[ Informação Revista Forum Sociológico ]

CfP Revista Forum Sociológico

A Revista Forum Sociológico, revista do CICS.NOVA – Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais, tem uma nova chamada temática de artigos no âmbito do dossiê “Sociologia e Serviço Social : O contributo do modelo de análise marxista na prática profissional dos assistentes sociais”.

O texto de divulgação desta chamada assim como todas as informações relevantes encontram-se em https://journals.openedition.org/sociologico/9599


[ Informação Comunicacao ISUP ]

CANVAS International Conference 2021 – Call for abstracts (15 julho)

We are pleased to invite you to the first CANVAS International Conference entitled Prevent and Resist: Engaging Multidisciplinary Viewpoints on Planning, Crime Prevention and Urban Cultures. The conference will take place on the 16th and 17th of September 2021, in a fully online format. The conference speaking languages are English and Portuguese. There are no fees to present or attend, although a registration is required.

Abstracts can be submitted until the 15th of July 2021 to canvas.cegot@gmail.com according to the following tracks:

1. Policy, Planning and Multidisciplinary engagement
2. Spatial Analysis and Urban Design
3. Arts-in-Action, Social Cohesion and Community Resistance

More information at https://projetocanvas.pt/news.php?id=32


[ Informação ICCA 2022 ]

ICCA 2022 – International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence

The International Conference on Childhood and Adolescent emerged from the challenge of debating openly and multidisciplinary, a set of issues of transversal interest to the various profissional and academic areas related to Children and Adolescents. With already five successful editions, with around 500 participants per edition, ICCA has been creating a congress model based on formal and informal sharing of experiences, knowledge and contacts. Bringing together participants from the 5 continents, who in the three days of conference, have the opportunity to witness and contribute to the discussion on various themes related to childhood and adolescence. Medicine, Psychology, Education, Sports, Nutrition, Sociology and Law are just a few of the several areas that have led to the success of this initiative since its first edition.

With new subjects, new speakers and the same will to provide a memorable moment of sharing, ICCA returns in 2022 with new and evolved formats specially adapted to the new social situation. The conference will be in loco and online so specialists from all around the world can still participate and contribute.

Come and share your work, ideas and experiences!

Abstract Submission:
1st Call (early) – until July 31st
2nd Call (regular) – until October 31st
3rd Call (late) – until December 12th

+info: https://icca.eventqualia.net/en/2022/home/