[ Informação Karl van Meter, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique ]

Report – FEBRUARY 2020 – The ESSENTIAL TEXTS – Coronavirus, Trump & Sanders
by Karl M. van Meter (CMH-ENS, karl.vanmeter@ens.psl.eu)

Based on the co-occurrence of keys words in text approach, and our representative corpus of over 2,000 press reports from February 2020, the Calliope system of analysis has produced the February 2020 Strategic Diagram below with its seven clusters: “Coronavirus” alone in the first quadrant (above and to the right); “Trump” on the border between the first and fourth quadrant; “Sanders” on the border between the first quadrant and the second quadrant (above and to the left); “Bloomberg” alone in the second quadrant; “People” and “Official” in the third quadrant (below and to the left); and “Democrat” alone in the fourth quadrant (below and to the right). Each cluster is analyzed below with a diagram showing internal ties between the key words (within the cluster), and tables showing the strength of external (outside the cluster) ties. Using the analytical system’s measures, we also provide in a sub-section – “Top Texts” or “Divers Texts” – a few of the more important and often characteristic texts of the cluster.

Available free at https://www.academia.edu/42604682/FEBRUARY_2020_-_The_ESSENTIAL_TEXTS_Coronavirus_Trump_and_Sanders


[ Informação Marta Castelo Branco, ICS-ULisboa ]

Novidade – Imprensa de Ciências Sociais: “A Religião em Portugal”, por José Pereira Coutinho

Mais informações em https://mailchi.mp/2af96e5c958e/teste-2?e=e3b12697b6