Tuesday 20th October 2020

We are pleased to invite you to the virtual final conference of the DIRESOC project.

Digitalisation has been at the attention of the academic and public sphere for several years. Carried out by a network of independent academic experts and trade unions’ related research institutes, the DIRESOC project intended to contribute to a better understanding of the way social dialogue may play a role to shape the ongoing processes of restructuring resulting from digitalisation while, as well as,  the ongoing processes of restructuring resulting from digitalisation may contribute to shape social dialogue.

The project covers eight European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden), and was articulated through different phases and objectives. At the end of two years of study and surveys – including country reports, case studies, online surveys at transnational level – we are now happy to discuss it with all those who would like to take part in the final conference of the project, with speeches by the research team, international experts, representatives of the social partners from various parts of Europe.

For this purpose, the final conference will be organised around three presentations exposing the main results of the project, followed each time by a discussion panel of experts, union and employers representatives.

The panel of experts is composed by:

  • Mrs Mincheva, Director of legal affairs, Bulgarian Industrial Association- Union of the Bulgarian business, member of business Europe
  • Mrs Schöman, Confederal Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation
  • Chevet, Union representative, CFDT postal sector; member of the European SSDC of the sector
  • Rodrigues Contreras – Research Officer, Eurofound

An open discussion on the subject will close this event.

Register on https://ulghec.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_25CrxOLMSzTYFUh  Registration fee: free event. Maximum 150 participants.

Virtual room: a link to the virtual room will be sent a few days before the event.

For further information on the project, please visit the project website: www.diresoc.eu