[ Informação APS Famílias ]
Chamada para comunicações até 18.03.2022 | Painel “Casas de aqui. Experiências e desafios de coabitação, sonho e contestação” (Congresso da APA)
Divulgamos informação que poderá ser do vosso interesse.
Trata-se da chamada de comunicações para o Painel “Casas de aqui. Experiências e desafios de coabitação, sonho e contestação” do VIII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia (APA), que se realizará de 6 a 9 de setembro de 2022, na Universidade de Évora.
O envio de propostas de comunicação termina a 18 de março de 2022.
Este Painel (P052), coordenado por Rosalina Pisco Costa (Universidade de Évora) e Luis Puche (Universidade de Málaga), “acolhe propostas de trabalho que explorem experiências, práticas e significados plurais da coabitação e das novas realidades em construção no plano da convivência (familiar, comunitária, intra e intergeracional), que permitam antecipar criticamente contornos e desafios futuros suscitados pela diversidade de trajetórias sociais, familiares e pessoais do tempo presente”.
Toda a informação sobre o VIII Congresso da APA e o Painel, em:
[ Informação Porto ICRE’22 – Porto International Conference on Research in Education 2022 ]
Porto ICRE’22: Abstracts Submission until February 17th!!
+info: https://tinyurl.com/36dstau4
[ Informação Eventqualia ]
IV Colóquio Internacional de Ciências Sociais da Educação – Submeta o seu trabalho até dia 28 de Fevereiro!!
Mais informações em https://tinyurl.com/y5evybwf
[ Informação Esther Brainin ]
Call for Work-in-Progress in Digital Sociology for junior scholars
Aims and Scope
The workshop is focused on attracting Early-Career Researchers (PhDStudents, Postdoctoral Researchers) in the field of Digital Sociology willing todiscuss their Work in Progress (WIP) in an academic environment to improvetheir work for publication. This virtual workshop is the first conferenceorganized by the Digital Sociology Thematic Group (TG10), working under theInternational Sociological Association (ISA).
Every submitted paper will have two discussants: a peer (participant in theworkshop) and a senior researcher. After reading the work, the discussantswill share their comments about the piece and foster a dialogue with theauthor, aiming to improve the quality of the work regarding theoreticalsuggestions, stylistic improvements, missing references,methodological/analytical proposals, etc.
+info: https://www.isa-sociology.org/uploads/imgen/1182-cfp-tg10-work-in-progress-virtual-workshop-2022.pdf
[ Informação Karl van Meter, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique ]
Call – Bureaucracies of Displacement – ASA Annual Meeting (5-9 Aug, Los Angeles CA)
Deadline: 16 February 2022
+info: https://www.asanet.org/annual-meeting/2022-annual-meeting
117th Annual Meeting: Bureaucracies of Displacement August 5-9, 2022 | Los Angeles | #ASA2022
The Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association provides the opportunity for professionals involved in the scientific study of society to share knowledge and new directions in research and practice.
Nearly 600 programmatic sessions are convened that provide a scholarly outlet for more than 3,000 research papers, over 4,500 presenters, and
5,000 attendees.
The ASA 117th Annual Meeting is scheduled to be held August 5-9, 2022 in Los Angeles, California. 2022 ASA President Cecilia Menjívar has chosen the theme “Bureaucracies of Displacement.” Read the full theme statement. ASA is carefully monitoring recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and others regarding the COVID-19 situation as we make plans to host the Annual Meeting in Los Angeles. At present, we are planning for an in-person event, but we may revise plans for the health and well-being of our community. Annual Meeting attendees will be required to follow all health and safety protocols mandated at the time of the meeting.
ASA will be taking many steps to ensure the health and wellbeing of meeting attendees. These steps include requirements for registrants such as full vaccination with booster and wearing masks at all times onsite or when using shuttle service. Access to sessions, events, and shuttle service will be limited to registrants wearing meeting badges.
Information on how to provide vaccination information will be sent directly to registered attendees closer to the meeting date. We recognize that the COVID-19 situation is fluid and would like to remind attendees that requirements may change in line with evolving conditions.
2022 ASA President-elect Cecilia Menjívar has chosen the theme “Bureaucracies of Displacement.” Learn more.
Invited Sessions
The 2022 Invited Sessions are available. Learn more.
Call for Submissions
The 2022 Annual Meeting portal is open for submissions. The deadline to submit is February 16, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern. Learn more.
Access for All
ASA is committed to making the Annual Meeting accessible to all. Learn more.
Registration is open. Learn more.
ASA invites volunteers to serve in essential roles at the Annual Meeting. Learn more.
Land Acknowledgement and Recognition
Before we can talk about sociology, power, and inequality, we must acknowledge our presence on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Gabrielino/Tongva peoples. The American Sociological Association (ASA), acknowledges that academic institutions, indeed the nation-state itself, was founded upon and continues to enact exclusions and erasures of Indigenous Peoples. This acknowledgement demonstrates a commitment to beginning the process of working to dismantle ongoing legacies of settler colonialism, and to recognize the hundreds of Indigenous Nations who continue to resist, live, and uphold their sacred relations across their lands. We also pay our respect to Indigenous elders past, present, and future and to those who have stewarded this land throughout the generations.