[ Informação Congreso IUAES 2021 ]

Congreso IUAES 2021 (Yucatán, México)


Mesas Temáticas, Mesas Redondas y Muestra de Cine Indígena & Etnográfico

“Los Patrimonios, Interconexiones Globales en un Mundo Posible”

Del 9 al 13 de noviembre de 2021

Modalidad Virtual

Se extiende el Cierre de Convocatorias de Mesas Temáticas, de Mesas Redondas y de Muestra de Cine Indígena y Etnográfico al 28 de febrero (domingo) de 2021.



Todas las Convocatorias:


Mesas Temáticas:

Mesas Redondas:

Cine Indígena & Etnográfico:

Cuotas (incluye la membresía a la IUAES): http://bit.ly/IUAEScuotas

Estudiantes y Profesionistas de ingresos bajos (<12,000 USD anuales): 48USD*

Profesionistas de ingresos medios (12,000 a 26,000 USD anuales): 72USD

Profesionistas de ingresos altos (>26,000 USD anuales): 110USD

* Estudiantes de posgrado (maestría y doctorado) se encuentran en esta categoría.

El Comité Organizador del Congreso IUAES está discutiendo el costo de una tarifa solidaria para las personas interesadas en asistir al congreso.


[ Informação RICOT – Rede de Investigação sobre Condições de Trabalho ]

Call for papers 2021 – IJWC

Encontra-se aberta a call for papers de 2021 do International Journal on Working Conditions. Aceitam-se submissões até 31 de março de 2021.
Os papers submetidos devem respeitar as normas editoriais do IJWC, ver site da revista.

Mais informações em http://ricot.com.pt/


[ Informação Science&You 2021 ]

Science&You 2021 / Last days for the call for proposals, first keynotes announced

More information at https://tinyurl.com/4yo4j9oh


[ Informação SOCIUS ]

CALL FOR PAPERS: 7th International Workshop on the Socio-Economics of Ageing
(29-30 October 2021)


The main theme of this workshop will be on long-term and informal care. As populations age, the demand for long-term care services (such as nursing services, personal care, and domestic tasks) is expected to continue rising. It is recognised that such services are essential to the welfare of many older people. Most long-term care for the elderly is currently provided by informal carers, often family members. Such caregivers face many challenges, including balancing family and employment with their caregiving responsibilities. Long-term care is also delivered by formal services, including residential care homes and home-based care such as community nursing and home-help services. In many countries, there are concerns about how much long-term care expenditure will need to rise to meet the needs of an increasing older population, mirroring the similar concerns about future expenditure on pensions and health care.

The objective of this workshop is to discuss topics such as:

• Changes in the demand for long-term care
• Healthcare expenditures associated with long-term care
• Funding systems (including international comparisons)
• The consequences of informal care on caregivers (e.g., health and employment)
• Policies to cope with the increasing demand for long-term care
• Supply of long-term care and the role of migration
• Effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on long-term and informal care

Although the workshop will have a main track on long-term and informal care, we also invite papers on any topic in the field of the economics of ageing.

More information at https://tinyurl.com/2c7sp8wp