[ Informação CES Informa ]
Agenda CES | 15/06/2018 a 28/06/2018
Link: https://www.ces.uc.pt/myces/admin/utils/agendaces/historic/14-06-2018_11:53:26.html
[ Informação ssh-impact-conference ]
[ssh-impact-conference] Start of the registration process
The registration process for the Austrian Council of the EU Presidency Conference on ‘Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities for a European Research Agenda – Valuation of SSH in mission-oriented research’ (SSH Impact Conference) is now open!
Please register by following a link, provided on our conference website: https://www.ssh-impact.eu/contact/
PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Due to the overall invitation policy of the Council Presidency you will receive an official accreditation email from ESIAT, the Executive Secretariat of the Austrian Presidency of the EU Council a few weeks before the conference, in order to receive your conference badge on-site.
The SSH Impact Conference provides a European format
• to identify and appraise valuation pathways and impact generating processes of SSH research
• to showcase, learn from and discuss structures and policies which are beneficial for an enhanced impact-orientation of SSH research at various levels
• to make a significant contribution to tracing and assessing the use and impact of SSH research to the benefit of a mission-oriented European research and innovation agenda.
The conference explicitly addresses policy-makers from the field of science and research, public and private research funding agencies and philanthropic donors, researchers from SSH and arts-based research and from other disciplinary background, representatives from business and the social economy, media representatives and civil society organisations.
More details about the conference can be found at the conference website: http://www.ssh-impact.eu
In case of further information requests please contact the Conference Office: office@ssh-impact.eu / twitter.com/SSH_Impact