[ Informação SOCIUS ]
(ISEG, 24-25 September)
The unprecedented pandemic situation caused by the new coronavirus which is affecting the entire world, at the same time, causing an abrupt shutting down of social, economic and mobility life of the planet. Tourism is all about these activities, and is also about the generalized and increasing economic dependence on it, specially of the most fragile countries and populations. After COVID-19, we might believe that the future of tourism, as we know it, will never be the same. In addition to the topics already covered by the call, contributions and reflections on ‘LIVING WITH TOURISM after COVID-19’ issues are most encourage.
This workshop seeks paper proposals focused on interdisciplinary and empirical research on ‘living with tourism’, i.e., a rethinking of tourism economic, social and cultural impacts and its paradoxes, and its wider implications in terms of power relations towards a specific space and the communities that inhabit it. It also invites to a broader discussion on tourism future directions in line with worldwide changes of nations economic prosperity, consumption lifestyles, rising of new markets, brands and activity sectors, and cutting-edge research topics in tourism studies.
We encourage the submission of abstracts on tourism contexts and host communities research related with topics including, but not limited to, the following:
Social change and its paradoxes;
Empowerment, identity and representation;
Governance and public policies;
Direct and indirect economic impacts;
Innovative organizational structures;
Sustainability, sociocultural harmony and integration;
Resistance, contestation and repulsion;
Dynamics of local-to-global, endurance and cosmopolitanism;
Processes of invention of tradition and authenticity;
Discourses and practices of enactment, performance and agency;
Production and consumption of heritage;
Food culture and gastronomy as tourist resources;
Cultural festivals and corporate events;
New cycles, new partnerships and new opportunities.
– All abstracts must be submitted in English.;
– Abstract proposals should include the title, a short abstract, with no more than 50 words, which is meant to sum up the long abstract that must not exceed 250 words in length, plus 5 keywords.
– Abstracts submission deadline: 31 May 2020.
Submit your abstract at https://forms.gle/XJANi9tETJbRPrZp7
[ Informação Forum Sociologico ]
CfP Revista Forum Sociológico 2020
O Conselho de Redação da revista Forum Sociológico convida todos à submissão de artigos científicos que poderão incidir em diversos temas no âmbito das Ciências Sociais. Além de artigos originais, aceitam-se propostas de dossiês temáticos e recensões críticas de obras relevantes. Todos os artigos estão sujeitos ao um processo de peer review, sendo submetidos a dois especialistas de reconhecido mérito na área temática em regime de anonimato bilateral.
A Forum Sociológico está publicada em open access e está indexada na OpenEditionJournals, Latindex, ERIH PLUS, DRJI, CAPES (Brasil) e na SHERPA/RoMEO e encontra-se em processo de avaliação na SciELO Portugal.
Esta chamada está aberta em permanência e as propostas a serem consideradas deverão ser enviadas para o endereço eletrónico forum@fcsh.unl.pt.
Serão recebidos artigos originais em língua portuguesa, francesa, inglesa e espanhola. As normas de publicação da revista e outras informações relevantes, assim como os números anteriores, estão disponíveis em https://journals.openedition.org/sociologico