[ Informação APSIOT ]
Call for Papers – Abstracts deadline 30th September – Aplication Form to the III International Meeting of Sociology (ISSOW)
The III International Meeting of Industrial Sociology, Sociology of Work and Organisations (ISSOW) aims at discussing the complexity of the transitions that occur in three spheres of life – education, employment and reform – in a context where risk and uncertainty prevail.
Linear transitions within and between these three spheres of life have been replaced by increasingly fragmented and sinuous transitions, posing theoretical and methodological challenges to social scientists in general and sociologists in particular.
The III ISSOW aims at bringing together sociologists and other social scientists with diverse theoretical and cross-country affiliations in order to discuss the specificities and configurations of the transitions in the three domains of life that have the world of work as main reference. The dialogue between the various disciplinary fields and theoretical approaches is fundamental to understand this phenomenon at the individual, organizational, political and social level. We therefore appeal to the submission of papers which have as their object of study:
· Transitions in Education;
· Transitions in Employment;
· Transitions in Retirement.
Papers focusing in the following topics are also welcome:
· Social and Solidarity Economy;
· Gender relations and family-work conciliation;
· Globalization, labor relations and social movements;
· Public policies for employment and education / training.
Abstracts must not exceed 300 words.
The summary must include: the research problem, the methodology and the main results.
Languages of the Meeting: Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.
Important Dates
Abstract submission: Until September, 30th
Abstract acceptance: Until October, 15th
Site: http://www.apsiot.pt/images/siteiiiei/iiieiindex.html
[ Informação INFO | DINÂMIA’CET-IUL ]
Call for Abstracts | 5th Symposium on Ethics and Social Responsibility Research
Submissions types
Two types of submissions are accepted for the SESRR
1) oral
2) poster presentations
Abstracts should have between 200 and 300 words. Both empirical and theoretical proposals are accepted.
All abstracts must be submitted in?English through the 5th SESRR website and will be subjected to a double-blind review process by the Scientific Committee. Confirmation of acceptance or rejection will be communicated to the corresponding author by March 1st, 2019.
Contributions may focus on, but are not limited to:
• Corporate Social Responsibility and stakeholders response (consumer, employee, others)
• Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability reporting
• Sustainability in Higher Education Institutions
• Green and social accounting
• Corporate Social Responsibility and performance
• Social sustainability
• Individual and contextual determinants of ethical decision-making.
• Ethical problems in leaders’ decision-making processes.
• The case for unethical personality: “black triad” and beyond.
• Practically supporting ethical decision-making in organizations.
• Big Data and individual data privacy – ethical issues
• Sustainability in the context of public and nonprofit sectors
• Consumer responsibility
At least one of the authors of an accepted presentation must register as a participant in the 5th SESRR until April 30th, 2019. Please take into consideration that once a paper is included in the program, the author should present it in the Symposium or officially notify the Organizing Committee of its withdrawal.
Publication opportunities:
Accepted abstracts will be published in the Congress Book of Proceedings with ISBN. Congress book will be available at https://repositorio.iscte-iul.pt
Papers will be considered for publication in a special issue for an international journal.
More information will be available soon.
Submit Abstract: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nBiMrdd0BWiDP0ZUQo0x-zDQ6RNCE7oznUi6m6yDIWE/viewform?edit_requested=true
[ Informação ODDH ]
Chamada de trabalhos até 30/09: III Encontro do ODDH – Deficiência, Trabalho Digno e Cidadania (13 dezembro)
O Observatório da Deficiência e Direitos Humanos (ODDH) realiza o seu III Encontro no dia 13 de dezembro de 2018, no Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP), da Universidade de Lisboa. Nesta edição, realizada na data em que se assinala o 12º aniversário da Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência, pretende-se promover uma reflexão alargada sobre deficiência, trabalho digno e cidadania. No âmbito deste III Encontro será apresentado publicamente o relatório elaborado pelo ODDH – ‘Pessoas com Deficiência em Portugal – Indicadores de Direitos Humanos 2018’ -, que sistematiza, a partir de fontes secundárias, as principais informações estatísticas sobre deficiência em Portugal nas seguintes áreas: Discriminação, Emprego, Educação e Proteção Social. Para debater os aspetos essenciais deste relatório será organizada uma mesa redonda com oradores convidados com responsabilidades no mundo do trabalho. Adicionalmente, o Encontro contará ainda com sessões paralelas onde se pretende dar visibilidade à produção científica levada a cabo pelos investigadores na área da deficiência.
Chamada de Trabalhos – até 30 de Setembro de 2018
Com o objetivo de favorecer um lugar de encontro científico na área dos Estudos da Deficiência em Portugal e de divulgação de projetos de intervenção inovadores neste domínio, fomentando o intercâmbio e disponibilização de novos conhecimentos, o ODDH convida todas e todos os interessados a submeter os seus trabalhos, até dia 30 de setembro de 2018. As propostas deverão focar a temática da deficiência, podendo considerar, entre outros, os seguintes eixos temáticos:
• Trabalho e emprego;
• Vida independente;
• Cidadania e participação política das pessoas com deficiência;
• Deficiência e intersecções de género, classe, etnia.
Modalidades de apresentação:
– Comunicação oral (entre 10 a 15 minutos).
– Poster;
– No máximo 300 palavras;
– Título, autor/a e afiliação;
– Modalidade pretendida: Comunicação ou Poster;
– Email para envio: oddh@iscsp.ulisboa.pt
Datas importantes
Submissão de resumo (até 300 palavras): 30 setembro 2018
Notificação de aceitação: 5 novembro 2018
Comissão Executiva do III Encontro do ODDH:
• ADFA – Associação dos Deficientes das Forças Armadas
• ANDST – Associação Nacional dos Deficientes Sinistrados no Trabalho
• Associação NOVAMENTE
• FPAPC – Federação das Associações Portuguesas de Paralisia Cerebral
• FENACERCI – Federação Nacional de Cooperativas de Solidariedade Social
• HUMANITAS – Federação Portuguesa para a Deficiência Mental
• ODDH/ISCSP – Observatório da Deficiência e Direitos Humanos
A entrada no III Encontro do ODDH é livre, apenas sujeita a inscrição prévia.
[ Informação INFO | DINÂMIA’CET-IUL ]
CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios – 36 now online | Permanent CfP
Issue 36 of CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios (Cities, Communities and Territories), DINÂMIA’CET-IUL’s journal in Urban Studies, is now available online.
The next special dossier will be devoted to housing issues “O estado da habitação: crise, política e políticas”. We will gladly receive contributions preferably by 15-11-2018.
Submissions are continually available online and conducted upon registration on the website. All items should be the product of original scientific work, in different languages, whose results are relevant to the journal’s scope. Please check our author guidelines for directions regarding format and presentation standards, and refer to our editorial policies for details on the peer-review process. Published materials are covered by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported licence. Authors will be duly notified of acceptance/revisions required and encouraged to keep in contact with the editorial team should any unforeseen situation occur.