[ Informação Adriana Mica – University of Warsaw ]
CfP: next year editions of the May workshops
Please allow me to inform you about the next year editions of the May workshops we usually organize in Warsaw, with the Polish Sociological Association as well as affiliated research and academic institutions:
7th Unintended Consequences Workshop
Time is Money, and Beyond: The Temporality of Action and Consequences
6-7 May 2019, Warsaw, Poland
Guest speaker: John Preston (University of Essex)
Deadline for submission of mini-conference proposals: 15 November 2018
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 December 2018.
3rd NES Workshop
Economy & the Possible: Alternative, Missed and Reified Futures in Contemporary Society
20-21 May 2019, Warsaw, Poland
Guest speakers: Gary Herrigel (University of Chicago) and Marcin Serafin (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 10 December 2018.