[ Informação David Tavares, ESTESL-IPL ]

CIAIQ2024: Chamada de trabalhos

13º Congresso Ibero-Americano de Investigação Qualitativa
16-18 de julho 2024 | Universidade de Extremadura – Cáceres (Espanha)
23-25 de julho 2024 | Online

Está aberta a chamada para a submissão de trabalhos ao 13º Congresso Ibero-Americano de Investigação Qualitativa (CIAIQ2024), que terá lugar de 16 a 18 de julho, na Universidade de Extremadura, em Cáceres (Espanha), e de 23 a 25 de julho online.


> Artigos
> Resumos
> Painéis de Discussão
> Workshops


> Online – sessão síncrona
> Online – vídeo pré-gravado

Submissão em português ou espanhol, com possibilidade de publicação em revistas indexadas.

Informação e submissões em https://ciaiq.ludomedia.org/


[ Informação Karl van Meter ]

Call – ISA’s “International Sociology” Thematic Section Proposals

Thematic Section Proposals
“International Sociology” journal
International Sociological Association

Thematic Sections

The Thematic Section consists of three or four articles around a specific topic from an international comparative perspective that will be part of future issues of the journal. Call for proposals: – List of three or four articles on a particular topic, including abstracts that meet the criteria of gender equity and geographical representativeness
(3 different countries). – The choice of subject is open. However, the editors propose some relevant topics for the journal, such as “African Sociologies”, “Sociology of Wars”, “Environmental Conflicts”, “Artificial Intelligence and its Social Impact” or “Democracy, Liberalism and International Backlash”.

– Proposals should include a short justification of the chosen topic and the selected countries/areas.
Guidelines: – Titles, Author names, and email addresses will be required, with 100/200 words abstracts and about five keywords.

– The standard length of papers is 6-8000 words, including abstract, text, appendices, footnotes, and references.

For detailed guidelines, please go to: https://journals.sagepub.com/author-instructions/ISS
Proposals should be sent to internacionalsociology@fahce.unlp.edu.ar
We will receive proposals from July 1 2023 on, to be published in the 2024, 2025 and 2026 issues.


[ Informação APS ]

CfP | VII International Conference “Social Boundaries of Work. Critical Labour Studies in the Times of a Polycrisis”
(Institute of Sociology, University of Wrocław 16-18 October 2024)

The Department of the Sociology of Work and Economic Sociology at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Wrocław, the Sociology of Work Section of the Polish Sociological Association, the Critical Labour Studies Network, the Wrocław branch of the Polish Sociological Association and the Research Committee 44 “Labour Movements” of the International Sociological Association invite you to participate in the international conference entitled “Social Boundaries of Work. Critical Labour Studies in the Times of a Polycrisis”, to be held in Wrocław on 16-18 October 2024.

The seventh edition of the conference is co-organised with the Critical Labour Studies network (https://criticallabourstudies.org.uk/). CLS was established in 2004 as a collective to provide a platform for co-operative and radical research and education. The conference is dedicated to analysing the relationship between academia and the world of work in the context of overlapping and reinforcing socio-economic crises

More information and call for papers in: https://socialboundariesofwork.pts.org.pl/en/
We would like to invite paper proposals till 1 March 2024 via the form: https://forms.gle/ufR2YxjtLcXUQZzh8


[ Informação FLUP | Comunicação ISUP ]


From 20 August 2023 to 15 March 2024
Warm Up: 08 July 2024
KISMIF Summer School 2022: 09 July 2024
KISMIF Conference 2022: 10-13 July 2024

Submit your proposal here: https://www.kismifconference.com/call-conference/abstract-submision/


[ Informação FPCEUP | CIIE Comunicação ]

Call for Contributions | Springer Book Series

“Call for Contributions
Education for All: Inclusion, Social Justice and Children’s Rights

Editors: Joan G Mowat, Stephen McKinney, Gale Macleod
Series Inclusive Learning and Educational Equity Edited Series published by Springer
Series Editor: Lani Florian

Aims and Scope of Series
This book series reflects on the challenges of inclusive education as a strategy for improving educational equity. The series addresses issues of diversity in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which set the global education agenda for 2030 in SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning.

We are looking for abstracts which:
1. Are closely aligned to the aims and objectives of the edited series, the proposed book and the section to which you wish to contribute
2. Have an international perspective, whilst it may be located within a single nation/jurisdiction
3. Bring out the relationships between the concepts of inclusion, social justice and children’s rights as relevant for the section of the proposed book selected
4. Provide a brief outline of methodology if relevant (conceptual chapters are welcome)
5. Bring out clearly the ways in which the proposed chapter will offer fresh insights to advance theory, methodology, policy and/or practice in the field.

Submission of Abstract
1. Submit an abstract (of 500 words max) of your potential contribution by Friday, 8th March using the attached form. Abstracts will be reviewed by the editors and feedback will be offered to indicate conditional acceptance, whether amendments are required, or rejection, subject to the proposal being accepted by the publisher. Abstracts should be submitted to joan.mowat@strath.ac.uk.
2. After receiving acceptance from the publisher and responding to any requested modifications by the publisher, confirmation will be provided of acceptance of the chapter (subject to any requested amendments having been made) and a definitive date will be provided for submission of the 1st draft of the chapter.”

If you require further information or would like to have an informal discussion with the editors about your ideas, please contact: Joan.mowat@strath.ac.uk, gale.macleod@ed.ac.uk, Stephen.McKinney@glasgow.ac.uk


[ Informação FLUP | Comunicação ISUP ]

Call for Papers | Cadernos do Instituto de Sociologia – UP | Extensão do prazo: 15 março

Nova data para envio de proposta de artigos: 15 de março de 2024

O Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto (IS-UP) anuncia o lançamento da terceira edição dos Cadernos IS-UP.
Após o lançamento de duas edições concorridas e amplamente divulgadas, o IS-UP convida à apresentação de textos originais sobre temáticas específicas com um carácter de transferência de conhecimento.

Os Cadernos IS-UP têm como objetivo estabelecer uma ponte entre a universidade e a sociedade, a ciência e a prática ou, ainda, entre a investigação e a intervenção social. Os textos devem ser elaborados a partir de um enfoque sociológico e/ou de outras ciências sociais e humanas.

Mais detalhes sobre as regras de submissão poderão ser encontrados na plataforma Digitheke em https://ojs.letras.up.pt/index.php/Cadernos-ISUP_1/calls