[ Informação ESEIS. Estudios Sociales E Intervención Social ]
Call for Papers – Culture e Studi del Sociale (CuSSoc): “The Role of Social Sciences” (Vol.4(1)2019)
editor Emiliana Mangone
Sociology and the human and social sciences are an instrument to better our knowledge of social interconnections because rather than analyzing the specific aspects of society as such, they focus on interactions, bonds and reciprocal conditionings. On the subject of sociology, “The central question for sociological theory can then be put as follows: How is it possible that subjective meanings be-come objective facticities? Or, in terms appropriate to the aforementioned theoretical positions: How is it possible that human activity (Handeln) should produce a world of things (choses)? In oth-er words, an adequate understanding of the ‘reality sui generis’ of society requires an inquiry into the manner in which this reality is constructed. This inquiry, we maintain, is the task of the sociolo-gy of knowledge” (Berger and Luckmann, 1966, p. 30). Sorokin had already clearly emphasized these characteristics; indeed, according to the Russian-American sociologist “sociology describes only the most common generic forms and stages of development, without, however, pretending to formulate ‘laws of development’ and ‘historical tendencies’” (Sorokin, n.d., chap. I, pp. 4-5). As Bourdieu had said in his acceptance speech for the CNRS Gold Medal, the task of sociology is “the critical unhinging of the manoeuvring and manipulation of citizens and of consumers that rely on perverse usages of science” (Bourdieu, 2013, p. 12) going beyond the questions posed by common sense or by the media as they are often induced.
At this historical juncture, societies are characterized by major transformations due to new socio-political conflicts and the populations’ mobility processes, both of which pose a challenge to de-mocracy that institutions and social systems must detect and manage in order to renew the rules of community life. Within this framework, the role of the researcher (sociologist, psychologist, an-thropologist, or any other scholar of human and social sciences) is to analyse socio-cultural phe-nomena. The aim is not their explanation, but their understanding, so as to promote their transfor-mation towards a development of humanity in a solidaristic sense.
The work of researchers and the resulting knowledge produced are to be intended, as Bourdieu stated over twenty years ago, in a dual manner: on the one hand, they allow for an “institutional support” (public service) that does not mean meeting all the needs of society, but giving scientific answers to actual problems. Not a “solution”, but suggests possible routes for the improvement of the need concerned. On the other hand, they allow the development of a “critical and active citizen” very close to the ideal type of Schütz’s “well-informed citizen” (Schütz, 1946) which, revised ac-cording to the present society (Mangone, 2014), appears to be advocating the establishment of a modern citizenship amounting not merely to rights but also to duties. For this newly forged citizen-ship, the establishment of a socially approved knowledge based on the principle of responsibility (Jonas, 1984) becomes a priority, revealed through social reflexivity (Donati, 2011), an aspect of individual reflexivity that is neither subjective nor structural but related to the reality of social rela-tions.
It is therefore to be hoped that the knowledge amassed by human sciences and particularly by sociology – without denying the autonomy of the individual disciplines, and yet abandoning those excesses that limits all sociological knowledge within specific frames and paradigms – will become reflexive knowledge, promoting the construction of connections between individuals and in their environments, overcoming Comte’s “social physics” to lay the foundations (theoretical/empirical) for interventions that can involve positive transformations at both the individual and the social level, to be translated in turn into “knowing how to live”.
At this point we can no longer speak of a contrast between theory and practice. We must speak of a continuum of interdependencies that goes from theory to operativity, passing through research-action. The social sciences become the instrument for doing research. It becomes essential to ac-quire a knowledge that must “get its hands dirty” to read the individual and/or social phenomena, in order to translate the theoretical premises into concrete acts. Following this logic, sociology (in par-ticular) and the other sciences of society and humanity (in general) must play a fundamental role in establishing (first) and maintaining (then) the integration of these aspects.
Following this perspective, the present call’s aim is to try and answer – or at least to open the reflection on – a fundamental question: How can social sciences (primarily sociology) and researchers mobilize knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to act in a creative, collaborative and ethical way towards a more equitable and sustainable model of social, cultural and economic development?
Types of contributions and deadlines
The issue will be comprised of texts in Italian or English – including interdisciplinary ones – pro-viding an original contribution to the scientific and social debate, starting from the combination of empirical investigations and theoretical reflections, without specific preferences for theoretical ap-proaches and research methodologies. The editor-in-chief and the editorial staff reserve the right to publish contributions received in other European languages than Italian and English.
The texts may have a different type of contribution, according to the general structure of the jour-nal.
The Essays section (35,000 to 60,000 characters, including footnotes, references and spaces) in-cludes original works and field-works, preferring those with both theoretical and empirical implica-tions on the themes that revolve around the problems posed by the Call for Papers.
The Experiences and Comparisons section (25,000 to 40,000 characters, including footnotes, ref-erences and spaces) includes contributions concerning the results of case studies (local, national and/or international) or reports aiming to compare different territorial areas on more or less specific areas of sociology and other human and social sciences, emerging phenomena and field surveys. The section welcomes contributions not strictly in line with the monographic theme of the issue, as long as they follow the aims and contents of the journal.
