[ Informação João Marques – UALG ]
3rd International Conference on CREATIVE TOURISM
The third International Conference of the CREATOUR Project is devoted to Creative Tourism Dynamics, with a particular focus on communicating, engaging, and connecting travellers with local communities and place through creative tourism. The CREATOUR approach to Creative Tourism highlights four elements: active participation, the learning and creation process, creative self-expression, and a link to the local community and sense of place. Creative Tourism creates a privileged relationship between tourists and residents, which derives from the immersion of both in local culture through the active participation in creative learning experiences. In this context, it is important to better understand how to identify and reach travellers, how to involve communities in the design and production of creative experiences, and to learn from initiatives being developed internationally.
What is creative tourism?
The vision of creative tourism guiding CREATOUR’s pilot activities is centred on active creative activity encouraging personal self-expression and interaction between visitors and local residents, inspired by local endogenous resources (place and people), and designed and implemented by local residents. A working definition of creative tourism has been established as sustainable small-scale tourism that provides a genuine visitor experience by combining an immersion in local culture with a learning and creative process. As such, four dimensions are key: active participation, creative self-expression, learning, and community engagement. The creative tourism approach allows the destination communities and regions to benefit from significant advantages, and enables artistic and other creative activities to play a driving role in broader socio-economic development.
We invite you to share your experience with us. This call is open to ongoing research, creative tourism projects, presentations of best practice cases, networks developed, etc. in the area of creative tourism that address the following:
Creative travellers:
• Who are the creative travellers?
• Who participates in creative tourism activities and why?
• How can we best communicate about creative tourism experiences?
• How can we best market creative destinations?
• Can storytelling be a useful tool in creative tourism?
Creative tourism processes and products:
• What new products are being developed in the scope of creative tourism?
• How are traditions being used or/and reinvented in creative tourism experiences?
• How are they developed and evolve?
• What is distinct about creative tourism offers in small communities and rural areas?
• How are they contextualized (i.e., within festivals, village-destination contexts, stand-alone offers, other…)?
• How might cultural mapping and other innovative methodologies be used to improve tourism experiences?
Capacity building and sense of community:
• How can we build the capacities of creative tourism developers/agents/animators?
• What are the main challenges in developing creative tourism experiences? What are the skills, competencies, and abilities needed to address them?
• In what ways can residents and stakeholders be engaged in the design of creative tourism experiences?
• In what ways can the community be engaged in the delivery of creative tourism experiences?
• What partnerships, community linkages, and impacts are realized in the development of creative tourism?
• How are place-based knowledge and specificities being used in creative tourism?
Sustainability of creative tourism initiatives and destinations:
• How can creative tourism complement and extend cultural tourism?
• How can creative tourism initiatives be made more sustainable?
• How can creative tourism contribute to regional development?
• What public policies and programmes could most effectively support creative tourism development and its sustainability in the contexts of strengthening cultural, tourism, and regional development more generally?
Deadline to submit proposals: 15 May 2019
Responses from the Scientific Committee: 14 June 2019
Registration: 15 June to 15 September 2019
Conference in FARO: 23 to 25 October 2019
Abstract Submissions:
Proposals should be submitted in English until May 15 here: https://www.cognitoforms.com/CIEO1/_3rdcreatourinternationalconferenceabstractsubmission
Required information in the form:
– Name of the author(s)
– Organization/Institution, city, country
– Brief bio of the author(s) (max. 150 words)
– Presentation title
– Abstract (max. 300 words)
– Email of the corresponding author
– Conference theme
– Keyword(s) of presentation/proposal (max. 3)
Oral presentations are to be made in English
Conference website: http://creatour.pt/events/conference-2019
For further details, please contact: creatour@ualg.pt (Sónia Moreira Cabeça)
More information about CREATOUR is available at: http://www.creatour.pt
[ Informação Ricardo Campos – CICS.NOVA_Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (UNL) ]
“Exploring Ibero-american Youth Street Cultures in the 21st century. Creativity, Resistance and Transgression in the City.” – Call for Chapter Proposals
Since the mid-20th century, youth have come to gain a central role in the construction of media agendas and political and scientific discourses as a result of their growing social visibility. By focusing on youth cultures and subcultures, and on the different modes of transition to adulthood, different trends and conceptual proposals have been molding academic debates for decades. The multiple relationships between youth, the city, and the different geographical, cultural and social contexts in which they live has been central to different disciplines. Urban space is often the natural habitat of youth cultures, and an essential factor in the way young people express themselves. In this context, the urban public space and “the street” are of a particular importance, given their role as physical and symbolic territories that offer a set of opportunities and resources for youth agency. Youth street cultures are defined by the functions of urban public space as a symbolic device, as an identity resource and as a stage for carrying out activities that would unlikely occur elsewhere.
