[ Informação ESA ]
ESA 2019: Final call for abstracts and Solidarity Fund
We are also happy to announce that for the first time, the European Sociological Association establishes a Solidarity Fund. ESA members can apply for a conference fee waiver. More information, including the application form, under “Solidarity Fund” here: https://www.europeansociology.org/conftool/fees
The deadline for applications is on 15 March 2019.
Confirmed (Semi-) Plenary speakers include: Manuela Boatca, Sari Hanafi, Ursula Huws, Michael Keith, Roman Kuhar, Michèle Lamont, Linsey McGoey, Nasar Meer, Phoebe Moore, Melissa Nolas, Ilaria Pitti, Diane Richardson, Françoise Vergès, Michel Wieviorka, Ruth Wodak, and Jens Zinn.
[ Informação Ana Romão ]
CALL FOR PAPERS – Vol. 4(2), 2019 (English Version)
http://www.cussoc.unisa.it | ISSN 2531-3975
Guest editor Andrea S.A. Barbieri (IRPPS-CNR)
The global terror begotten by the collapse of the Twin Towers, the resurgence of the feeling of insecurity that followed, the extreme fickleness of emotions, whose language now shapes the news, as well as new events such as collective indignation, the unprecedented vigour of the intolerances in the public space (first and foremost the crusade against “homosexual marriage”) and the frantic recognition of suffering that tends to reread one’s entire past as a massive self-pitying tale – all these scattered things and many others have outlined what the experts of collective change now call “the society of affections” (Lordon, 2013). So much so that some, such as Canadian anthropologist David Howes (2003), have invoked a sensual turn within the social sciences, in his eyes too uniquely subjugated to the universe of words and ideas (Leys, 2011). In any case, what to do with Lucien Febvre’s old call? That appeal he launched from the pages of the Annales, dur-ing the German occupation, to invite his colleagues to finally introduce sensitivities, the “systems of emo-tions”, fear, hatred, love, moodiness, the propensity to tears, in short, as he said, “the affective life and its manifestations”, in the too well-kept and muffled domain of the social sciences (Febvre, 1941): “I ask for a vast collective investigation into the fundamental feelings of men and their ways. How many surprises to ex-pect”! (Febvre 1992: 236).
Only, and this is where it all begins, we must acknowledge that social scholars have been singularly neg-ligent in the matter. There are certainly not many among them that seriously deny the fruitfulness of a history of emotions and of the forms of social organization they enliven. Nor are there many voices to intone, in the name of the superiority of the intellectual faculties, the old Platonic criticism of the faculties of feeling, lower, more passive and cowardly. Indeed, this criticism shows a good part of that scholastic short-sightedness inclined to lend to the men of the past a reasoned and reasoned relationship with their practical world (Bourdieu, 1998). But, apart from those who focused on peculiar situations such as wars, apart from the study of suffering and passions, and apart from that of the regimes of beliefs and opinion for many years, the study of these issues has remained almost a dead letter.
One thing is certain, in any case: the scholars of this century, whatever their chosen field, would do good in undertaking such an exploration. Let us face it, the task is difficult. It is in proportion with the object that the social scientist must construct if she wants to do anything other than keep to pointing out the evidence, neither true nor false, composing the stories of the past and current century. Intolerance to pain, cold or the sight of blood, the refinement of food tastes and attachment to nature, the greatest compassion for the suffer-ings of others, all these things and even the metamorphosis of love feelings and filial attachments have not had, during the century, the pretty trajectory that we attribute them when we give them the name of conven-ient processes – that, however, most of the time, merely support or decorate with some flesh much larger his-torical truths. On the contrary, they are permeated by an infinity of gaps, of returns, of superimpositions, and one can acknowledge them as a change in sensibilities only at the price of an immense work to reconstruct the historical universe of the actors, practices and power relations within which they have been built.
The continent thus sketched is truly gigantic. Obviously, there is no pretension to go through it in its en-tirety; above all because the scant research, sketching an incomplete path, often leads to the irritating litany of Should Bes. The important thing, for the moment, lies rather in the approach – historical and sociological – to explore it. The aim and ambition of this Call is to try and give it a first consistency, to draw its coher-ence, to prove its limits.
Types of contributions and deadlines
The issue will be comprised of texts in Italian or English – including interdisciplinary ones – providing an original contribution to the scientific and social debate, starting from the combination of empirical investiga-tions and theoretical reflections, without specific preferences for theoretical approaches and research meth-odologies. The editor-in-chief and the editorial staff reserve the right to publish contributions received in other European languages than Italian and English.
The texts may have a different type of contribution, according to the general structure of the journal.
The Essays section (35,000 to 60,000 characters, including footnotes, references and spaces) includes origi-nal works and field-works, preferring those with both theoretical and empirical implications on the themes that revolve around the problems posed by the Call for Papers.
The Experiences and Comparisons section (25,000 to 40,000 characters, including footnotes, references and spaces) includes contributions concerning the results of case studies (local, national and/or international) or reports aiming to compare different territorial areas on more or less specific areas of sociology and other human and social sciences, emerging phenomena and field surveys. The section welcomes contributions not strictly in line with the monographic theme of the issue, as long as they follow the aims and contents of the journal.
