Joint Call for papers in collaboration with “SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE”, Journal of the Portuguese Sociological Association, “Spanish Journal of Sociology (RES-Revista Española de Sociología)” and “Sociologia Italiana. AIS Journal of Sociology”, the official journal of the Italian Sociological Association.
Revista Española de Sociología, journal of the Spanish Sociological Association – Call
SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE, Journal of the Portuguese Sociological Association – Call
Sociologia Italiana. AIS Journal of Sociology – Associazione Italiana di Sociologia – Call
Europe is facing new and radical challenges that demand extraordinary resilience from EU members, especially southern European societies, because of their outlying position and specific social problems in comparison with their EU neighbours. The difficulties of building a united Europe in the wake of the economic, financial and political crisis have exposed divergences in EU governance. In this context, sociology is an important tool to inform public policies and to provide the general public with an understanding of current challenges. The uses of sociology have social, political and practical implications in fields that are especially significant for southern European societies, such as welfare, work and employment, education, migration, social cohesion and political participation.
However, the usual tensions in the organization of scientific research are now particularly intense in terms of how the sociological knowledge utility is understood and communicated. The trend toward internationalization in current research systems forces research communities to compete in a global market of scientific production, where English is the dominant language, and to publish results for an academic audience. Simultaneously there is a pressing need to make sociological knowledge relevant and applicable to regional and local problems.
Aims and scope of the Special Issue
This special issue will discuss the challenges and dilemmas of different sociological orientations in order to complement internationalization and academic research with the uses of sociology aimed at solving social public problems in specific territorial contexts. Participants are invited to send papers on the relevance of sociological knowledge in recent years as a means to understanding southern European societies, at a local, regional and international level. We especially invite papers on the following topics:
– Empirical and conceptual approaches on social problems in Southern European societies, specially related to knowledge transfer and their use in public policies;
– Impact of the economic crisis on the social reality of Southern Europe. Transformations in institutions, social movements and forms of coexistence;
– Analysis and evaluation of European policies and their impact on different European realities;
– Knowledge transfer in sociology: conceptual approaches, organizational modes and research;
-The role of sociology as an academic and scientific discipline to detect social problems and contribute to the design of public policies in Europe.
The special issue accepts papers in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and English.
Authors’ guidelines
People interested in contributing to this Special Issue are invited to consult the publication guidelines of SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE available at
– Extended Abstracts (between 1000-1500 words) and key words: until 15th of November to be sent to the guest editors (email)
– Confirmation of acceptance to authors: 1st of December 2017
– Submission of full text: 1st of March 2018
– Double-blind review: March – April 2018
– Decision on manuscript after review: 1st of May 2018
– Revision and resubmission: 1st of July 2018
– Expected date of publication (Online-First): September 2018
Peer Review
All research articles published by SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. The review process is organized conjointly by the Guest Editors and Editors of SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE.
Guest editors
Luis Baptista (
María Dolores Martín-Lagos López (
Mar Venegas (
Ana Romão (
Consuelo Corradi (