[ Informação Karl M. van Meter, ENS ]
Call for expressions of interest for a position of Associate Professor in Sociology of Organizations (Università di Trento IT)
The Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento, Italy, invites Expressions of Interest from highly motivated scholars to apply for a position at the level of Associate Professor. We are interested in applications from candidates with an excellent teaching and research record in the area of the sociology of organizations and organizational life.
The Department of Sociology and Social Research (DSRS) is the oldest and most-established sociology departments in Italy, regularly ranked among the top social science departments in the country. DSRS is classified in the 100-151 bracket by Q&S World University Ranking. It offers BA and MA programs, both in sociology and political sciences and a Ph.D. program in Sociology and social research. For further information, see https://www.sociologia.unitn.it/en.
Associate Professor is a permanent, tenured position. Candidates will need either a National Habilitation from the Italian National Committee, or to be in position equivalent to Associate Professor in their current employment. Equivalence of academic position abroad is defined according to standards provided by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. An international outlook, a proven interest in research methodology and a record in fund-raising from national and EU sources are definitely pluses.
The position implies teaching in the Department’s programs both at the undergraduate and graduate level. The overall teaching load is 120 hours per year. The position of Associate Professor also implies institutional duties and tasks related to the work of the Department and the University. As a consequence, candidates are expected to be willing to be regularly present in Trento on a permanent basis.
Candidates should have good interpersonal and communication skills, and the ability to work as part of a team. In addition to a full command of the English language, candidates will be expected to be able to teach in Italian within three years from the start of their appointment.
The University of Trento is committed to equal opportunities in recruitment and career progression. We seek to increase the percentage of female employees in areas where they are under-represented. Qualified women are therefore highly encouraged to apply.
How to apply:
Applications and relevant documents (a detailed curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a description of the research focus and research projects, a short description of courses taught, teaching evaluations and a statement on the current academic position) shall be sent by e-mail to direzione.srs@unitn.it.
The e-mail subject should state “DSRS – declaration of interest – sociology of organizations”.
Interested candidates are invited also to provide two letters of reference sent directly by the reference persons to the e-mail direzione.srs@unitn.it by the application deadline. The e-mail subject should state “Reference Letter for Name of the Applicant”.
Applications will be accepted until June 11th, 2023.
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted, and invited to give a seminar on an agreed topic, in Trento by September 2023.
• Academic information: sciortino@unitn.it (Chair)
• Application and administrative procedures: srs@unitn.it
[ Informação Daniele Mezzana, Knowledge & Innovation ]
Call for Applications – Knowledge Brokerage Programme for Early to Mid Career Researchers
Call headlines. The SSH CENTRE project is funding 30 PhD and Early to Mid Career Researchers working in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) to participate in an SSH knowledge brokerage initiative for policymaking on themes of climate, energy, and mobility. Each participant will receive €2,000 as an honorarium to participate in the entire programme.
Eligibility. The Call is open to SSH researchers who have not previously been principal investigators on a grant of over €100,000.
Activities. Participants will receive online training on knowledge brokerage for policy work. They will be organised into 6 groups and develop and undertake an online knowledge brokerage initiative to support 6 European partner cities in pursuing their respective decarbonisation aims through identifying, organising, and transferring relevant SSH knowledge. Each research team will meet with city representatives (online, and then in person during a city workshop) to help develop their knowledge brokerage initiative.
