[ Informação Le Monde Diplomatique – Edição Portuguesa ]
Le Monde Diplomatique – Edição Portuguesa | Arquivos | “Direitas: neoliberalismo contra Abril”
Link: https://pt.mondediplo.com/direitas-neoliberalismo-contra-abril.html
Número de Março nas bancas e online !
Link: https://pt.mondediplo.com/2024/03/
[ Informação Alexis Romero Salazar ]
Espacio Abierto, Cuaderno Venezolano de Sociología vol. 33, nº 1 (enero-marzo 2024)
Link: https://www.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/espacio
[ Informação Rita Vinhas (CNE) ]
Publicações do Conselho Nacional de Educação: “Estado da Educação 2022” (Edição 2023) e “DICA 2023”
É com grato prazer que enviamos os links de acesso às duas publicações do Conselho Nacional de Educação:
• Relatório Estado da Educação 2022 (Edição 2023) – uma publicação anual que recolhe de fontes primárias a informação quantitativa para que se possa refletir sobre temáticas pertinentes. A presente edição é caracterizada por uma natureza mais analítica, interpretativa e, simultaneamente, mais focada em domínios e processos do sistema educativo considerados relevantes.
Link: https://www.cnedu.pt/pt/publicacoes/estado-da-educacao/2191-estado-da-educacao-2022
• DICA – Divulgar, Inovar, Colaborar, Aprender – um projeto do CNE cujo principal propósito é contribuir para que o trabalho das escolas/agrupamentos e de todos os seus profissionais seja mais conhecido por parte das comunidades escolares e da sociedade em geral. Pretende-se a divulgação de práticas pedagógicas, consideradas inovadoras, que sustentam e incentivam o envolvimento dos alunos numa diversidade de tarefas, contribuindo reconhecidamente para melhorar a qualidade do ensino, das aprendizagens e da avaliação.
Link: https://www.cnedu.pt/pt/publicacoes/dica
[ Informação APS / ST Famílias e Curso de Vida ]
Divulgação: Novo livro “Studying Generations”
Publication and launch event: Studying Generations: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Studying Generations: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Helen Kingstone and Jennie Bristow, is published on 29 February by Bristol University Press. The book is available to read for free via Open Access, and is the first in the new Generations, Transitions and Social Change series.
The contributors to Studying Generations will be hosting an online discussion of the book’s core themes on Tuesday 14 May, from 15.00-17.00 UK time, and we would like to invite anybody interested in, or working with, the concept of generation to join us. The event will be free to attend but please register here:
Studying Generations: Book launch Tickets, Tue 14 May 2024 at 15:00 |
For any questions about Studying Generations, or the Generations, Transitions and Social Change series, please contact jennie.bristow@canterbury.ac.uk.
[ Informação Laura Rodríguez Pupo, Open Book Publishers ]
New Open Access Book Release: ‘A Country of Shepherds: Cultural Stories of a Changing Mediterranean Landscape’ by Kathleen Ann Myers
About the Book
The book is impressive, in that it brings a very human touch to a world that is too often either romanticized or mystified. The ‘living archive’ of life stories provides a brilliant and moving picture about the ways supposed traditions meet with supposed innovations, about the intimate relationships people can forge with animal and land, on how European techno-burocracies are brought to the ground and how policies are translated into practices, about the ways society evolves by reproducing old patterns in new styles. It also provides a brilliant insight into the Spanish pastoral society, which is quite vital and vocal, and which definitely contributes to reversing the typical “doom and gloom” narratives often associated with pastoralism (as also demonstrated through our PASTRES.org project). The pastoralists and shepherds depicted by Kathleen are not the “last ones”, they are rather some amongst many, different and diverse, men and women, more or less young, coming from different backgrounds and pointing in different directions, but lit by the same stars that have been illuminating the Mediterranean across history.
Michele Nori – Research Fellow, European University Institute
One of the strengths of the book is that it gives voice to underrepresented actors in pastoralism and specifically in transhumance. It gives the floor to women to understand their challenges and motivations when involved in pastoralism but also conveys the important message that generational renewal is essential to maintain the sector.
Athanasios Ragkos – Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Athens
This book draws on the life stories told by shepherds, farmers, and their families in the Andalusian region in Spain to sketch out the landscapes, actions, and challenges of people who work in pastoralism. Their narratives highlight how local practices interact with regional and European communities and policies, and they help us see a broader role for extensive grazing practices and sustainability.
A Country of Shepherds: Cultural Stories of a Changing Mediterranean Landscape is timely, reflecting the growing interest in ecological farming methods as well as the Spanish government’s recent work with UNESCO to recognise the seasonal movement of herd animals in the Iberian Peninsula as an Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Demonstrating the critical role of tradition, cultural geographies, and sustainability in the Mediterranean, this book will appeal to academicians but also to general readers who seek to understand, in very human terms, the impact of the world-wide environmental crisis we are now experiencing.
Access this Title
Read and Download for Free: We are pleased to inform you that A Country of Shepherds: Cultural Stories of a Changing Mediterranean Landscape is freely available to read and download in both PDF and HTML formats. Access the full text and explore the wealth of knowledge this publication has to offer.
Link: https://books.openbookpublishers.com/10.11647/obp.0387/
Secure Your Copy: For those who prefer a tangible edition or who are interested in acquiring the book in ePub format, you can do so at https://doi.org/10.11647/OBP.0387
Benefits for Library Members: Members of our library program enjoy discounts on physical copies and can access all digital editions for free. This is your opportunity to enrich your institutional library with cutting-edge insights!
[ Informação António Araújo, FFMS ]
Convite – “Analfabetismo: ainda realidade ou já arqueologia?”
(15 de março – 18h30 – Lisboa, El Corte Inglés [Sala Âmbito Cultural, piso 6])
Quem alguma vez visitou a aldeia de Casteleiro, no distrito da Guarda, talvez não se tenha apercebido logo de que se trata de uma das freguesias portuguesas com maior taxa de analfabetismo, que, a nível nacional, se situa nos 3%. Ali, ainda há quem assine de cruz e só conheça os símbolos do alfabeto, sem ser capaz de os unir com sentido.
Para conhecer a história e a realidade da alfabetização em Portugal, chamamos à conversa a autora do livro, Catarina Gomes, a jornalista e escritora Susana Moreira Marques e o professor e historiador Paulo Guinote.
Confirme a sua presença para o e-mail relacoespublicas@elcorteingles.pt