[ Informação CRIA Divulgação ]

CONFINARIA – Etnografias em Tempos de Pandemia || 2ª chamada para contribuições

Seguimos confinados, desconfinando e desconfiando paulatinamente. Os tempos permanecem incertos e equívocos, marcados pelas dúvidas e pelas ambiguidades próprias dos ‘denominados’ problemas complexos. Não há resposta certas, seguras, capazes de nos tranquilizar. O período do confinamento mais determinado – o Estado de Emergência em Portugal com outros nomes noutros lugares – deu-nos motivos de reflexão, de questionamento, de apoquentação e inquietação. Entre as teorias da conspiração e um (in)devir impróprio porque incerto, novo, enigmático, vimos que as vidas pessoais, individuais, colectivas, familiares, profissionais se transformaram. Tempo de ‘cólera’, lutos forçados, violências (in)esperadas, e os ‘bravos do pelotão do capitalismo’ já prontos para o que der e vier. Do muito tempo disponível ao sem tempo para ‘nada’ não foi tempo nenhum. Trabalhamos mais (tantos), tantos e mais tantos sem trabalho. E só agora começou! Ou será que só agora vai começar?

A urgência e a importância da escrita e do registo etnográfico mantêm-se exactamente iguais, na mesma medida. O convite que lançámos no final de março é, porventura, mais crítico hoje, passados dois meses desse início de uma (a)normalidade. E quando se fala de um novo normal porque não falar de uma anormalidade que possa quebrar com tantas ‘normalidades’ que nos trouxeram aqui. Remetemos para a reflexão de Ignacio Ramonet[1] para o seu convite a pensarmos num futuro outro. Um futuro que não se olvide deste presente estranho, desse passado responsável e deste gerúndio existencial que conjugamos diariamente. É desses que queremos continuar a ler. Não só porque a antropologia precisa, mas porque o Mundo tem que conhecer estas histórias simultaneamente tão micro e específicas, mas igualmente tão ricas e cheias de matéria para reflectir.

Mais informações em https://tinyurl.com/y7w5wbre


[ Informação Karl van Meter, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique ]

Meeting – RC33 Cyprus Conference Postponement (7-10 Sep 2021, Nicosia)

After very careful consideration of all the parameters regarding the Coronavirus outbreak, the RC33 Local Organizers have decided to postpone the conference until 7-10 OF SEPTEMBER, 2021. The main concern has been the health of all conference participants and the limitation of the spreading of this new disease. In addition, many organizations (universities, research centres and international or EU organizations) have restricted their staff mobility and reimbursement which is causing serious stress to participants.

Thus the following parameters should be noted:

1. The new dates regarding the conference are 7-10 OF SEPTEMBER, 2021.

2. The venue will remain the same, “The Landmark Hotel” in Nicosia.

3. The abstract submission system will reopen so that people may amend/update their existing work. It will also be possible to submit new work. The system will remain open until 31 OF JANUARY, 2021.

4. The conference website will remain at the same address and will be updated for the 2021 edition. Please keep checking
http://cyprusconferences.org/rc33 for further conference developments.

We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused, but this decision was required in an effort to protect the health of all participants and their families/communities.

We would like to thank you for your understanding and we look forward to having you with us in Cyprus in September of 2021.


[ Informação SPCE ]

XV Congresso SPCE | 2.ª call for papers

Em virtude do adiamento do XV Congresso da SPCE, se encontra aberta uma 2ª call for papers até ao dia 31 de maio.
Mais informações em https://congresso-spce.eventqualia.net/pt/2020/inicio/
Contamos com a sua participação!


[ Informação INFO | DINÂMIA’CET-IUL ]

International Conference ‘Grand Projects – Urban Legacies of the late 20th Century | Call for Abstracts until 31st July 2020

The international conference Grand Projects – Urban Legacies of the late 20th Century will take place in Lisbon, between the 17th and 19th February 2021. The event aims to debate the transformations that have taken place in urban territories over the last two decades by considering the impacts of late 20th century policies and policy conjunctures.

Abstract submission is open until the 31st of July 2020 to researchers and scholars working in all areas of architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, sociology, geography, anthropology, cultural economy, and other related disciplines.

More info at https://www.grandprojects2021.com/


[ Informação International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence ]

Call for Papers ICCA 2021 – International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence

The International Conference on Childhood and Adolescent emerged from the challenge of debating openly and multidisciplinary, a set of issues of transversal interest to the various profissional and academic areas related to Children and Adolescents. With already four successful editions, with around 500 participants per edition, ICCA has been creating a congress model based on formal and informal sharing of experiences, knowledge and contacts. Bringing together participants from the 5 continents, who in the three days of conference, have the opportunity to witness and contribute to the discussion on various themes related to childhood and adolescence. Medicine, Psychology, Education, Sports, Nutrition, Sociology and Law are just a few of the several areas that have led to the success of this initiative since its first edition.
With new subjects, new speakers and the same will to provide a memorable moment of sharing, ICCA returns in 2021 with new and evolved formats specially adapted to the new social situation. The conference will take place in a venue located in O’Porto, but will also be available online so specialists from all around the world can still participate and contribute.

More info: https://icca.eventqualia.net/

Come and share your work, ideas and experiences!