Application deadline. Monday 3 July at 11:59 (CEST)
Webpage. https://sshcentre.eu/call-for-applications-early-mid-career-researchers/
Contacts. For any queries, please contact Luciano d’Andrea (dandrea@knowledge-innovation.org) or Daniele Mezzana (mezzana@knowledge-innovation.org)
[ Informação ICS-ULisboa ]
Newsletter ICS-ULisboa: 3 de maio 2023
Link: https://mkt.ics.ulisboa.pt/vl/-3d5308ce208a9-411-b017f5-59-dc2206979b59e1bgePrTZeWNHeb71-9741b5
[ Informação SPCE ]
Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação – Informações Gerais
• EERA Summer School 2023: “Participatory approaches in educational research”
Decorrerá na Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, nos dias de 26 a 30 de junho, esta escola de verão, cujos organizadores são: EERA, CIIE, CIEd, CIDTFF, CEAD e SPCE. Todas as informações estão disponíveis em: https://eera-ecer.de/seasonschools/eera-summer-school-2023/
• Encontros de Pedagogia Social 2023
Divulgamos estes encontros que se realizarão no próximo dia 17 de maio na Universidade Católica Portuguesa, no Porto: https://m.porto.ucp.pt/pt/central-eventos/encontros-pedagogia-social-2023
• I Jornadas Doutorais em Ciências da Educação
Divulgamos estas jornadas, que decorrerão no dia 31 de maio: https://www.facebook.com/cied.centrodeinvestigacaoemeducacao/posts/pfbid02usKyeMQ18jiCf2gVybDNMcNXeGeGRd29r7tU4eRGksNSDYAJJwYBrV2pACp8ikw7l
• 1º Encontro Nacional de Mentoria na Escola (ENME) – 2023
O evento decorrerá no Porto, no dia 26 de maio, entre as 9h30 e as 18h30 e será realizado nas instalações da Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências de Educação da Universidade do Porto. A inscrição é gratuita e obrigatória: https://forms.gle/E2eWDunVxYWefQb76 Para mais informações ou esclarecimentos: geral.enme@gmail.com
• 7.º Seminário do Mestrado de Educação Social
O 7º SEMINÁRIO DO MESTRADO EM EDUCAÇÃO SOCIAL – PEDAGOGIA-EDUCAÇÃO SOCIAL – UMA ABORDAGEM EMANCIPADORA À REALIDADE terá lugar no dia 16 de maio de 2023, no Anfiteatro 1.3 Complexo Pedagógico (Campus da Penha) da Universidade do Algarve, em formato presencial, entre as 9h e as 18:30h, tem entrada gratuita e contará com vários oradores distribuídos por 2 painéis temáticos: TEMA 1 – Pertinência Atual da Pedagogia-Educação Social – aportes da comunidade científica e profissional; TEMA 2 – Intervenção Socioeducativa com adultos e idosos – quais são os desafios hoje?
Atribui-se certificado de participação a quem permanecer durante todos os trabalhos do dia.
Consulte o programa e outras informações em: https://esec.ualg.pt/vii-seminario-do-mestrado-em-educacao-social
• Revista Lusófona de Educação
Divulgamos o mais recente número da Revista Lusófona de Educação: https://revistas.ulusofona.pt/index.php/rleducacao/issue/view/840?utm_term=RLE+58&utm_campaign=Newsletter+CeiED&utm_source=e-goi&utm_medium=email
• Education for Social Change and Inclusion: International Practices and Insights from adult educators
Divulgamos este encontro, que se realizará no dia 8 de maio, em formato híbrido, conforme informação disponível aqui: https://www.ouc.ac.cy/index.php/en/news-events/news/3926-adulteducation
• CeiED | Newsletter
Divulgamos a mais recente newsletter do CeiED: http://mkt.ceied.ulusofona.pt/vl/a8581b2e57a822410379576aafa9a8f-1d4538bde5pedmqbe4F90ea20b6012c-
• CIDTFF | Newsletter
Divulgamos a mais recente newsletter do CIDTFF: https://cidtff.web.ua.pt/cidtff_flashnews/?wysija-page=1&controller=email&action=view&email_id=1906&wysijap=subscriptions&user_id=468
[ Informação CES Informa ]
Agenda CES | 05/05/2023 a 18/05/2023
Link: https://www.ces.uc.pt/myces/admin/utils/agendaces/historic/04-05-2023_11:01:28.html
[ Informação CICS.NOVA Comunicação ]
Newsletter CICS.NOVA 04/05/2023
Link: https://mailchi.mp/4ed736fdc55d/newsletter-cicsnova-6053906?e=31dc2d205f
[ Informação CRIA Divulgação ]
Agenda CRIA 16 > 31 MAIO 2023
Link: https://mailchi.mp/2f8ff7e6c42b/agenda-cria-01-15-fevereiro-15354509?e=4112cb125e
[ Informação CeiED – Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Educação e Desenvolvimento ]
Newsletter CeiED | 5 de maio | Agenda | Notícias | Leitura da Semana
Link: http://mkt.ceied.ulusofona.pt/vl/a8581b2e57a822410379576aafa9a8f-1d4538bde5pedmqbe4F90e0faf91c07-