[ Informação Vitor Ferreira, ICS-ULisboa ]

Call for papers Youth & Globalization – Special Issues 5.1. & 5.2 “Re-envisioning Youth and Childhood in times of Global Risks”

Youth and Globalization Vol 5 – Issues 1 and 2
(June/November 2023)

Special Issues: “Re-envisioning childhood and youth in times of global risks”

Guest editors

Vitor Sérgio Ferreira: vitor.ferreira@ics.ulisboa.pt
Ana Nunes de Almeida: ana.nunes.almeida@ics.ulisboa.pt


– Paper’s proposal deadline (abstract and title): June 30th 2022
The abstract and title should be sent directly to the guest editors:
Vitor Sérgio Ferreira : vitor.ferreira@ics.ulisboa.pt
Ana Nunes de Almeida: ana.nunes.almeida@ics.ulisboa.pt

– Paper’s submission deadline: October 30th 2022
Papers should be submitted through the platform: https://www.editorialmanager.com/yogo/default1.aspx
– Amended version’s deadline: February 28th 2023
– Publication: June 2023 for issue 5.1 and November 2023 for issue 5.2

Aim and scope

Thirty years since the publication of Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity (1992), by Ulrich Beck, the world has witnessed the rise and spread of risks of unprecedented intensiveness, scope and pattern. Humanity is facing an unpredictable set of global risks, resulting from events that cause nonstationary, nonlinear, multiplier (spreading in several life dimensions), progressive, and long-lasting impacts in a globally interdependent system. Risks that strike the core of bodies and societies in all geographies, compromising our survival. The world is no longer a taken-for-granted place.

This set of risks fuels feelings of instability and insecurity. In the turbulent times we have been living in, uncertainty is one of the most common terms to define children and young people’s lives in the present or to project them into the future. Dramatic economic, environmental, technological, and societal shocks are shifting the conditions of their childhood and youth experiences, the configurations and expressions of their cultures, the nature of their life courses and transitions pathways, and their capabilities to build a future of their own. Countless publications demonstrate how children and young people are most vulnerable to risks and threats arising from financial crises, climate and technological changes, pandemics, and war situations, for instance.

The recent set of worldwide disruptions unveils how welfare, education, and employment systems fail to protect children and young people from their global effects. What is more, they do not mitigate the effects of growing social divides affecting their access to basic rights such as schooling, learning, and vocational training; physical, mental, or affective health and wellbeing; food security; integration and maintenance in the labour market under decent working conditions and pay; housing; or digital security, literacy and resources. Their experiences of autonomy seem at stake, in environments marked by the lack of material resources or by ontological insecurity.

Crises are critical turning points or processes which illuminate pre-existing structural inequalities, namely between generations. Children and young people are put in the frontline when harm and negative effects are regarded; they are perceived as helpless victims of extreme events or as targets of public policies deployed to ensure their provision and protection rights. But they are rarely considered adults’ partners in decision-making processes or perceived as agential citizens. Crises unveil unbalanced generational relations, illustrated by the adult-centric prevalence of “youngsters at risk” or “unreadiness” paradigms in societies. Questions of intergenerational (un)justice and (un)equalities for the future are raising, against the backdrop of major demographic trends, such as the drop in fertility rates and aging, increasing family diversity and instability, mobility and migration waves – exacerbating existing disparities and gaps, intensifying humanitarian, citizenship and economic damages.

The present volume (issues 1 and 2) aims to discuss the impacts caused by global risks in the lives, subjectivities, and pathways of children and young people around the world, from different social contexts and backgrounds. It also aims to present the variety of strategies children and young people are mobilizing to cope with, navigate, resist, subsist or to re-exist, to adapt or mitigate global risks, individual or collectively, formally or informally, as actors and/or targets of global changes. What is more, historically brought into social sciences through different disciplinary and theoretical lenses, one might wonder if “children” and “young people” categories (and thus the “adults” one) are undergoing changes in their nature and boundaries by contemporary disruptions.

The issues will thus welcome papers focused on childhood and/or youth experiences and cultures, intergenerational gaps, divides, or inequalities, illustrating ways in which they are dealing with different kinds of global risks, responding to their social realities. Contributions are to explore the ways in which global risks have impacted their lives in spheres such as politics and citizenship, religion and spirituality, home and school, identity and cultural forms, health and wellbeing, employment, leisure, family, life course and transitions pathways. Papers should consider gender, social class, ethnic-racial, or other kinds of social, economic, territorial, geopolitical, digital, and cultural disadvantages or cleavages. Attention may also be given to protective and mitigating factors children and young people gather to face global adversities.

Drawing on both theoretical and empirical research, the volume intends to provide innovative insights into childhood and youth studies through the lenses of global risks, considering multilevel, multisite, and multidisciplinary approaches. Regarding the methodological approaches, scholars and advanced researchers are invited to make proposals that use qualitative and quantitative methods, combinations of both, or innovative and creative techniques that can shed light on how children and young people cope with different risks globalized today and/or in the future.

Youth and Globalization publish peer-reviewed articles (8,000- 9,000 words), book reviews (up to 1,200 words), and interviews/conversations (not to exceed 2,500 words). See Author Instructions: https://brill.com/fileasset/downloads_products/Author_Instructions/YOGO.pdf )


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