The Notes and Comments section (9,000 to 25,000 characters, including footnotes, references and spaces) hosts contributions that present experiences, projects and critical reflections on interven-tions, measures and social policies, at different territorial scales and/or in specific areas of social in-tervention, as well as comments and reflections on publications, Italian and/or international, con-cerning both social policies and social sciences in general. Furthermore, this section welcomes for publication short historical and/or unpublished texts in Italy, by both classical and contemporary au-thors chosen by the Scientific Committee of the journal or proposed by third parties.
With the exception of the Essays section, the sections have an open call. Contributions do not nec-essarily have to be in line with the monographic theme of the issue, provided that they follow the aims and contents of the journal. Papers, in Italian or English, must be sent to: rivistacus-soc@unisa.it with clear indication of the section chosen by 31th January 2019.
Authors must submit two versions of their article in two separate files: 1) the full text, containing all the information (called “Full Article”); 2) the text (called “Anonymous Article”) without any identi-fying information of the author(s), to ensure anonymity during the double-blind peer reviewing pro-cedure.
All articles must follow the editorial rules which, together with the procedures for making the paper anonymous, are available at: http://www.cussoc.unisa.it/en/guidelines
Call for papers: September 2018
Deadline for the Full Article: 31th January 2019
Reviewers’ decision: 31thMarch 2019
Submission of revised papers: 30th April 2019
Final decision: 30th May 2019
Publication: June 2019
[ Informação SOCIUS ]
CfP: 2ª Conferência Internacional de GRH em Língua Portuguesa – ISEG 2019
O ADVANCE – Centro de Investigação em Gestão do ISEG e o CSG – Consórcio em Ciências Sociais e Gestão convidam os autores do universo lusófono a submeter artigos na área científica de Gestão de Recursos Humanos e relacionadas.
Acolhemos trabalhos teóricos e empíricos em língua portuguesa com limite de 6.000 palavras de extensão, respeitando as normas da conferência ( https://www.iseg.ulisboa.pt/aquila/investigacao/ADV/conferencia-internacional-de-grh-em-lingua-portuguesa-2019-/normas?_request_checksum_=3565d5d355a210612b6444712d50ecf5e2ebe566 )
– Promover a produção de investigação científica de qualidade nas áreas científicas de Gestão de Recursos Humanos e relacionadas;
– Contribuir para o desenvolvimento de artigos e trabalhos em curso por via da sua discussão construtiva;
– Proporcionar a investigadores em início de carreira a discussão dos seus projetos de investigação, sob a forma de artigo;
– Desenvolver competências em termos de avaliação crítica de trabalhos científicos e de apresentação de trabalhos de investigação;
– Aprofundar os contactos entre membros da comunidade científica do espaço lusófono que investigam nas áreas de Gestão de Recursos Humanos e relacionadas;
A Conferência, a realizar nos dias 14 e 15 de fevereiro de 2019, reunindo o consórcio doutoral, um seminário sobre ética empresarial e a apresentação e discussão dos artigos aceites.
A apresentação e discussão de artigos funcionará em sessões paralelas, sendo o tempo alocado para a apresentação e discussão de cada artigo de 20 min. Serão aceites artigos tendo por base o seu mérito, podendo os mesmos estar numa fase intermédia da respetiva elaboração. Após aceitação dos artigos submetidos, esta só se torna definitiva quando pelo menos um dos autores do artigo se inscreva na Conferência e efetue o respetivo pagamento.
Todos os artigos aceites serão reunidos num livro de atas com ISBN.
Investigadores e docentes das áreas de Gestão de Recursos Humanos e relacionadas, alunos de programas de mestrado e doutoramento, assim como outros agentes interessados nos temas de investigação apresentados.
Datas importantes
Envio dos artigos e trabalhos em curso: até 31 de outubro de 2018.
Comunicação de aceitação dos trabalhos para apresentação: até 30 de novembro de 2018.
Inscrição de autores de trabalhos aceites para apresentação: até 5 dias após a recep ção da notificação de aceitação .
Inscrição: de 1 dezembro de 2018 a 15 de janeiro de 2019 (1.º período); de 16 de janeiro a 5 de fevereiro de 2019 (2.º período); dias 6 a 8 de fevereiro de 2019 (3.º período).
Envio do texto dos artigos e trabalhos em curso e processo de seleção
O texto dos artigos deverá ser enviado, até 31 de outubro, para o endereço de e-mail: inscricoes@advance.iseg.ulisboa.pt
Nota: No título do e-mail deverá constar claramente o tema ao que se submete o artigo à Conferência.
A seleção dos artigos para apresentação na Conferência estará condicionada à apreciação dos mesmos por parte de avaliadores assignados a cada tema.
Parceria com a revista European Journal of Management Studies (EJMS)
A Conferência estabeleceu um protocolo com o European Journal of Management Studies, ao abrigo do qual os melhores artigos da Conferência serão considerados para publicação. Os melhores artigos da Conferência serão avaliados e, após aceitação definitiva pela equipa editorial da revista, serão publicados.
Informação detalhada sobre a Conferência Internacional de GRH em Língua Portuguesa – ISEG 2019 está disponível em /aquila/investigacao/ADV/conferencia-internacional-de-grh-em-lingua-portuguesa-2019-/conferencia-de-grh-2019