[ Informação CeiED – Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Educação e Desenvolvimento ]
“As utopias da revolução de Abril. Educação e mudança social em tempos de transição revolucionária (1974-1976)” | Alargamento do Prazo de Submissões para 15 de abril de 2024
O Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Educação e Desenvolvimento (CeiED) e a Associação de História da Educação de Portugal (HISTEDUP) anunciam o alargamento do prazo para a Submissão de Comunicações para a data de 15 de abril de 2024.
O Colóquio permite dois tipos de contribuição: comunicações individuais e posters.
As propostas devem incidir em trabalhos de investigação e enquadrar-se em pelo menos um dos tópicos do Colóquio, entre os quais:
· A celebração da Liberdade: memórias de um tempo único
· A educação de infância e os movimentos sociais. A formação de educadores populares
· A reforma das Escolas do Magistério Primário
· A gestão democrática das escolas: experiências e conflitos
· A Universidade ao serviço das ‘classes trabalhadoras: serviço cívico estudantil e debates (e experiências) sobre o papel do ensino superior
· O movimento sindical dos professores. A afirmação dos professores como atores-chave nas políticas de educação
· Da segregação escolar à inclusão educativa: o movimento CERCI de pais e educadores
· Experiências de Educação Popular. As campanhas de alfabetização
· O desporto escolar
· O legado colonial nos currículos e manuais escolares
· Portugal visto de fora: as organizações internacionais (UNESCO e OCDE) e a Revolução
Inscrições abertas em https://tinyurl.com/22wyz35p
[ Informação Virginia Ferreira, FEUC ]
Chamada de artigos sobre: “Transições democráticas, direitos das mulheres e igualdade de género – de onde partimos e onde estamos”
Editoras de dossier:
– Rosa Monteiro, CES/Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
– Flávia Biroli, IPOL/Universidade de Brasília, Brasil
– Mercedes Alcañiz Moscardó, Universidade Jaume I de Castelló, Espanha
SUBMISSÃO DE ARTIGOS ATÉ: 2 junho, 2024 – publicação em dezembro de 2024
Mais informações sobre a temática e o processo de submissão podem ser consultadas aqui: https://exaequo.apem-estudos.org/page/apelo-a-contributos-ativosopen-calls?lingua=pt
[ Informação Josip Obradović, Catholic University of Croatia ]
CfP | “Immigration and Families: Examining the Causes, Processes, and Consequences of Migration”
Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, a series which focuses upon cutting-edge topics in family research around the globe, is seeking manuscript submissions for a special volume. The theme of the volume is: ‘Immigration and Families: Examining the Causes, Processes, and Consequences of Migration.’
Over recent years, migration has become an increasingly common situation for families. Millions of individuals are leaving one’s own country, looking for a better and more secure life. There are a multitude of reasons for migration: war, natural disaster, famine, poverty, or political oppression, among others. However, irrespective of the reasons for migration, immigrants or immigrant families commonly face many challenges in starting a new life in completely different cultural contexts. Many of them succeed, but many experience intense frustration in adjusting to new environments, thus leading to problems not only for them, but also for their families and the larger society. Beyond the impact upon families, migration has also become a highly controversial issues within politics, thus underscoring the necessity for obtaining a better understanding of it. Given the growing changes in migration, it is important that researchers examine the many issues relating to migration and the family.
This volume seeks a broad examination of immigrant families. Given the broad nature of this topic, we welcome empirical, theoretical, and policy-oriented papers. We seek manuscripts covering many issues, such as migration and mate selection, employment abroad and marital dynamics, family strategies of acculturation and assimilation, immigration and religion, divorce and migration, familial acculturation across generations, the conflict between native and new systems of values, cultural shock, cultural adjustment, work-family balance, early child care among migrants, immigrants’ children educational experiences, social mobility and intergenerational change in immigrant families, residential patterns of migrant families, and family stress and well-being, among others.
Submission guidelines: Manuscripts should be limited to approximately 40 double-spaced pages (not including tables, figures, and references), adhere to APA format, and be submitted as MS WORD documents. Include an abstract of 150-200 words at the beginning of the manuscript. Josip Obradović (Catholic University of Croatia) and Sampson Lee Blair (The State University of New York) will serve as coeditors for this volume. Please submit manuscripts directly to the editors (Josip.obradovic@gmail.com and slblair@buffalo.edu). All manuscript submissions should be original work and not previously published. Manuscript submission to this call for papers implies a commitment to publishing with CPFR. All manuscripts will undergo peer review, and there are no fees. The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2024. Direct all questions to the editors: Josip.obradovic@gmail.com and slblair@buffalo.edu. Authors are encouraged to submit a brief abstract prior to the manuscript deadline.
[ Informação INFO | DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte ]
CfP | “The Architecture of Need: Collective-Use Facilities and Community Service in the Twentieth Century”
Mais informações em https://preview.mailerlite.io/emails/webview/353749/118041901094930225