[ Informação INFO | DINÂMIA’CET-IUL ]

Optimistic Suburbia 2 | International Conference – Call for Sessions

Open Call for Sessions until 4th April 2020

The “Optimistic Suburbia II – Middle-Class Large Housing Complexes” has its starting point in a research on large housing complexes in the outskirts of Lisbon, Luanda and Macau, then enlarged to Antwerp and Milan. In the last decades of the XX century, these housing complexes were instrumental for the urban growth, showing similarities as well as differences in Europe and beyond. Drawing from this context the conference intends to open the reflection on these complexes on broad realities, showing the multiple features of urbanizations in several geographical, chronological and social contexts.

The objective is to put into perspective the shaping and the pattern of autonomous neighbourhoods, both of private and public promotion, on the outskirts of big cities, for the middle-class and designed in the second half of the twentieth century. Originally isolated in the orbit of large cities, they were characterized by a set of high-rise buildings of modern design, which were progressively articulated with the evolution of the historical city through major roads, which often ended up determining its limits.

More information at https://www.optimisticsuburbia2.com/


[ Informação SOCIUS ]

II Seminário sobre Vulnerabilidades Sociais e Saúde: “Envelhecimento(s) – Perspetivas Interdisciplinares”
(6 e 7 de março – Setúbal, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal)

Este Seminário conta com a participação dos Investigadores do SOCIUS/CSG, Professor João Peixoto (ISEG; SOCIUS/CSG) e Professora Boguslawa Sardinha (ESCE-IPS; CICE e SOCIUS/CSG), que integram a Comissão Científica.

Call for Papers: mais informações em http://www.seminariovss.ips.pt/call