[ Informação Fernando Diogo, UAC ]
Call for Abstracts Vol. 5(2)/2020 – Conflict and democratic participation in the digital society
I write you to inform that the new issue of the Journal Vol. 4(2)/2019 – Affettività, sensibilità ed emozioni nel xxi secolo / Affectivity, Sensitivity and Emotions in the 21st Century, was published and you can download free it at website: http://www.cussoc.it/index.php/journal.
Furthermore, by today is active the new Call for Abstracts Vol. 5(2)/2020 – Conflict and democratic participation in the digital society, guest editor Michele Sorice (LUISS of Rome, Italy) the deadline is 28th February 2020 (http://www.cussoc.it/index.php/journal/Announcements).
[ Informação FPCEUP – Serviço de Comunicação e Imagem ]
XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Docencia Universitaria
(De 24 a 26 de junho de 2020, Universidad de La Laguna – Tenerife – Espanha)
Call for papers até 1 de março de 2020.
Mais informações em https://cidu2020.ull.es/