[ Informação INFO | DINÂMIA’CET-IUL ]

[Grand Projects – International Conference] New Abstract Submission Date

The deadline for the abstract submission of the Grand Projects 2021 Conference has been extended to 20th September. You now have until 20th September to submit your abstract.

Please check our website for more information: https://www.grandprojects2021.com/


[ Informação INFO | DINÂMIA’CET-IUL ]

Call for Papers | Special Issue | ‘People Have the Power’: Songs of Resistance in Late Modernity – Journal CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios

The aim of this proposed special issue is to examine the unique force of popular music in response to recent and contemporary social problems, and the changing concepts of resistance and protest in popular music. Taking as an example the Portuguese reality in a context of crisis, when the International Monetary Fund intervened in the country, Guerra (2019) illustrates the importance of this reflection and discussion. The author shows how artistic manifestations – in this case, music and protest songs – are themselves a means and an object of social intervention, demarcating a specific, defined space in the acknowledgement and revelation of social problems, and in the contestation, deconstruction and accusation of problems that deal with social reality. Protest songs instigate readings, narratives and deconstructions of reality, and they are simultaneously significant elements of a collective identity.

In this sense, we are interested in showcasing a recent research on subjects that have been opening up important avenues for further investigation and discussion.

More information at https://www.dinamiacet.iscte-iul.pt/post/call-for-papers-2


[ Informação CROME ]

CfP ‘Rupturas e continuidades: as memórias da luta de libertação de Angola’

Encontra-se aberto até 15 de outubro de 2020, a chamada para artigos para um número especial dos Cadernos de Estudos Africanos subordinado ao tema ‘Rupturas e continuidades: as memórias da luta de libertação de Angola’.

Mais informações em https://tinyurl.com/y42a744h


[ Informação Marta Kolodziejska ]

Call for Papers “Religious Identity and the Media. Methods, concepts, and new research avenues”
March 25-27, 2021 – Warsaw, Poland

During the Covid-19 pandemic, most Churches and believers worldwide resorted to the media to build and maintain their communities, identities, and share their beliefs, which has shown how important media has been for religious organizations and individuals. Analyzing the pre-pandemic context, and inspired by the transformations of mediatized religion landscape, we are excited to open the Call for Papers for the conference “Religious Identity and the Media. Methods, concepts, and new research avenues”, organized by the team of the DFG and NCN funded research project “Minorities and the media. The communicative construction of religious identity in times of deep mediatisation”
The conference theme discusses the manifold relationships between creating, negotiating, maintaining and challenging religious and religion-related identities, and various types of media and forms of media use.

It will be hosted by the Institute for Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The keynote lectures will be held by Mia Lövheim (Uppsala University) and Christoph Günther (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz).

For the CALL FOR PAPERS see the attached file and/or visit the conference website: https://media.religion2021.uni-bremen.de/
The deadline for paper proposals is November 1st, 2020.

We are able to financially support two PhD students with the amount of up to 300€ for travel and accommodation costs. For more information on the travel allowance visit: https://media.religion2021.uni-bremen.de/WordPress/travel-allowance/

We will continue to monitor the situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and we will comply with any relevant administrative regulations. We also consider hosting a partially or fully online conference if that is the best solution.


[ Informação Rosalina Costa, UÉvora ]

CfP: “Facing Death: Familial Responses to Illness and Death”

Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research (CPFR), an annual series focusing on cutting-edge topics in family research around the globe, seeks manuscripts for a special volume: Facing Death: Familial Responses to Illness and Death. Although this volume is not limited to submissions related to the current health crisis, it does come at a time when illness and death are at the forefront of global discussions. Social processes surrounding illness and death vary greatly around the world and evolve with time—which has been made evident by the current global pandemic that has challenged the ways in which families operate and experience important life transitions, including the death ritual. To gain a better understanding of how families around the world respond to illness and death, this multidisciplinary volume of CPFR will address such topics as: how parents cope with the loss of a child, employment and caregiving, caregiving across national boundaries, the sandwich generation, gender differences in caregiving and the death process, the death ritual in times of quarantine, individual versus familial bereavement, and child/adolescent development following the death of a parent, among others.

Submission guidelines. Manuscripts should be limited to 40 double-spaced pages (not including tables, figures, and references), adhere to APA format, and submitted as MS WORD documents. Include an abstract of 150-200 words at the beginning of the manuscript. Christina L. Scott of Whittier College (USA) and Heidi M. Williams of Virginia Tech (USA) will serve as coeditors for the upcoming volume. Please submit manuscripts directly to the editors (cscott@whittier.edu and hmwill07@vt.edu). All manuscript submissions should be original work. Manuscript submission to this call for papers implies a commitment to publishing with CPFR. All manuscripts will undergo peer review.

The deadline for initial submissions is January 31, 2021. Direct all questions to the editors: cscott@whittier.edu and hmwill07@vt.edu.


CfP: “Police, Courts, and Incarceration: The Justice System and the Family”

Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, an annual series which focuses upon cutting-edge topics in family research around the globe, is seeking manuscript submissions for a special volume. The volume will focus on the theme of ‘Police, Courts, and Incarceration: The Justice System and the Family.’

On a daily basis, around the globe, millions of individuals are entangled in justice systems either as offenders, as victims, or vicariously as family members of those directly involved. Contact often begins with the police that frequently leads to court involvement, and for offenders found guilty, to correctional supervision or incarceration. While these encounters primarily affect individuals, they have a tremendous impact upon the family. Police and justice entanglements can result in tremendous strains upon families economically and socially, and can also endanger family relationships. In order to better comprehend how involvement at any level of the justice system affects families, this multidisciplinary volume of CPFR will focus upon the justice system and the family. In doing so, we are seeking articles that cover a wide array of topics including: how policing, arrest, jail and court processes impact family members and their support networks; how prolonged incarceration impacts children and parenting processes and family comping; how intimate relationships are impacted during and after incarceration including marriage and divorce and partner violence; and, whether system involvement leads to unintended consequences among family members such as heightened fear of crime and victimizations including extrajudicial killings and fears of the police, among others.

This volume of CPFR with be coedited by Sheila Royo Maxwell of Michigan State University and Sampson Lee Blair of The State University of New York (Buffalo). Manuscripts should be submitted directly to the editors (maxwel22@msu.edu and slblair@buffalo.edu), preferably in MS WORD format. Manuscripts should not exceed approximately 40 double-spaced pages (not including tables, figures, and references). Submission of a manuscript implies commitment to publish in CPFR. Manuscripts should adhere to the APA format. Manuscripts should represent previously unpublished work. An abstract of 150-250 words should be included at the beginning of each manuscript. All manuscripts will undergo peer review.

The deadline for initial submissions is March 15, 2021. Any questions may be directed to the editors at maxwel22@msu.edu and slblair@buffalo.edu.