[ Informação Magda Nico, ISCTE-IUL ]

Call for papers – Conference “Generations and Social Change. Theoretical and Methodological Imagination in Play”

Regardless of the theoretical meanings attached to the concept of “generation”, there is wide agreement that this is a powerful concept when tackling, measuring and understanding social change. Studying changes in social institutions, social behaviours and social relations across and within generations is one of the main tasks of sociology, especially the sociology of youth.

The abovementioned consensus is not, however, equivalent to homogeneity or even stagnation of approaches. Studying youth requires a constant effort to centre a “fast-moving target”. For this reason, our theories and methods have to change constantly and always be creative.

This RN 30 Mid-Term conference aims at stimulating debate about the theoretical challenges and methodological creativity which studying “moving targets” imposes on youth and generation researchers. It will be an occasion for theoretical and methodological reflections about what to compare, how to measure and interpret social change and inter-generational dynamics in young people’s lives, considering young people not only as exposed to, but also as producers of, social change.

Topics for discussion could include – but are not limited to – findings of research, methodological debates and theoretical reflections on youth, generations and social change, focussing on:

• intergenerational relationships
• transition to adulthood
• collective identities
• youth cultures
• forms of social and political participation and protest
• religious beliefs and practices
• use and representations of space
• musical and artistic practices
• bodily practices, sports, and discourses about the body
• family histories and dynamics
• labour market and precariousness
• geographical mobility and migration within and across generations
• school-work transition
• social mobility and social trajectories.

Organisation, location and conference fee:

The conference is organised in co-operation with the University of Eastern Finland (https://www.uef.fi/en/etusivu) with Sanna Aaltonen (sanna.aaltonen@uef.fi) as the local organiser.

The conference will be held in Hotel Rauhalahti https://www.rauhalahti.fi/en/ in the city of Kuopio https://www.kuopio.fi/en/etusivu surrounded by Lake Kallavesi in Northern Savonia. The conference fee includes full board and bus trips between Helsinki and Kuopio. The conference fee will be 350 € for a single room and 250 € for a double room. Discounts are available for ESA members and PhD students.

To propose a presentation to the conference, please send an abstract (maximum 500 words) with author’s name and institutional affiliation to carlo.genova@unito.it by latest March 1st 2020.

The abstract must include: the topic of the paper; aims; main questions addressed; a brief description of the methodological approach used; the data on which the research is based; and (expected) results. Please write “Abstract proposal for ESA RN30 2020 conference” in the subject line of the e-mail.


[ Informação Ana Delicado, ICS-ULisboa ]

CfP ICUR 2020 – 2nd International Conference on Urban Risks – prazo alargado para 16 de fevereiro!

Mais informações em http://www.ceru-europa.pt/icur2020


[ Informação SOCIUS ]

XI Congresso Português de Sociologia – Envio de resumos até 13 de fevereiro

Conhecer, no seu embate e complexidade, as configurações das logicas identitárias contemporâneas, eis o objetivo do XI Congresso Português de Sociologia sob o lema Identidades ao rubro: diferenças, pertenças e populismos num mundo efervescente, que se realizará em Lisboa, de 29 de junho a 1 de julho, 2020, sob a organização local ESPP/ISCTE-IUL e ICS-ULisboa.

Convida-se todos/as os/as interessados/as, oriundos do contexto académico e não académico, a submeterem os resumos via plataforma do Congresso. Serão também aceites posters e documentos visuais como curtas metragens ou pequenos filmes centrados em projetos ou intervenções.

Os resumos poderão ser submetidos em português, castelhano, inglês ou francês.

Mais informações e envio dos resumos em https://xi-congresso-aps.eventqualia.net

Envio de resumos até 13 de fevereiro de 2020. [Prazo Alargado]

Call: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GFMjBHykS0XiegYF0An4gxk2hV5B9Orf


[ Informação Pedrito Cambrão, FCSH ]

Call for Papers da “II Conferência Internacional sobre Cultura e Sociedade. Que Literacia(s) para uma Justiça Económica e Social?”

Mais informações em http://unizambeze.ac.mz/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/2Conferencia-Internacional-sobre-Cultura-e-Sciedade.pdf


[ Informação Ana Nunes de Almeida, ICS-ULisboa ]

Call for papers : International conference on Childhood culture socialization (Paris, december)

Le Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques (Ministère de la culture), l’équipe CIRCEFT-ESCOL (Université Paris 8) et le Centre Georges Pompidou s’associent pour organiser un colloque international de trois journées (deux journées scientifiques et une journée professionnelle), qui aura lieu au Centre Georges Pompidou les 9-10 et 11 décembre 2020.

Ce colloque entend être un lieu de discussion et de mise en perspective de travaux récents portant sur la socialisation culturelle des enfants. L’enfance est entendueici au sens de la Convention internationale des droits de l’enfant comme la période dela vie allant de 0 à 18 ans. Les perspectives transdisciplinaires et/ou comparatives sont les bienvenues, de même que les diverses approches des sciences humaines et sociales que celles-ci soient instantanée, longitudinale ou rétrospective. La socialisation est considérée ici au sens large et renvoie aussi bien aux actions conscientes visant à familiariser àdes pratiques, à faire acquérir des habitudes, des goûts ou des connaissances en matière culturelle, qu’à desprocessusd’imprégnationet d’appropriation plusdiffus, ou bien encore àl’action des enfants eux-mêmes dans ces processus.

+info: https://socialisation.sciencesconf.org/