October 24-25, 2024 | School of Criminology – Faculty of Law, University of Porto Porto, Portugal
Since its inception, the Portuguese Prison Photo Project has sought to shed light on prison buildings and environments. The photographs taken over the last years depict these places where, for long periods, people are required to share their lives in cramped surroundings, unfriendly cells, and environments. These photographs explore the lived architecture, question how prison architecture is conceived, and point toward the importance of researching the design of new prisons.
Based on this background, this international conference entitled “Prison systems and prison architecture: how are they related? A European perspective” aims to explore the relationship between prison architecture, its design and some central elements inherent to the functioning and experience of prison systems, such as adaptation processes, relationships, emotions, prison organization and management or detention regimes. Furthermore, rather than focusing on a specific national context, this conference was conceived to promote a comparative analysis and reflection on the experience of different countries regarding these elements.
Thus, we invite you to submit an abstract proposal for the thematic sessions of this conference on the following topics:
- Prison architecture and design;
- Prison organization, management, and technical support;
- Prison environment;
- Inmate experiences;
- Detention regimes.
Other related topics will be considered in additional thematic sessions. So, please feel free to submit a proposal on other topics.
Abstract rules:
- Abstracts should be submitted using the form available at the following link: https://forms.gle/ggpJ2TxNeJunSWK68
- All abstracts must include a title, abstract (≤ 250 words), authors, affiliations, and 3-5 keywords.
Important Deadlines:
Call for abstracts: May 31, 2024. NEW DEADLINE: June 20, 2024. No other extensions will be granted.
Notification Abstract Acceptance: July 14, 2024
Registration: July 15 – 31, 2024 (mandatory registration, but no fees required!!!), using the following link https://forms.gle/cjmC32UA6z49qEws6
Final Program: September 30, 2024
General information
We are delighted to welcome you to the conference, even if you are not presenting.
For further information, please contact us at: escolacr@direito.up.pt / +351 222041600