[ Informação INFO | DINÂMIA’CET-IUL ]

Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus – 3rd Edition


The Individual Call is aimed at PhD holders of any nationality or stateless with a background in any scientific area who wish to develop their scientific research or technological development activity in Portugal, integrated into R&D units funded by FCT.

Applicants should indicate the host institution where they will develop their research plan. The selected doctorates are directly hired by the identified host institution, through FCT funding.

The following reference levels are considered:

Junior Researcher: PhD holders for 5 or less years, with limited experience in post-doctoral research or without a scientific curriculum after their PhDs in the scientific area to which they are applying.
Assistant Researcher: PhD holders for over 5 years, with a relevant curriculum in the scientific area to which they are applying, but with limited scientific independence.
Principal Researcher: PhD holders for over 5 years, with a relevant curriculum in the scientific area to which they are applying, demonstrating scientific independence over the past 3 years.
Coordinating Researcher: PhD holders for over 5 years, holding the title of habilitado ou agregado in Portugal, with a curriculum of elevated merit in the scientific area to which they are applying, showing scientific independence and with evidence of leadership in the scientific area to which they are applying.

The call* is open from 30 January 2020 until 5 p.m. (Lisbon time) on 26 February 2020.

Applications are submitted electronically, in English, through the electronic platform to be made available in due course.

Detailed information can be found at:

All information about the Programme Stimulus of Scientific Employment – 3rd Edition can be consulted in the page of the Foundation for Science and Technology at https://www.fct.pt/apoios/contratacaodoutorados/empregocientifico/ceec_ind_3.phtml.en


[ Informação VAN METER Karl, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique ]

Call – RC33 10th International Conference on Social Science Methodology (8-11 Sep, Nicosia CY)

Deadline: 31 January 2020

RC33 – 10th International Conference on Social Science Methodology
8-11 September 2020
Nicosia, Cyprus

The 10th International Conference on Social Science Methodology of RC33 (“Logic and Methodology in Sociology”, of the International Sociological
Association) will be held in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, on 8-11 September 2020.

The 2020 RC33 Conference in Cyprus has already attracted a large number of interesting session proposals, covering the whole spectrum of Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed methods. The deadline for individual paper submissions is 31 January 2020. See here for more background:

The conference will also have some really interesting workshops (see a short list):

* The implications of the Complexity Frame of Reference for the conduct of Empirical Social Research (David Byrne, Brian Castellani, Emma Uprichard)
* The challenge of integration in mixed methods research. Twelve strategies. (Udo Kuckartz, Stefan Rädiker)
* Teaching qualitative methods: Challenges, teaching approaches and best practices (Inga Gaižauskaite, Claire Wagner)
* The use of sensor data to augment or replace survey questions (Vera Toepoel, Anne Elevelt)

We are now in the process of finalizing some inspiring keynote speeches which will certainly be the highlights of the conference. We are also finalizing a really amazing social program: we can provisionally “leak”
that it will most likely include a Gala dinner with lots of Greek meze and unlimited drinks, a guided tour in the old city of Nicosia (unfortunately, the last divided capital in Europe) and an excursion to the beach (so bring your swimsuit)!!!

You are all invited to SUBMIT A PROPOSAL FOR PRESENTATION. The procedure is really easy and quick http://cyprusconferences.org/rc33/submission/.

Remember, the deadline for individual paper submissions for presentation is 31 January 2020, but you do not have to wait until then. We will have the conference in the amazing Landmark hotel (ex-Hilton Hotel), near the city center. Submit your proposals, before we run out of space … do not miss this opportunity!

We are really looking forward to seeing you in beautiful and sunny Cyprus, in September 2020.


[ Informação VAN METER Karl, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique ]

Call – Applications for the First RC33 Awards for Best Sociological Methodology Papers

Deadline: 31 March 2020

Call for Applications for the 1st RC33 Awards for Best Papers

At the 10th RC33 Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus 2020 The Board of RC33 is pleased to announce the introduction of two awards for best social science papers! These two awards will highlight excellent published work by RC33 members. Winning articles will each be awarded a prize of 300 €. The awards will be presented at the 10th RC33 Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus taking place 8th-11th September, 2020.

Those who are not yet a member of RC33 should consider becoming one before the upcoming ISA Forum Conference in Brazil and the RC33 Conference in Cyprus. Anyone who is a member of RC33 as of September,
2020 can be considered for a Best Paper award.
Awards will be given to outstanding recent published work by RC33 members. The Best Paper Award is open to all RC33 members and the Best Paper by a Young Scholar Award is open to RC33 members in the early stages of their academic career, i.e., any member who has a) not yet finished their PhD/dissertation or b) who received their PhD/doctorate after 31st December, 2016.

Selection Criteria

Submissions will be judged by an awards committee made up of RC33
(board) members. Each paper will be judged based on its
– scientific contribution,
– innovative nature, and
– style, in terms of writing and presentation.

Papers can be substantive or statistical- and/or -methodological in nature. Whether substantive or methodological, papers should have a clear empirical (quantitative or qualitative) focus.

