[ Informação Anna Szwed ]

Call for Papers: ESA RN34 biennial conference, Groningen, 13-15 July 2022

The call for European Sociological Association RN34 Sociology of Religion biennial conference is now open. The conference “Religion in an unstable world: Challenges, transformations and future prospects” is going to take place in Groningen, Netherlands on 13-15 July 2022. In the attachment you will find CPF with all details regarding the conference.

Individual paper abstracts as well as panel proposals with a maximum of four papers per panel are welcome. All interested should submit an abstract of 200 to 250 words, including a reference to the theoretical framework, research question, methodology and main findings. Panel proposals should include the title and a short description of the panel (200 to 250 words), the name and affiliation of the convener(s), and the title, author’s name and abstract (200 to 250 words) for each of the proposed papers. Proposals should be submitted to esarn34-groningen2022@rug.nl no later than 31 January 2022.

For further details please visit conference website at

We invite you to apply and to share information about the conference among members of your organisation.


[ Informação Federación Española de Sociología ]

Spanish Sociology Conference: “Inequalities, borders and resilience. Sociology for global crises” (FES)

From 30 June to 2 July 2022 the 14th Spanish Sociology Conference, with the theme: “Inequalities, borders and resilience. Sociology for global crises”, will be held in Murcia, Spain. The Spanish Federation of Sociology will organice the conference with the assistance of the Universidad de Murcia.
More information at https://congreso2022.fes-sociologia.com/guidelines/
Call for Papers: https://congreso2022.fes-sociologia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/CALL-FOR-PAPERS-ENGLISH-14th-Spanish-Congress-of-Sociology.pdf


[ Informação CeiED – Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Educação e Desenvolvimento ]

VI ENJIE – Encontro Nacional de Jovens Investigadores em Educação

O VI ENJIE – Encontro Nacional de Jovens Investigadores em Educação, terá lugar na Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais do Politécnico de Leiria, entre os dias 4 e 5 de fevereiro, sob a temática “Futuros da educação – ciência cidadã e cocriação”.

Este ano organizado pelo Ci&DEI, incentiva-se desde já a participação a potenciais interessados, divulgando alguns detalhes sobre os trabalhos a submeter e datas importantes.

Mais informações em http://mkt.ceied.ulusofona.pt/vl/3490524ae1955a5f6534296b68f2394d87db4384-e2fe6o2Ke4F90e0faf91c07-


[ Informação CiTUA ]

Seminário “(in)Justiça Espacial”

O Seminário (in)Justiça Espacial, que decorrerá no Fórum Cultural de Alcochete nos dias 8 (workshop), 11 e 12 de abril de 2022, aponta para as injustiças urbanas e territoriais onde ganham forma as desigualdades e os atuais processos de segregação, exclusão e discriminação, a partir de perspetivas situadas em diferentes escalas, contextos e campos disciplinares. Assim, os problemas e o seu diagnóstico não deixarão de estar presentes, mas este seminário centrar-se-á também nas reflexões, boas práticas e experiências que ajudem a desenhar pistas e estratégias para a sua correção num futuro de curto ou médio prazo.

Organizado pelo Spatial Justice Lab, linha temática de investigação do CiTUA – Centro de Investigação em Território, Urbanismo e Arquitetura, do Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa – e de inscrição gratuita, o evento contará com a realização de um workshop e com o contributo de diferentes oradoras e oradores convidados, bem como com seis painéis temáticos, abertos à submissão de comunicações, relacionados com: I. Governança, II. Urbanismo e Espaço Público, III.
Serviço, equipamento e infraestrutura, IV. Mobilidade e transportes, V.
Habitação, VI. Arquitetura Inclusiva e Resiliência.

A submissão de propostas de comunicação, cujos resumos alargados serão depois organizados e publicados, poderá ser feita até dia 27 de janeiro em:
http://www.injusticaespacial.tecnico.ulisboa.pt. Aqui poderá também aceder ao programa detalhado, proceder à sua inscrição e encontrar mais informação de interesse.

Solicitamos ainda que partilhe esta informação entre os seus contactos de e-mail e redes sociais, por forma a garantir a presença de todas e todos os interessados!


[ Informação Ana Romão ]

Appels à contributions

“Penser les familles par le prisme des enfants : défis et enjeux méthodologiques”, Revue des politiques sociales et familiales.
Date limite de proposition: 10 janvier 2022.

Voir l’appel en ligne: https://www.aislf.org/penser-les-familles


[ Informação Marta Gibin, UNIBO ]

Call for abstracts – 19th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Health and Medical Sociology
(25th-27th August 2022 – University of Bologna – Forlì Campus)

Covid-19 was a disruptive event, leaving no part of society left untouched. A ‘global social fact,’ blurring both geographic and political boundaries—the effects of which will be felt for years to come. Hit hardest were those already in precarious social standing: the poor and the vulnerable. The notion of a syndemic has been used to describe this grim interaction of virus and embodied health inequality.
The organization of care has shown all its limitations, especially where solid community health structures were absent. Many chronically ill patients and their families are still living through dire situations.
The future will be dominated by risk. Covid-19 has shown our vulnerability to viruses. We will live in a more surveilled society, and we will have to acclimate ourselves to new forms of prevention. It is no coincidence that worrying forms of health populism have arisen from this shift.
In this context, what can the sociology of health offer in terms of analysis, research perspectives, and operational proposals? How can research evidence be translated into viable policy, and how can the sociological imagination shape a more equitable and secure future?
The scientific and programme committees are at work on the practicalities of a conference where we hope to welcome you to exercise your sociological imagination on medical sociological matters.
Antonio Maturo
Member of the Executive Board of the ESHMS
Full Professor of Medical Sociology at the University of Bologna

The deadline for abstracts submission (300 words maximum) is 1st February 2022.
Abstracts can only be submitted by using the following online form: https://forms.gle/NhnWMYrJ4ZqUn9eL9

For any information regarding the conference, please contact the conference organizers at eshms2022@unibo.it or visit the conference website https://eshms2022.wixsite.com/eshms2022 and Twitter account https://twitter.com/eshms2022


[ Informação ICCA – International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence ]

6th International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence

Promoting a discussion on the social issues of childhood and adolescence, introducing innovative discussion formats which are more open to the active participation of the audience.

+info: https://icca.eventqualia.net/pt/2022/inicio/