[ Informação FPCEUP ]

I SemEAR – Seminário de Educação Anti-Racista
(29 e 30 de setembro, FPCEUP)

Call for papers até 30 de junho.
+info: https://sigarra.up.pt/fpceup/pt/noticias_geral.ver_noticia?p_nr=52297

52nd eucen Conference
(18 a 20 de maio, Budapeste – Hungria)
Call for papers até 11 de setembro.
+info: https://eucenstudies.eucen.eu/current-call/


[ Informação Paula Frassinetti, ESEPF ]

Call for papers (extensão) – Revista Saber & Educar nº 28

Mais informações em https://tinyurl.com/tf99fwh


[ Informação Sari Hanafi, ISA ]

ISA Forum in Porto Alegre postponed February 2021

In the context of this global pandemic and in these dark times, our thoughts are with you and with your beloved ones.

As you may already know, the Executive Committee of the ISA decided to postpone the IV ISA Forum of Sociology in Porto Alegre, Brazil, to February 23-27, 2021.

All activities that have been prepared for the Forum will be maintained and the abstract selected for the Forum in July 2020 remain valid for the Forum in February 2021. Preliminary sessions program is available at https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/forum2020/webprogrampreliminary/programs.html

We have set a new calendar that allows Research Committees, Working and Thematic Groups to update and re-open some of their panels to new participants to replace the colleagues who will not be able to join us in February 2021.

16 – 25 October 2020: RC/WG/TG publish Calls for new abstracts
26 October – 12 November 2020: Submission of new abstracts via online platform
24 November 2020: Authors are notified about the acceptance or rejection of their abstracts
15 December 2020: Presenters final registration deadline

The RC/WG/TG will start diffusing the new calls for abstract in September. We hope you will join us in Porto Alegre for this 2021 ISA Forum of Sociology that will be a unique opportunity to learning from colleagues from all continents and sharing analyses of the crisis, its social impacts and the world that will emerge out of it.


[ Informação Cristina Nunes, ICS-ULisboa ]

IREC – Divulgação

Os organizadores da Conferência Europeia de Relações Industriais (IREC 2020), prevista para Setembro 2020 na Finlândia, consideram que é ainda cedo para tomar uma decisão sobre o adiamento ou cancelamento da conferência devido à pandemia; mas o site do encontro irá sendo actualizado pelo que se recomenda a sua consulta: https://events.tuni.fi/irec2020/.

Em todo o caso, os organizadores decidiram prolongar o prazo para a submissão de propostas de comunicação até ao dia 15 de Maio.

Assim, apela-se à submissão de propostas de comunicação na sessão ‘Dimensions and new trends in work representation’, organizada pela equipa do Projecto REP do ICS-ULisboa e CES-FEUC.
Mais informações em https://events.tuni.fi/irec2020/call-for-sessions/