[ Informação ESA ]

European Sociological Association General Assembly on 7 April 2022 at 13:30 CET

The International Sociological Association changed the date of its Congress from 2022 to 2023, because of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. This date coincides with the ESA Conference. Two major conferences in a single year (ISA and ESA) will subject members to scheduling conflicts as well as undue financial strain. For this reason, the Executive Committee decided to consult the ESA Members on the postponement of the 16th Conference until 2024 due to exceptional reasons.

The members responded very positively to the call. 1285 out of 3122 members (41,2%) voted in the consultation. 1029 respondents agree with the postponement (80,1%), 196 respondents do not agree (15,3%) with the postponement and 59 respondents abstained (4,6%). The participation in the online consultation was very expressive and the results indicate that this matter is very important for the ESA members.

Following the results of the online consultation, the consultation with the ESA Research Networks Coordinators and legal advice, I send you the call for a General Assembly to be conducted on the 7th of April, 2022, at 13:30 Central European Time.

At the General Assembly we will vote on: postponing the conference to 2024, extending by one year the term of office of the Executive Committee, and extending the membership for ESA members in good standing for one additional year with no additional fees. Please find attached the call and the proposed changes to the ESA Statutes. They will be also available on the ESA website.

The results of the voting at the General Assembly will be final and decisive. Please participate in the online General Assembly and express your will/use your vote.

Thank you for your attention and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions: esa@europeansociology.org.


[ Informação IS-UP ]

Newsletter IS-UP | Nº 95 | Jan 2022

Link: https://mailchi.mp/ef1fb68bcfe4/newsletter-is-up-n-94-dez-6087921?e=f38b3f725d


[ Informação CES Informa ]

Agenda CES | 14/01/2022 a 27/01/2022

Link: https://www.ces.uc.pt/myces/admin/utils/agendaces/historic/13-01-2022_10:14:55.html


[ Informação SPCE ]

Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação – Informações Gerais

XVI Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação
«Educação e Cidades: Tempos, espaços, atores e culturas» é o tema deste congresso, que decorrerá de 15 a 17 de setembro de 2022, a partir da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. A submissão de propostas de comunicação decorre até ao dia 28 de fevereiro de 2022. Saiba mais em: https://congresso-spce.eventqualia.net/pt/2022/inicio/

XVII Colóquio CIE-Uma – Educação e Desenvolvimento Comunitário
Divulgamos este colóquio, que se realizará nos dias 17 e 18 de fevereiro: https://xviicoloquiocieuma.wordpress.com/

60 Minutos…No CENFIPE… à quinta!
Divulgamos este ciclo de conversas, que tem o seu início no próximo dia 27 de janeiro, pelas 19h: http://www.cenfipe.edu.pt/event/895


[ Informação CeiED – Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Educação e Desenvolvimento ]

Newsletter CeiED | 14 de janeiro de 2021 | Agenda | Notícias | Leitura da Semana

Link: http://mkt.ceied.ulusofona.pt/vl/3d675405e32f01dab491f1c337-758-1dbbc78513e2Fe6Lmoe4F90e0faf91c07-


[ Informação ISEG ]

OPINIÃO ISEG | Newsletter #82

Link: https://elink.clickdimensions.com/m/1/53044259/02-b22014-055b8f5fa5354692967e9593e0990e82/5/318/c1cbbb48-3dfd-499b-b9bd-109bfb496487


[ Informação CICS.NOVA ]

Newsletter CICS.NOVA 14/01/2022

Link: https://mailchi.mp/8f37e9bbd67e/newsletter-cicsnova-proposta-5726420?e=31dc2d205f


[ Informação Instituto de Apoio à Criança ]

Newsletter “O IAC em Notícia” – Dezembro 2021

Link: https://mailchi.mp/iacrianca/newsletter_iacemnoticia_dezembro2021


[ Informação ICS Notícias ]

Newsletter ICS-ULisboa

Link: https://mkt.ics.ulisboa.pt/vl/a421764-e792a5bfdcbffb00fd96b89-a90b940dfe104eJitveWNHeb71-9741b5