Much of the literature produced over the decades relates particularly to the English-speaking world. It has largely marked the way that we have come to conceive youth in the Western hemisphere, especially in regards to the values, discourses, voices, grammars and practices produced, reproduced and consumed by youth. Only recently, a growing number of scholars has started to explore the multiple, complex, and vibrant worlds of youth street cultures in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, South Europe and Latin America. This diversification of geographical scopes and perspectives appears, indeed, as fundamental to understanding the mosaic of contemporary youth cultures in a rapidly changing and highly connected world.
This anthology aims to bring together contemporary works on youth street cultures in the 21st century Ibero-American world(s). It aims to bridge both the Anglophone and the Ibero-American scholarly communities on the issue of youth street cultures in order to foster new collaborative, transnational, comparative and breakthrough research in youth studies.
With the aim of encouraging interdisciplinar dialogue, this Call for Chapter Proposals welcomes articles on any thematic or conceptual aspect related to the issues discussed below. Although empirically supported research is preferred, the call is also open to theoretical contributions devoted to going beyond the current state-of-the-art by challenging dominant (Western-centred) theoretical and conceptual approaches.
The editors are strongly committed to producing up an anthology showing a holistic, transnational and original approach to the different youth street cultures in today’s 21st century cities of the Ibero-American world, ensuring a high diversity of geographical and social/cultural research contexts. Contributions should focus on one, two or multiple spatial contexts (the public space, the street, the city) by emphasizing the different economic, social, cultural, symbolic specificities of youth cultures (including gender, sexuality and ethnicity) in their particular urban contexts.
The editors welcome contributions from any field of social sciences (including interdisciplinary and/or intersectional areas) and should focus on any of the following subjects (but not limited to them):
– Youth and the city in Latin and Ibero-American contexts
– Youth, the street and forms of transgression
– Youth and street creativity
– Youth, the street and forms of resistance and activism
– Analysis of specific youth street cultures in the Ibero-American world
– Ibero-American migrations, diaspora and hybrid youth cultures
– Youth, surveillance and oppression in Ibero-American cities
– Peripheral youth in Ibero-American cities
– Connections between social media, internet and the street in youth cultures
Authors are invited to submit a proposal of up to 500 words in English by April 30th, 2019. The proposals should clearly explain the theoretical positioning and concerns of the proposed chapter, and include a short description of the corpus (as much as applicable). Along with their proposal, authors should include basic information about themselves, namely: position, institutional affiliation and contact information.
All authors will be notified by May 30th, 2019 of their proposal’s selection / non-selection.
Please submit proposals to both editors: rmocampos@yahoo.com.br / jnofre@fcsh.unl.pt
Completed chapters are to be submitted by September 1st, 2019.
The edited volume will be proposed to a highly ranked international book publisher in the realm of Social Sciences and Humanities.
[ Informação Elizabete Queiroz, Instituto de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto ]
Contemporâneos – Revista de Artes e Humanidades – Chamadas de artigos para 2019
A Revista Contemporâneos – revista de Artes e Humanidades (ISSN 1982-3231) divulga chamada de artigos para as edições de 2019.
A edição de Nº 20 da publicação terá o tema Formação Docente, com organização da Profa. Dra. Vanisse Simone (Unespar).
A edição de Nº 21 da publicação terá o tema Gênero, Violência e Direitos Humanos, com organização da Profa. Dra. Vanessa Cavalcanti (Ucsal) e da Profa. Dra. Isabel Dias (Universidade do Porto-Portugal).
A edição Nº 20 – Formação Docente – recebe artigos até 15/05/2019
A edição Nº 21 – Gênero, Violência e Direitos Humanos – recebe artigos até 15/10/2019
Envie seu artigo e colabore conosco.
Email: revistacontemporaneos@gmail.com
A Contemporâneos – Revista de Artes e Humanidades, ISSN 1982-3231, discute a contemporaneidade levando-se em conta estudos das áreas humanísticas e artísticas de um ponto de vista interdisciplinar. É publicada semestralmente, com circulação nacional.
Qualis Capes: Ensino (B2), Interdisciplinar (B3), Artes (B4), História (B4), Sociologia (B4), Geografia (B5), Planejamento Urbano e Regional/Demografia (B5), Educação (C), Letras/Linguística (C), Linguística e Literatura (C).
Confira as normas editorias e as outras edições no site: https://www.revistacontemporaneos.com.br/?utm_source=Contempor%C3%A2neos&utm_campaign=8ca929bb66-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_03_19_08_14&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_090f75c4fd-8ca929bb66-66252749
[ Informação Elizabete Queiroz, Instituto de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto ]
+info: https://combart.eventqualia.net/en/2019/home/