The Notes and Comments section (9,000 to 25,000 characters, including footnotes, references and spaces) hosts contributions that present experiences, projects and critical reflections on interventions, measures and social policies, at different territorial scales and/or in specific areas of social intervention, as well as com-ments and reflections on publications, Italian and/or international, concerning both social policies and social sciences in general. Furthermore, this section welcomes for publication short historical and/or unpublished texts in Italy, by both classical and contemporary authors chosen by the Scientific Committee of the journal or proposed by third parties.
With the exception of the Essays section, the sections have an open call. Contributions do not necessarily have to be in line with the monographic theme of the issue, provided that they follow the aims and contents of the journal. Papers, in Italian or English, must be sent through OJS platform with clear indication of the section chosen by 10th June 2019.
All articles must follow the editorial rules which, together with the procedures for making the paper anony-mous, are available at: http://www.cussoc.it/index.php/journal/about/submissions
Call for papers: February 2019
Deadline for the Full Article: 10th June 2019
Reviewers’ decision: 30th July 2019
Submission of revised papers: 20th September 2019
Final decision: 15th October 2019
[ Informação RICOT – Rede de Investigação sobre Condições de Trabalho ]
Call for Papers 2019 – International Journal on Working Conditions
A Rede de Investigação sobre Condições de Trabalho (RICOT) informa que se encontra aberto o período de submissão de artigos para o International Journal on Working Conditions (IJWC) para o ano de 2019.
O período de submissão está aberto até 8 de abril de 2019. Mais informações relativas ao processo de submissão de artigos podem ser consultadas no site da publicação: http://ricot.com.pt/PT/jornal.php
No site da revista também pode consultar o último número que foi disponibilizado.
[ Informação Divulgação – Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Género (CIEG) ]
CONGRESSO CIEG: Alargamento de prazo 20 de Fevereiro
O CIEG informa que o prazo de submissões de abstracts para o II Congresso Internacional do Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Género, Estudos de Género, Feministas e sobre as Mulheres: Reflexividade, resistência e ação, foi alargado até ao próximo dia 20 de fevereiro.
Aceda à plataforma de submissões em https://congressos.leading.pt/geral/inserirresumo.aspx?evento=71&formulario=153&lingua=pt-PT
Mais informações sobre o Congresso em http://cieg.iscsp.ulisboa.pt/actividades-do-cieg/2-congresso-internacional
[ Informação Congresso CIAIS ]
III Congresso Ibero-americano de Intervenção Social – III CIAIS
O Instituto Superior de Serviço Social do Porto em parceria com a Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, o IBEROJUR (Instituto de Estudos Jurídicos Ibero-Americanos) e a Federação de Mediação de Conflitos convidam toda a comunidade académica para o III Congresso Ibero-americano de Intervenção Social – III CIAIS com o subtema Intervenção Social, Direitos Humanos e Mediação a ser realizado no dia 21/10/2019 nas instalações do Instituto Superior de Serviço Social do Porto,
As propostas de artigos completos deverão ser enviadas até ao dia 15 DE MAIO DE 2019.
Pode ainda consultar os temas, regras de escrita dos papers e mais informação em https://www.isssp.pt/isssp/web_base.gera_pagina?p_pagina=ISSSP_IIICIAIS_TEMAS
Para consultar toda a informação do congresso, nomeadamente regras dos papers, temas em debate e datas de entrega pode consultar em https://www.isssp.pt/isssp/web_base.gera_pagina?p_pagina=ISSSP_IICIAIS
[ Informação FPCEUP – Serviço de Comunicação e Imagem ]
Submissão de trabalhos: II Seminário Internacional CAFTe – Currículo, Avaliação, Formação e Tecnologias educativas
Nos dias 13 e 14 de junho de 2019, a Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP) acolhe o II Seminário Internacional “Currículo, Avaliação e Formação e Tecnologias educativas” (II CAFTe).
Este Seminário é organizado pelo grupo que constitui a comunidade prática de investigação CAFTe, do Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas (CIIE) da FPCEUP. O grupo – formado por investigadores de Portugal, Brasil, Angola e de Moçambique – elege como objeto de estudo a educação formal, com especial foco nas políticas de educação, na formação, na avaliação, nas práticas curriculares de diferentes níveis de ensino e nas tecnologias educativas nelas mobilizadas.
O II Seminário Internacional CAFTe tem como objetivos partilhar o conhecimento produzido sobre educação, currículo, avaliação, formação e tecnologias educativas, proporcionar o encontro de elementos das comunidades académica e educativa com estudos e intervenções nestas temáticas, e ampliar o debate científico a outros intervenientes no campo educacional.
A Comissão Organizadora do II CAFTe convida à apresentação de propostas para comunicação, nas seguintes temáticas:
1. Políticas e práticas da educação e do currículo
2. Avaliação e qualidade educativa
3. Políticas e práticas de formação de professores
4. Educação e tecnologias digitais
Língua(s) do evento: Português e Espanhol
Poderá obter mais informações sobre as normas para a apresentação de propostas para comunicação oral e poster em https://www.fpce.up.pt/cafte/2cafte/submissao.html
Mais informações em https://www.fpce.up.pt/cafte/2cafte/