General eligibility

All RC33 members at the time of the RC33 Conference in September, 2020 are eligible to submit a paper for consideration.
Submitted papers should be
– on a social science-related topic,
– written in English,
– published in a peer-reviewed journal, no earlier than 1st January, 2018, and
– at least one of the authors (the applicant) should be an RC33 member.

Furthermore, for the Young Scholar Award, the applicant1 should meet the above-mentioned criteria (PhD/doctorate completed no earlier than 31st December, 2016).

Applications submitted to the Young Scholars Award will also be considered for the Best Paper Award based on the basis of the submission’s overall merit. This means both awards could be given to young scholars. Applications from established scholars, however, cannot be considered for the Young Scholars Award.

Submission guidelines

In your submission, please include
– a short abstract of the paper (ca. 300 words, if not already present), and
– a copy of the article for consideration.

For the Best Paper by a Young Scholar Award, please also include
– a copy of your CV so we can verify your status as a “young scholar”.

Application and Selection Process

We will begin accepting submissions on 15st November, 2019.

Submissions should be sent to Henrik Andersen, RC33 Vice-President for Awards, at henrik.andersen@soziologie.tu-chemnitz.de. Please clearly state in the subject line of the email whether you wish to be considered for the Best Paper or Best Paper by a Young Scholar Award.

The deadline for submissions is 31st March, 2020.
After the submission deadline, the papers will be forwarded to the RC33 Awards Committee and reviewed based on the above-mentioned criteria.
Award-winners will be contacted after the review process.
We look forward to your submissions!


[ Informação Magda Nico, ISCTE-IUL ]

Call for papers – Conference “Generations and Social Change. Theoretical and Methodological Imagination in Play”

European Sociological Association
RN 30 ‘Youth and Generation’ Mid-Term Conference 2020
Kuopio (Finland), 24-27 August 2020

Call for papers

Regardless of the theoretical meanings attached to the concept of “generation”, there is wide agreement that this is a powerful concept when tackling, measuring and understanding social change. Studying changes in social institutions, social behaviours and social relations across and within generations is one of the main tasks of sociology, especially the sociology of youth.

The abovementioned consensus is not, however, equivalent to homogeneity or even stagnation of approaches. Studying youth requires a constant effort to centre a “fast-moving target”. For this reason, our theories and methods have to change constantly and always be creative.

This RN 30 Mid-Term conference aims at stimulating debate about the theoretical challenges and methodological creativity which studying “moving targets” imposes on youth and generation researchers. It will be an occasion for theoretical and methodological reflections about what to compare, how to measure and interpret social change and inter-generational dynamics in young people’s lives, considering young people not only as exposed to, but also as producers of, social change.

Topics for discussion could include – but are not limited to – findings of research, methodological debates and theoretical reflections on youth, generations and social change, focussing on:

• intergenerational relationships
• transition to adulthood
• collective identities
• youth cultures
• forms of social and political participation and protest
• religious beliefs and practices
• use and representations of space
• musical and artistic practices
• bodily practices, sports, and discourses about the body
• family histories and dynamics
• labour market and precariousness
• geographical mobility and migration within and across generations
• school-work transition
• social mobility and social trajectories.

Keynote speakers:

Rachel Thomson is a Professor of Childhood and Youth Studies and Director of research and Knowledge Exchange at the University of Sussex. She is a sociologist and uses her methodological innovation, expertise and imagination to capture and understand social change and processes at crossroad between biographical and historical time, namely in what regards the life course and transitions, gender and sexuality. At the moment she is co-developing a project on Reanimating data: Experiments with people, places and archives (Funded by the ESRC Transforming Social Science).

Päivi Armila is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Easter Finland. She is a researcher of youth in different societal and cultural margins. Her studies have concerned immigrant youth, marginal youth sub-cultures, as well as youth with disabilities. Her recent work deals with youth living in sparsely populated regions with narrow possibility structures when young people’s life course choices are under the scrutiny.

Organisation, location and conference fee:

The conference is organised in co-operation with the University of Eastern Finland (https://www.uef.fi/en/etusivu) with Sanna Aaltonen (sanna.aaltonen@uef.fi) as the local organiser.

The conference will be held in Hotel Rauhalahti https://www.rauhalahti.fi/en/ in the city of Kuopio https://www.kuopio.fi/en/etusivu surrounded by Lake Kallavesi in Northern Savonia. The conference fee includes full board and bus trips between Helsinki and Kuopio. The conference fee will be 350 € for a single room and 250 € for a double room. Discounts are available for ESA members and PhD students.

To propose a presentation to the conference, please send an abstract (maximum 500 words) with author’s name and institutional affiliation to carlo.genova@unito.it by latest March 1st 2020.

The abstract must include: the topic of the paper; aims; main questions addressed; a brief description of the methodological approach used; the data on which the research is based; and (expected) results. Please write “Abstract proposal for ESA RN30 2020 conference” in the subject line of the e-mail.