[ Informação ESA ]
European Sociological Association 14th Conference – Deadline Extension for submission: February 15, 2019
The European Sociological Association (ESA) aims to facilitate sociological research, teaching and communication between sociologists as well as between sociologists and other scientists, and to give sociology a voice in European affairs. Its focus is the development of sociological knowledge, by the organisation of a biennual conference with more than 3000 participants from all across the world.
We would like to enlarge our network through other sociological non-profit associations and societies and introduce our work to even more colleagues. For example, ESA provides a platform for dialogue with other National Associations during the NA Council Meetings organised once a year. We would be delighted to invite you to join ESA as a member and enjoy all the benefits available. By joining ESA you can reach a large and international group of sociologists working within different fields, organised in 37 Research Networks.
The 14th ESA Conference will be held in Manchester (UK) on August 20-23, 2019. In the attachment of this message, we are sending: i) our flyer – which you can order and distribute among your colleagues and members and ii) our Twitter banner – a picture can change everything! ESA has a brand-new online publication – The European Sociologist – and contributions are welcome! Don’t hesitate and contact us for more details about the benefits, the conference or The European Sociologist. Join us on Twitter and visit our website.
We are hoping for your support in spreading our ESA 2019 Call for Papers, with a deadline extension until February 15, 2019 (https://www.europeansociology.org/call-papers-published). You can also submit your contribution at https://www.conftool.pro/esa2019/index.php?page=login ! Thank you for your help and interest!
[ Informação Divulgação – Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Género (CIEG) ]
II CONGRESSO DO CIEG: Abertura plataforma de submissão
Relembramos que já se encontra disponível a plataforma para a submissão de propostas de comunicações para o II Congresso Internacional do Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Género, intitulado Estudos de Género, Feministas e sobre as Mulheres: Reflexividade, resistência e ação, que decorrerá em Lisboa, nos dias 24, 25 e 26 de Julho de 2019, no Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP-ULisboa).
Acesso à plataforma em https://congressos.leading.pt/geral/inserirresumo.aspx?evento=71&formulario=153&lingua=pt-PT
Relembramos que a data limite para o envio das propostas de comunicações, com um máximo de 300 palavras, é o dia 15 de fevereiro.
Podem encontrar informações adicionais no site do CIEG, em http://cieg.iscsp.ulisboa.pt/actividades-do-cieg/2-congresso-internacional