances and Public Policy in late Capitalist Europe
> Black Cities: Public Space, Racism, Urban Cultures and Segregation
> Decolonising Knowledge on Black Europe, African Diaspora and Africa
> Theorizing Blackness and Racial Europe
More info about the agendas at https://afroeuropeans2019.wixsite.com/afroeuropeans2019
[ Informação Brígida Riso ]
Call for papers for the thematic collection in “Palgrave Communications” – deadline 31 July 2019
“Making the cut? Scientific Possibilities and ELSI Challenges in Genome-Editing”
Since 2012, the dramatically increased potential of genome editing techniques (particularly CRISPR-Cas9) in human therapeutics has created headlines, enthusiasm and concern in genetic research not seen since the mapping of the human genome at the turn of the century. It could be suggested that the recent developments in genome editing do not bring entirely new ethical, social and legal issues to the fore. Rather, it brings us to a point where many of these theoretical reflections are becoming (potentially) applicable and therefore can have a greater role to play in policy decisions, which will affect the emerging governance of new genome editing developments.
For full call for papers visit: https://www.nature.com/palcomms/for-authors/call-for-papers#genes
[ Informação Revista MEMORIAMEDIA ]
Encontra-se aberta a chamada de artigos, vídeos e e-exposições para a Revista do projeto MEMORIAMEDIA (MI/IELT). Uma publicação online revista por pares e dedicada à promoção, comunicação e documentação de projetos, estudos e arquivos do PATRIMÓNIO CULTURAL IMATERIAL (PCI). Para este número os autores são convidados a submeter originais sobre METODOLOGIAS PARTICIPATIVAS e o PATRIMÓNIO CULTURAL IMATERIAL.
Mais informações e Formulário para submissão: http://review.memoriamedia.net/index.php/submissao/call
A revista é redigida e legendada em português e inglês.