8, 9, 10 november 2022, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island (Azores)
Deadline for proposals: 30 April 2022 [Extended]
+ info: https://www.ces.uc.pt/ficheiros2/files/cfp_creatour-azores_nov2022.pdf
About the Conference
Many are the hurdles and dilemmas confronting the tourism industry in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the epicenter of a global upheaval which has exacerbated the already impending threats of the environmental and climate crisis. As never before, this is the time for serious re-evaluation of the tourism sector, and for the redesign of previous models and practices that have proven to be detrimental to destination communities and local ecosystems, and to the revival of the industry in a post-pandemic world.
Among the most-promising trends in the sector, culture-based creative tourism has garnered increasing support and enthusiasm as a pathway to regenerative development and destination resilience, two essential components of sustainable tourism and development. Inherently personalized and participative in practice, creative tourism is based on the personal contact of one-on-one and small-group experiences based on the culture of a place and its people.
Focused in its dimension and emphasis, creative tourism offers visitors the opportunity to hone their creative instincts and tendencies, as they learn about the local culture through direct contact with artists, artisans, and cultural agents of the destination community. The result is a dynamic, interactive exchange that both incorporates and promotes regenerative, sustainable local development and destination resilience.
We are inviting proposals for individual paper/project presentations, thematic panel sessions and workshops.
The primary language of the event will be English, but proposals for presentations in Portuguese are also welcome.
This is being planned as an in-person conference.
(We are also considering options to include online panels within the overall programme.)
Deadline for proposals: 14 March 2022